German dictionary

German Deutsch
Dictionary - Wörterbuch
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English > German translation

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German > English translation

Lara Deepl Google Reverso Bing

Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache des 20. Jahrhunderts (DWDS): Dictionary of the German language of the 20th century

& Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Deutschen (Etymological German dictionary) edited by Wolfgang Pfeifer (1993)

Wörterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache (WDG): dictionary of the contemporary German

Deutsches Wörterbuch: German dictionary, by Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm (19th century) meanings, etymology & quotations

Duden: German dictionary, declension & conjugation

Wörterbuchnetz: online German dictionaries (Universität Trier)

Deutsches Wörterbuch: German dictionary, by Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm (19th century)

Free dictionary: Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Wortschatz: morphology, synonyms

OpenThesaurus: synonyms & meanings

Synonym-Lexikothek der Wortbedeutungen: synonyms & words from the context of meaning

Reverso: German-English dictionary & words in context

Collins: German-English dictionary

Leo: German-English dictionary with pronunciation

Langenscheidt: German-English dictionary & multilingual

Lingea: German-English dictionary & multilingual


Pons: German-English dictionary & French, Italian, Spanish, Polish & spelling

Bildwörterbuch: German-English visual dictionary

WordReference: German-English dictionary

BeoLingus: German-English dictionary

Linguee: German-English translation of a phrase

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)

German-English online translation & other languages: texts & web page

Pauker: German-English dictionary & multilingual

Collins German: 3000 words and phrases (2019)

Netswerk, Deutsch als Fremdsprache : German-English vocabulary by topics, by Gavin Schalliol (2013)

Basic German vocabulary (by topics), Langenscheidt (1998)

2001 most useful German words by Joseph Moser (2012)

Loecsen: German-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: German-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: German-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

BBC & common phrases & vulgar (+ audio)

LanguageGuide: German vocabulary for beginners: by themes, with images (+ audio)

Tatoeba: sentences in German, with translation (audio)

Der Anglizismen-Index: German words to avoid the use of the anglicisms, Verein Deutsche Sprache (2018)

Redensarten-Index: expressions & locutions

etymological dictionary of law by Gerhard Köbler

Etymological dictionary of the German language by Friedrich Kluge (1891)

Dictionary of quotations (German) by Lilian Dalbiac (1906)

Encyclopaedic English-German dictionary, unabridged edition, by Eduard Muret & Daniel Sanders (1900)

English-German: A-K & L-Z German-English: A-J & K-Z

Encyclopaedic English-German dictionary, abridged edition for school and home, by Eduard Muret & Daniel Sanders (1910)


Dictionary of the English and German languages by Immanuel Schmidt, Gustav Tanger & Felix Flügel (1901)


Nathan Bailey's dictionary English-German by Johann Anton Fahrenkrüger (1801)


Old German & 19th century dictionaries

etymology - quotations

Encyclopaedia & Thematic dictionary


Meyers Konversationslexikon (1889)

Digitales Familiennamenwörterbuch Deutschlands: German surnames dictionary

Haack Weltatlas: world atlas world atlas & maps of the world

Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften: dictionary of law

business dictionary

German language

German keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the German alphabet & punctuation marks

Fraktur German keyboard to type a text with the Fraktur script

Verformen: German verb conjugation, noun declension & multilingual translation

Verblisten: lexicon of German verbs

Verbix: verb conjugation & German-English translation

German-grammar: German grammar with pronunciation (Deutschkurs)

Deutsche Welle: German course

Leo: German grammar

Grammis: German grammar, with dictionary (Institut für deutsche Sprache)

Deutsch-Online: German grammar (in German) German course online

ThoughtCo: German lessons & vocabulary

Foreign Service Institute: German course

Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache

Fragen und Antworten: questions & answers about the German language

Verein Deutsche Sprache

German by Rudolf Muhr & Gerhard Stickel, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2012)

Grammar of the German language by George Curme (1922)

Beginners' German by Max Walter & Carl Krause (1916)

German grammar for beginners by Paul Valentine Bacon (1916)

German grammar for schools and colleges, by William Van der Smissen & William Frasers (1910)

High school German grammar by William Van der Smissen & William Frasers (1910)

German self-taught by Franz Thimm (1905)

Short comparative grammar of English and German as traced back to their common origin and contrasted with the classical languages, by Victor Henry (1894)

German conversation-grammar by Emil Otto & William Cook (1887)

books & papers about the German language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia


Audio-Lingua: German records

YouTube: German course


Focus | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | Frankfurter Rundschau | Der Spiegel | Stuttgarter Zeitung | Süddeutsche Zeitung | Tagesschau | Taz | Die Welt | Die Zeit

News in level (+ audio)

News in slow German (+ audio)

Eurotopics: bilingual news German-English & French


Nachrichtenleicht: news in easy German

Arte live in German (or in French)

Arte: videos & news in German (or in French)

Deutsche Welle: online radio

Nachrichten für Lehrkräfte: news for German learners

Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten: slowly spoken news (+ audio)

Das Erste: online German television

Tageschau: news

ZDF: news

Logo: news for children (+ video)

Schweizer Fernsehen: Swiss television

German press & international

Texts & Literature

Projekt Gutenberg: German literature & German translations

LyrikLine: poems in German, with translation (+ audio)

Colibri (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin): Historische Kinderbücher (Old books for children)

Amalia: Märchen der Brüder Grimm (Grimm's fairy tales), by Kurt Derungs

Bible: German translations

Deutsche digitale Bibliothek: German books & documents

books about the German literature: Google books | Internet archive

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren.
Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.

Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte: translation into German (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text, German, English…

Germany: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

map of the German Länder

Baviera - Baden - Berlin - Bremen - Frankfurt

Austrian German

Swiss German

Low German

languages of Germany > Alemannic - Franconian - Bavarian - Austrian

Germanic languages

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025