Tatar dictionary

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Tatar dictionary


Corpus of written Tatar (+ audio)

Freelang: Tatar-English dictionary (Latin script)

Tatar-English vocabulary, common phrases

Pauctle: Tatar-Turkish dictionary Tatar-Russian dictionary & grammar

Etymologisches Wörterbuch der turko-tatarischen Sprachen: Tatar etymological dictionary, by Hermann Vámbéry (1878)

Tatar national concepts moŋ and bäkhillek in the original text and the translation, by Elvira Nagumanova, Gulfiya Gainullina, Oksana Shemshurenko, in XLinguae (2017)

Semantic field of "wish/desire" in the Tatar language, by Rustam Shamsutdinov, Liliya Mukharlyamova, Sholpan Zharkynbekova, Dilyara Shakirova, Alsu Ashrapova, in Journal of History Culture and Art Research (2017)

Formation of place names in Tatar by Rail Fahrutdinov, Ildar Akhmetzyanov, Almira Garaeva, in European Research Studies Journal (2017)

Phonetic and morphological analysis of word formation of Tatar names by Damir Husnutdinov, Ramilya Sagdieva, Ramil Mirzagitov, Radik Galiullin, Ayakoz Baidauletova, in Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (2019)

Tatar language dictionaries of 19th century as a unified historical and cultural phenomenon, by Alfiya Shavketovna Yusupova, in World Applied Sciences Journal (2014)

Tatar language

Tatar keyboard to type a text with the Cyrillic script

Tatar Latin keyboard

Изучаем татарский язык: Tatar course (in Russian)

Tatar grammar: a grammar of the contemporary Tatar literary language, by Gustav Burbiel (2018)

Tatar manual: descriptive grammar and texts & Tatar-English glossary, by Nicholas Poppe (1963) online

Vowel acoustics of Volga Tatar by Jenna Conklin & Olga Dmitrieva, in International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (2019)

Lautgeschichte der tatarischen Dialekte (Phonetic history of the Tatar dialects) by Árpád Berta (1989)

Tatar manual: descriptive grammar and texts, by Nicholas Poppe (1963)

Tatar-English glossary

Un réformateur tatar au XIXe siècle : ʿAbdul Qajjum Al-Nasyri, by Chantal Lemercier-Quelquejay, in Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique (1963)

Language "purity" and the de-russification of Tatar by Suzanne Wertheim, in Berkeley Program in Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies Working Paper Series (2002)

Азбука и грамматика татарскаго языка: Tatar-Russian dictionary & grammar (1809)

Азбука татарского языка: alphabet of the Tatar language (1778)

flag Tatarstan
The Tatar is a Turkish language. It was written with the Arabic script, and in 1929 with the Latin one. The Soviet Union imposed the use of the Cyrillic script in 1940.

Today, the Tatar language is written with the Cyrillic script, the Latin script is also used.

The Tatar is the language of the Tatarstan, republic of the Federation of Russia. The capital is Kazan (in Tatar: Казан, Qazan). It's closed to the Bashkir language, spoken in the Bashkortostan (or Bachkiria).

Texts & Literature

Institute for Bible Translation: translation of the Bible into Tatar (2015) (+ audio)

Tanzil: translation of the Quran into Tatar, by Yakub Ibn Nugman

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Барлык кешеләр дә азат һәм үз абруйлары һәм хокуклары ягыннан тиң булып туалар.
Аларга акыл һәм вөҗдан бирелгән һәм бер-берсенә карата туганарча мөнәсәбәттә булырга тиешләр.

Кеше хокукларының гомуни декларациясе: text in Tatar (+ audio)

Tatar civilization

Nation, language, islam: Tatarstan's sovereignty movement, by Helen Faller (2011)

Unofficial Tatar national anthem, based on the poem by Gabdullah Tukay: Tugan tel (Native tongue)

A struggle for independence in the Russian Federation: the case of the Tatars, by Nadir Devlet, in Cahiers d'études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien (1993)

L'influence tatare sur l'État et la société russes by Pierre Gonneau, in Revue des études slaves (2000)

Identité régionale et identité nationale : l'émancipation politique du Tatarstan de juin 1988 au 21 mars 1992, by Jean-Robert Raviot, in Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest (1993)

Du soviétique tatar au Tatar kazakhstanais : les voies multiples de la « tatarité », by Yves-Marie Davenel, in Cahiers d'Asie centrale (2011)

Il'minskij et la politique de russification des Tatars (1865-1891), by Jean Saussay, in Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique (1967)

L'apostasie des Tatars christianisés en 1866 (1968)

L'islam populaire chez les Tatars chrétiens orthodoxes au XIXe siècle, by Agnès Kefeli-Clay, in Cahiers du monde russe (1996)

Entre Boukhara et la Moyenne-Volga : ʿAbd an-Nasīr al-Qūrsāwī (1776-1812) en conflit avec les oulémas traditionalistes, by Michael Kemper, in Cahiers du monde russe (1996)

Les missions orthodoxes en pays musulmans de Moyenne et Basse Volga (1552-1865), by Chantal Lemercier-Quelquejay, in Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique (1967)

Les khanats de Kazan et de Crimée face à la Moscovie en 1521, in Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique (1971)

Crimean Tatar

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