Kyrgyz dictionary

Kyrgyz Кыргыз тили
Dictionary - Сөздук
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а б в г д е ё ж з и й к қ л м н ң о ө п р с т у ү ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я Kyrgyz keyboard
English > Kyrgyz dictionary & translation

Glosbe Google Bing

Kyrgyz > English dictionary & translation

Glosbe Google Bing

Kyrgyz dictionary

prononciation Wikipedia Google search

Tamgasoft: Kyrgyz-English dictionary & French, Russian

spell checker, correction of spelling and grammar errors

Pauctle: Kyrgyz-Turkish dictionary

Кыргызча-орусча сөздук: Russian-Kyrgyz dictionary by Константин Юдахин (Constantin Yudakhin) (1984)

А-К & Л-Я

Talking Kyrgyz phrasebook: Kyrgyz-English common phrases, by Michael Denner & Mirajidin Arynov (+ audio)

17 minute languages: Kyrgyz-English common phrases (+ audio)

Kyrgyz-French-English glossary on livestock-keeping and pastures, by Irène Mestre (2018)

Kyrgyz language

Kyrgyz keyboard to type a text with the Cyrillic script

Kyrgyz alphabet

Kyrgyz language manuel (1997) (Peace Corps)

Kirghiz language competencies for Peace Corps volunteers in Kirghizstan (1993)

books & papers about the Kyrgyz language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia


BBC in Kyrgyz

Texts & Literature

Kyrgyz prose during perestroika: anticipating or constructing the future? by Gulnara Aitpaeva, in Cahiers d'Asie centrale (2015)

Oral epics into the 21st century: the case of the Kyrgyz epic Manas, by Karl Reichl, in Journal of American folklore (2016)

The Kyrgyz epic Manas

Ыйык Кураан: translation of the Quran into Kyrgyz

Institute for Bible Translation: translation of the Bible into Kyrgyz

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Бардык адамдар өз беделинде жана укуктарында эркин жана тең укуктуу болуп жаралат.
Алардын аң-сезими менен абийири бар жана бири-бирине бир туугандык мамилекылууга тийиш.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Kyrgyz & other languages

Kyrgyzstan: maps & documents


Turkic languages: Azerbaijani - Uyghur - Uzbek - Tatar - Turkish - Turkmen

Ottoman Turkish

Russian language

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025