• Etymological dictionary of the Slavic inherited lexicon by Rick Derksen (2008)
• Etymologisches Wörterbuch der slavischen sprachen: etymological dictionary of the Slavic languages, by Franz Miklosich (1886)
• Lexicon palæoslovenico-græco-latinum: dictionary of Old Slavic-Greek-Latin, by Franz Miklosich (1862)
• Measurement of time by the Ancient Slavs by Roman Zaroff, in Studia Mythologica Slavica (2016)
• La semaine slave (the Slavic week) by Petar Skok, in Revue des études slaves (1925)
• La terminologie chrétienne en slave (the church, the priests and the faithfuls in Slavic) (1927)
• le parrain, la marraine et le filleul (godfather, godmother, godson) (1930)
• Slavischen Monatsnamen (Slavic month names), by Franz Miklosich (1867)
• Les prénoms chez les Slaves du Sud (the first names among South Slavs) by Henri Boissin, in Revue des études slaves (1951)
• Old Romance place names in early South Slavic and late Proto-Slavic sound changes, by Matej Šekli, in Linguistic (2015)
• Britannica: Slavic languages, by Wayles Browne & Vyacheslav Ivanov
• University of Texas: Old Church Slavonic language & grammar
• Old Russian (Old East Slavic)
• Grammaire comparée des langues slaves: compared grammar of the Slavic languages, by André Vaillant (1950): I (phonetics)
& II-1 (morphology, nominal flexion) - II-2 (morphology, pronominal flexion) - III (verb) - IV (nouns formation) - V (syntax)
• Vergleichende grammatik der slavischen Sprachen: Compared grammar of the Slavic languages, by Franz Miklosich (1879): I & II - III - IV
• Les deux i de l'alphabet vieux-slave et du slave commun by André Vaillant, in Revue des études slaves (1931)
• L'alphabet vieux-slave (1955)
• L'article en vieux-slave (1942)
• Problèmes de la formation des langues littéraires slaves by Robert Auty, in Revue des études slaves (1966)
• L'unité linguistique slave by Antoine Meillet, in Scientia (1920)
• The use of script by Siberian Old Believers as a cultural marker for texts, by Valeriya Esipova, in Revue Mabillon (2015)
• What can the Arab geographers deliver on slavic historical phonology? by Andrii Danylenko, in Slavonic and East European review (2020)
• Slavic-Albanian language contact, convergence and coexistence by Matthew Curtis, thesis (2012)
• Les derniers vestiges du parler slave de Boboščica et de Drenovene (Boboshticë and Drenovë, in Albania), by Marcel Courthiade, in Revue des études slaves (1988)
• Documents, contes et chansons slaves de l'Albanie du sud by André Mazon (1936)
• Altkirchenslawisch: Old Church Slavonic, by Georg Holzer, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)
• Altkirchenslavische Studien: Old Church Slavonic studies, by Jos Schaeken & Henrik Birnbaum (1997)
• Saint Cyrille et saint Méthode, première lutte des Allemands contre les Slaves & Essai sur les destinées du glagol et un mémoire sur l'alphabet, la langue et les rites des apôtres slaves au IXe siècle, by Adophe d'Avril (1885)
• Histoire de la langue et de la littérature des Slaves, Russes, Serbes, Bohèmes, Polonais et Lettons, by Frédéric Gustave Eichhoff (1839)
• Geschichte der slawischen Sprache und Literatur nach allen Mundarten, by Paul Joseph Šafařík (1869)
• Propheta Oseas, Analecta sacræ scripturæ ex antiquioribus codicibus glagoliticis: the Book of Hosea in Glagolitic script, introduced by Joseh Vais (1910)
• Slavische Chrestomathie: Slavic chrestomathy with Slavic-German glossary, by Erich Berneker (1902)
• Patrimoine des bibliothèques de Reims : L'Évangeliaire slavon, dit « Texte du sacre » (Reims Gospel, manuscript)
• Evangelia Slavice, quibus olim in regum Francorum oleo sacro inungendorum solemnibus uti solebat ecclesia Remensis, vulgo, Texte du sacre: reproduction of the manuscript, introduced by Joseph Balthasar Silvestre, with translation into Latin, by Bartholomäus Kopitar (1843)
• Notice sur L'Évangéliaire slavon de Reims, dit Texte du sacre, by Louis Leger (1899)
• National Library of Russia: Codex Zographensis
• Quattuor Evangeliorum codex glagoliticus olim Zographensis nunc Petropolitanus, edited by Vatroslav Jagi (1879)
• Titus: Codex Zographensis, text version, on the basis of the edition by Vatroslav Jagić, corrected by Leszek Moszyński (1961)
→ First Article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the Slavic languages (+ audio)
• Slověne, International Journal of Slavic Studies
• Australian Slavonic and East European Studies
• Centre de recherches en épistémologie comparée de la linguistique d'Europe centrale et orientale: texts about linguistics & Slavic languages, by Patrick Sériot
• books about the Slavic languages: Google books & Internet archive
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