Slavic languages

Indo-European > Slavic languages

Etymological dictionary of the Slavic inherited lexicon by Rick Derksen (2008)

Etymologisches Wörterbuch der slavischen sprachen: etymological dictionary of the Slavic languages, by Franz Miklosich (1886)

Lexicon palæoslovenico-græco-latinum: dictionary of Old Slavic-Greek-Latin, by Franz Miklosich (1862)

Measurement of time by the Ancient Slavs by Roman Zaroff, in Studia Mythologica Slavica (2016)

La semaine slave (the Slavic week) by Petar Skok, in Revue des études slaves (1925)

La terminologie chrétienne en slave (the church, the priests and the faithfuls in Slavic) (1927)

le parrain, la marraine et le filleul (godfather, godmother, godson) (1930)

Slavischen Monatsnamen (Slavic month names), by Franz Miklosich (1867)

Les prénoms chez les Slaves du Sud (the first names among South Slavs) by Henri Boissin, in Revue des études slaves (1951)

Old Romance place names in early South Slavic and late Proto-Slavic sound changes, by Matej Šekli, in Linguistic (2015)

Langues slaves

Glagolitic keyboard

Britannica: Slavic languages, by Wayles Browne & Vyacheslav Ivanov

University of Texas: Old Church Slavonic language & grammar

Old Russian (Old East Slavic)

Grammaire comparée des langues slaves: compared grammar of the Slavic languages, by André Vaillant (1950): I (phonetics)

& II-1 (morphology, nominal flexion) - II-2 (morphology, pronominal flexion) - III (verb) - IV (nouns formation) - V (syntax)

Vergleichende grammatik der slavischen Sprachen: Compared grammar of the Slavic languages, by Franz Miklosich (1879): I & II - III - IV

Les deux i de l'alphabet vieux-slave et du slave commun by André Vaillant, in Revue des études slaves (1931)

L'alphabet vieux-slave (1955)

L'article en vieux-slave (1942)

Problèmes de la formation des langues littéraires slaves by Robert Auty, in Revue des études slaves (1966)

L'unité linguistique slave by Antoine Meillet, in Scientia (1920)

The use of script by Siberian Old Believers as a cultural marker for texts, by Valeriya Esipova, in Revue Mabillon (2015)

What can the Arab geographers deliver on slavic historical phonology? by Andrii Danylenko, in Slavonic and East European review (2020)

Slavic-Albanian language contact, convergence and coexistence by Matthew Curtis, thesis (2012)

Les derniers vestiges du parler slave de Boboščica et de Drenovene (Boboshticë and Drenovë, in Albania), by Marcel Courthiade, in Revue des études slaves (1988)

Documents, contes et chansons slaves de l'Albanie du sud by André Mazon (1936)

Altkirchenslawisch: Old Church Slavonic, by Georg Holzer, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)

Altkirchenslavische Studien: Old Church Slavonic studies, by Jos Schaeken & Henrik Birnbaum (1997)

Saint Cyrille et saint Méthode, première lutte des Allemands contre les Slaves & Essai sur les destinées du glagol et un mémoire sur l'alphabet, la langue et les rites des apôtres slaves au IXe siècle, by Adophe d'Avril (1885)

Reims Gospel

Reims Gospel,
manuscript in Glagolitic script

Texts & Literature

Histoire de la langue et de la littérature des Slaves, Russes, Serbes, Bohèmes, Polonais et Lettons, by Frédéric Gustave Eichhoff (1839)

Geschichte der slawischen Sprache und Literatur nach allen Mundarten, by Paul Joseph Šafařík (1869)

Propheta Oseas, Analecta sacræ scripturæ ex antiquioribus codicibus glagoliticis: the Book of Hosea in Glagolitic script, introduced by Joseh Vais (1910)

Slavische Chrestomathie: Slavic chrestomathy with Slavic-German glossary, by Erich Berneker (1902)

Patrimoine des bibliothèques de Reims : L'Évangeliaire slavon, dit « Texte du sacre » (Reims Gospel, manuscript)

Evangelia Slavice, quibus olim in regum Francorum oleo sacro inungendorum solemnibus uti solebat ecclesia Remensis, vulgo, Texte du sacre: reproduction of the manuscript, introduced by Joseph Balthasar Silvestre, with translation into Latin, by Bartholomäus Kopitar (1843)

Notice sur L'Évangéliaire slavon de Reims, dit Texte du sacre, by Louis Leger (1899)

National Library of Russia: Codex Zographensis

Quattuor Evangeliorum codex glagoliticus olim Zographensis nunc Petropolitanus, edited by Vatroslav Jagi (1879)

Titus: Codex Zographensis, text version, on the basis of the edition by Vatroslav Jagić, corrected by Leszek Moszyński (1961)

First Article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the Slavic languages (+ audio)


Slověne, International Journal of Slavic Studies

Australian Slavonic and East European Studies

Revue des études slaves

Centre de recherches en épistémologie comparée de la linguistique d'Europe centrale et orientale: texts about linguistics & Slavic languages, by Patrick Sériot

books about the Slavic languages: Google books & Internet archive

Serbo-Croatian - Serbian - Croatian - Bosnian - Montenegrin

Indo-European languages

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025