Bosnian dictionary

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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English > Bosnian dictionary

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Bosnian > English dictionary

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English > Bosnian translation

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Bosnian > English translation

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Prevod: Bosnian-English dictionary & German, French, Turkish, Hungarian, Czech, Latin

Goethe-Verlag: Bosnian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

Croatian & Serbian dictionaries

Eine Studie zur Funktionalität des Bosnischen Phraseologischen Wörterbuches unter Berücksichtigung der mittelsüdslawischen Phraseologieforschung, by Regina Mörtl (2015)

Muslim names: the Bosnian way by Johanna Virkkula, in Slavica Helsingiensia (2012)

Bosnian language

Bosnian keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Bosnian script

Bosnian Arebica keyboard (Arabic script)

Learn Bosnian: Bosnian grammar & Bosnian-English vocabulary, by Namira Bajraktarević (WaybackMachine)

Govor grada Sarajeva i razgovorni bosanski jezik: the spoken Bosnian language, by Senahid Halilović, Ilijas Tanović, Amela Šehović (2009)

Gramatika bosanskoga jezik: Bosnian grammar, by Dževad Jahić, Senahid Halilović, Ismail Palić (2000)

Pravopis bosanskoga jezika: spelling of the Bosnian language, by Senahid Halilović (1996)

Bosanski jezik u 100 pitanja i 100 odgovora: the Bosnian language, questions and answers, by Dževad Jahić (1999)

Handbook of Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian by Wayles Brown & Theresa Alt (2004)

Grammatical categories in English and Bosnian by Adisa Imamović (2017)

Gramatika bosanskoga jezika za srednje škole: grammar of the Bosnian language for the school (1890)

Bosnisch: the Bosnian language, by Sigrid Darinka Völkl, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)

Making Boshnjak ethnonational identity by creation of Bosnian language in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Sandžak (1993-2009), by Vladislav Sotirović (2009)

Is there/will there be a Bosnian language? aspects of the language situation in post-war Bosnia (1991-1995), by Geoff Husic, in South Slav journal (2000)

Ethno-linguistical and dynamic transformation process of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Ülkü Ayhan & Azamat Akbarov, in International journal of literature and language education (2012)

Linguistic (un)reality in contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina by Željko Jozić, in Slavica Helsingiensia (2012)

The Austro-Hungarian language policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1878-1918) by Anida Sokol (2014)

Lingua e identità nazionale in Bosnia-Erzegovina, dal multiculturalismo all'esclusivismo linguistico (language and national identity in Bosnia and Herzegovina), by Anida Sokol (2015)

The official Bosnian language at the beginning of public schooling in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosniakdom and the Bosnian language in the extbooks of Bosnian Franciscans Ambroža Matić and Augustin Miletić, by Jasmin Hodžić, in Bosniaca (2022)

Dictionary manuscripts and lexicographic tradition in Bosnia from the 16th to the 19th century, by Dželila Babović, in Bosniaca (2022)

Arebica in Bosnia: short notes and one review: from the treasury of Bosnian authentic syncretism, by Adnan Tufekčić, in Spirit of Bosnia / Duh Bosne (2020)

La tradizione culturale e letteraria dell'alfabeto arebica nel territorio bosniaco, by Marijana Puljić, dissertation (2019)

Caratteri arabi per la lingua bosniaca: esempi di scrittura fra influssi ottomani e riappropriazioni locali, by Giustina Selvelli, in Contatti di lingue, contatti di scritture (2015)

Some remarks on Aljamiado literature and the usage of Arebica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by Zuzana Gažáková, in Script beyond borders : a survey of allographic traditions in the Euro-Mediterranean world (2014)

books & papers about the Bosnian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia


Oslobođenje - Dnevni avaz: newspapers

Radio Sarajevo

DW - VOA: news in Bosnian

Texts & Literature

Biblioteca Sarajeva: online books about Bosnian language and literature

LyrikLine: Bosnians poems, with translation (+ audio)

Le théâtre d'aujourd'hui en Bosnie-Herzégovine, Croatie, Serbie et Monténégro, Revue des études slaves (2006)

Temps et chronotope dans le théâtre d'aujourd'hui en Bosnie-Herzégovine, by Tanja Miletić-Oručević

Pour une anthologie imaginaire du théâtre contemporain en Bosnie-Herzégovine, by Ljubica Ostojić

Srebrenica dans les drames d'après-guerre en Bosnie-Herzégovine, by Muhamed Dželilović

Les auteurs dramatiques, de l'autodidacte au postmoderniste : l'écriture théâtrale contemporaine en Bosnie-Herzégovine, by Marko Kovačević

Aux racines intellectuelles de la pensée nationale chez les musulmans de Bosnie-Herzégovine : Safvet-beg Bašagić (1870-1934), by Philippe Gelez (2010)

L'Empire ottoman et ses vestiges dans la littérature bosniaque moderne (The Ottoman Empire and its vestiges in contemporary Bosnian literature, 19th-20th centuries), by Jasna Šamić, in Cahiers balkaniques (2008)

Deux livres d'heures du XVIe siècle en cyrillique bosniaque by Mario Roques, in Revue des études slaves (1932)

Tanzil: translation of the Quran into Bosnian, by Besim Korkut

translation by Mustafa Mlivo

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Sva ljudska bića rađaju se slobodna i jednaka u dostojanstvu i pravima.
Ona su obdarena razumom i sviješću i treba da jedno prema drugome postupaju u duhu bratstva.

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian & other languages

Bosnia and Herzegovina: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

Serbo-Croatian - Serbian - Croatian - Montenegrin

Cyrillic-Latin conversion

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025