Slovak dictionary

Slovak slovenčina
Dictionary - Slovník
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English > Slovak dictionary

Lingea Glosbe MyMemory Slovní Zoznam Iate

Slovak > English dictionary

Lingea Glosbe MyMemory Slovní Zoznam Iate

English > Slovak translation

Deepl Google Bing

Slovak > English translation

Deepl Google Bing

Slovenské slovníky: Slovak dictionaries: meanings in Slovak in several dictionaries

Slex: Slovak dictionaries, meanings in Slovak

Lingea: Slovak-English dictionary & multilingual

Konverzácia: Slovak-English phrase book (for Slovak speakers)

Slovní Slovak-English dictionary & French, German

Zoznam: Slovak-English dictionary & English, German, Hungarian, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)

Slovak-Hungarian dictionary

Slovak-Russian dictionary

online translation: Slovak-English & other languages: text & web page

Loecsen: Slovak-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Slovak-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Slovak-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Peace Corps: Slovak-English common phrases

Hippocrene concise dictionary: Slovak-English & English-Slovak dictionary, by Nina Trnka (1992) online

Slovak-English, English-Slovak dictionary and phrasebook, by Sylvia & John Lorinc (1999) online

Praktičný slovensko-anglický tlumač, The practical Slovak American interpreter: common phrases & Slovak-English vocabulary, by Paul Kadak (1905)

Hungarian loanwords in the Slovak language by Luciano Rocchi (2010)

A-K - L-R - S-Ž

Turkic in Slovak by Marek Stachowski, in Studia linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis (2020)

etymological studies about the Slovak language, by Ľubor Králik (in Slovak)

Slovak language

Slovak keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Slovak alphabet

Forma: spelling corrector Slovak alphabet, pronunciation & common phrases (+ audio)

Slovak language lessons for beginners by Marek Hlavac (+ audio)

Slovak for beginners by Gary Lord

Základy slovenskej gramatiky: basic Slovak grammar, by Tomáš Dratva, Peace Corps (1997)

Pravidlá slovenského pravopisu: rules of the Slovak spelling

Colloquial Slovak, the complete course for beginners, by James Naughton (1997) online

Slovak by Jana Kesselová & Daniela Slančová, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2010)

Slowakisch: Slovak, by Anneliese Gladrow, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)

Ostslowakisch: Eastern Slovak, by Aleksandr Duličenko

Why the Slovak language has three dialects, a case study in historical perceptual dialectology, by Alexander Maxwell, in Austrian history yearbook (2006)

Czechs, Slovaks and the Slovak linguistic separatism of the mid-nineteenth century, by Hugh Agnew (1990)

Illustrations of the IPA: Slovak, by Adriana Hanulíkóva & Silke Hamann, in Journal of the International phonetic association (2010)

Syllabic /l/ in Slovak and the effect of prosodic emphasis, by Lia Saki Bučar Shigemori, thesis (2017)

studies about the Slovak language, by Diana Lemay (2008)

L'ordre des mots en slovaque (2008)

Morphologie constructionnelle du slovaque et éléments de comparaison avec le français : les adjectifs dénominaux construits par composition et dérivation, by Iveta Chovanová, thesis (2011)

Les procédés paralinguistiques de l'énonciation en langue slovaque by Olgo Schulzová, in Revue des études slaves (1990)

Le passage de g à h en slovaque by Henri Bartek, in Revue des études slaves (1931)

Rukoväť spisovnej reči slovenskej: handbook of the Slovak literary language, by Samo Czambel (1905)

Grammatik der slovakischen Sprache: Slovak grammar, by Josef Viktorin (1865)

Mluvnica jazyka slovenského: Slovak grammar, by Martin Hattala (1865)

Srovnávací mluvnice jazyka českého a slovenského: comparative grammar of Slovak & Czech languages, by Martin Hattala (1857)

Grammatica slavica: Slovak grammar, by Anton Bernolák (1790)

Schlowakische Grammatik (1817)


Pravda - SME - Týždeň - Aktuality

TA3: news channel

RTV: online Slovak radios

Texts & Literature

LyrikLine: poems in Slovak, with translation (+ audio)

Zlatý fond: online books

Intratext: Slovak literature (texts with concordance)

Ludovít Štúr

Biblia online: Catholic Bible, Evangelical Bible, Ecumenical Bible, translations by Jozef Roháček (1936), Anton Botek (Jerusalem Bible)

Moja Biblia: Catholic Bible, Evangelical Bible, Ecumenical Bible, translation by Jozef Roháček (1936) & other languages

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Všetci ľudia sa rodia slobodní a sebe rovní, čo sa týka ich dôstojnosti a práv.
Sú obdarení rozumom a majú navzájom jednať v bratskom duchu.

Všeobecná deklarácia ľudských práv: translation into Slovak (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Slovak, Czech, English & other languages

Some Slovak words

c is pronounced /ts/ and is pronounced /tʃ/

Slovák Slovak (man)
Slovenka Slovak (woman)
ahoj ! hello! 
dobrý deň! good morning!
dobrý večer ! good evening!
dobrú noc ! good night!
dovidenia ! good bye!
ako sa máte ? how are you?
ako sa máš ? how are you? (with friends)
dobre ! good !
prosím ! please !
áno / nie yes / no
dobrú chuť ! enjoy your meal!
ďakujem ! thank you! (the capital letter is Ďakujem)
čo je to ? what is it?

books & studies about the Slovak language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

books about the Slovak literature: Google books & Internet archive

James Naughton's pages: Slovak & Czech Slovak language & literature

Slovakia: maps, heritage & documents

Czech language

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2024