• Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša: Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovenian Language
• Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika: Dictionary of the Slovenian language
• Slovar novejšega besedja slovenskega jezika: dictionary of the new words of the Slovenian language (2012)
• Slovar stare knjižne prekmurščine: dictionary of the Prekmurje dialect (East Slovenia & Hungary) by Vilko Novak (2006)
• Besedje slovenskega knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja: vocabulary of the literary Slovenian language of the 16th century, by Kozma Ahačič (2011)
• Slovar jezika Janeza Svetokriškega: dictionary of the Janez Svetokriški's language (beginning 17th) by Marko Snoj (2011)
• Slovensko-nemški slovar: Slovenian-German dictionary, by Maks Pleteršnik (1894)
• Dictionarium latino-carniolicum: Slovenian-Latin dictionary, by Matija Kastelec, revised by Gregor Vorenc (1710)
• Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša (Bos portal) search in the text & Slovenian corpus
• Lingea: Slovenian-English dictionary & multilingual
• Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)
• Slovenian for travelers: Slovenian-English vocabulary by topics, with pronunciation & sound
• Goethe-Verlag: Slovenian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)
• LingoHut: Slovenian-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)
• Presis: online Slovenian-English translation
→ online translation: Slovenian-English & other languages: text & web page
• English-Slovene & Slovene-English modern dictionary, by Daša Komac (1994)
• Complete Dictionary of the English and Slovene Languages for general use, by Frank Jauh Kern (1919)
• Slovenian-English dictionary & English grammar for Slovenian people, by Victor Kubelka (1912)
• Slovenian-English pocket dictionary by Victor Kubelka (1904)
• Slovensko-nemški slovar: Slovenian-German dictionary, by Maks Pleteršnik (1894)
• Deutsch-slovenisches Wörterbuch: German-Slovenian dictionary, by Matej Cigale (1860)
• Wörterbuch der slovenischen und deutschen Sprache: Slovenian-German dictionary, by Anton Janežič (1851)
• German-Slovenian dictionary
• Dialoghi italiani, tedeschi e sloveni: dialogues in Italian, German and Slovenian, by Joseph Premru (1850)
• Tu malu besedishe treh jesikov, Das ist: das kleine Wörterbuch in dreyen Sprachen, Quod est: parvum dictionarium trilingue: Slovenian-German-Latin dictionary, by Marko Pohlin (1791)
• Deutsch-windisches Wörterbuch: German-Slovenian dictionary, by Oswald Gutsmann (1789) or PDF
• Dictionarium trilingue ex tribus nobilissimis Europæ linguis compositium, latino-germanico-sclavonicum: Latin-German-Slovenian dictionary, by Hipolit Novomeški (1711)
• Dictionarium quatuor linguarum videlicet, germanicæ, latinæ, illyricæ, (quæ vulgo sclavonica appellatur) & italicæ, sive hetruscæ: German-Latin-Slovenian-Italian dictionary, by Hieronimus Megiser (1592) or PDF
• The etymology of Ljubljana-Laibach by Tijmen Pronk, in Folia onomastica croatica (2007)
• Slovenian place names in Carinthia (Austria), by Heinz-Dieter Pohl, in Onomàstica (2016)
• Ortsnamen slawischer bzw. slowenischer Herkunft in Kärnten und Osttirol, in Namenkundliche Informationen (2011)
• Slowenische Namen und Wörter aus Kals in Osttirol: Slovenian names and words of Kals (East Tyrol, Austria), in Jezikoslovni zapiski (2007)
• Slovene place names with the suffix -ina: some difficult cases and implications for south Slavic onomastics, by Marko Snoj, in Slovene linguistic studies (2009)
• The English-Slovene language contact: borrowing of personal names, by Eva Sicherl, in Linguistica (2015)
→ Slovenian keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Slovenian alphabet
• pronunciation (+ audio)
• noun declension & verb conjugation
• Teach yourself Slovene, by Andrea Albretti (1997)
• Short reference grammar of standard Slovene by Mark Greenberg (2006)
• About Slovenian language (2007) (in Slovenian & English)
• Slovenian by Jože Toporišič & Donald Reindl, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2010)
• Slowenisch: Slovenian, by Igor Grdina & Marko Stabej, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)
• Lo sloveno: Slovenian spoken in the Italian border region, by Matej Šekli, in Le varietà storiche minoritarie in Italia (2024) NEW
• The second Proto-Slavic palatalisation in Slovene dialect morphophonology and the etymology of špik (mountain top) by Tijmen Pronk
• Grammaticalization and language contact between German and Slovene by Alja Lipavic Oštir, in Grammaticalization in Slavic languages (2010)
• L'accent slovène et le timbre des voyelles by Lucien Tesnière, in Revue des études slaves (1929)
• studies about the Slovenian language, by Marko Jesenšek
• Multilingualism in Carinthia: the case of Slovene and the Slovene minority, by Ursula Doleschal, in The Polyphony of English Studies (2017)
• La formation historique des limites linguistiques italo-slovènes by Milko Kos (1919)
• Les rapports mutuels du serbo-croate et du slovène by Aleksandar Belić, in Revue des études slaves (1921)
• Grammatica & vocabolario della lingua slovena: Slovenian grammar & Slovenian-Italian vocabulary, by Bruno Guyon (1902)
• Grammatik der slavischen Sprache in Krain, Kärnten und Steyermark: grammar of the slavic language in Carniola, Carinthia andStyria, by Jernej Kopitar (1808)
• Kraynska grammatika: grammar by Marko Pohlin (1768)
• Arcticæ horulæ succisivæ de latinocarniolana literatura: first Slovenian grammar, by Adam Bohorič (1584) or PDF
• Omnis lingua confitebitur Deo, writing the first Slovenian grammar (1584) by Kozma Ahačič, in Histoire épistémologie langage (2008)
• Grammatica latino-germanico-slavonica by Hipolit Novomeški (1715)
• Grammatica oder windisches Sprach-Buch (1758) translation into German
• Slovene linguistic studies: online journal
• books & papers about the Slovenian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia
• Dnevnik
• Radiotelevizija Slovenija: Slovenian television
• Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, National and university library
• Dlib: digital library
• Locutio: Journal of the Slovenian literature
• LyrikLine: Slovenian poems, with translation (+ audio)
• Slovenske narodne pesmi: Slovenian folk songs (+ audio)
• Intratext: Slovenian literature texts with concordances
• Slovenian translations of The merchant of Venice, encoding heteronormativity in the target culture, by Vojko Gorjan, in Meta, journal des traducteurs (2012)
• Cvetje slovenskiga pesničtva: anthology of the Slovenian poetry, by Ivan Macun (1850)
• Geschichte der südslawischen Literatur: slowenisches und glagolitisches Schriftthum, by Pavel Jozef Šafárik (1864)
• Biblija.net: several Slovenian translations of the Bible & Bible of Dalmatin (1584)
• Biblia, tu ie vse Svetu pismu stariga inu Noviga Testamenta, by Jurij Dalmatin (1584) the first Slovenian translation
Vsi ljudje se rodijo svobodni in imajo enako dostojanstvo in enake pravice.
Obdarjeni so z razumom in vestjo in bi morali ravnati drug z drugim kakor bratje.
→ First article in different languages
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in Slovenian, English & other languages
dober dan! | good morning! |
dober večer! | good evening! |
lahko noč! | good night! |
zdravo! | hello! & bye! |
na svidenje! | good bye! (and see you soon) |
zbogom! | good bye! |
srečno! | good luck! |
hvala (lepa)! | thank you (very much) |
nič | nothing |
koliko si star ? | how old are you? |
→ Slovenia: maps, symbols, heritage & documents