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Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša: Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovenian Language

Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika: Dictionary of the Slovenian language

Slovar novejšega besedja slovenskega jezika: dictionary of the new words of the Slovenian language (2012)

Slovar stare knjižne prekmurščine: dictionary of the Prekmurje dialect (East Slovenia & Hungary) by Vilko Novak (2006)

Besedje slovenskega knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja: vocabulary of the literary Slovenian language of the 16th century, by Kozma Ahačič (2011)

Slovar jezika Janeza Svetokriškega: dictionary of the Janez Svetokriški's language (beginning 17th) by Marko Snoj (2011)

Slovensko-nemški slovar: Slovenian-German dictionary, by Maks Pleteršnik (1894)

Dictionarium latino-carniolicum: Slovenian-Latin dictionary, by Matija Kastelec, revised by Gregor Vorenc (1710)

Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša (Bos portal) search in the text & Slovenian corpus

Lingea: Slovenian-English dictionary & multilingual

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)

Slovenian for travelers: Slovenian-English vocabulary by topics, with pronunciation & sound

Goethe-Verlag: Slovenian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Slovenian-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Presis: online Slovenian-English translation

online translation: Slovenian-English & other languages: text & web page

English-Slovene & Slovene-English modern dictionary, by Daša Komac (1994) online

Complete Dictionary of the English and Slovene Languages for general use, by Frank Jauh Kern (1919)

Slovenian-English dictionary & English grammar for Slovenian people, by Victor Kubelka (1912)

Slovenian-English pocket dictionary by Victor Kubelka (1904)

Slovensko-nemški slovar: Slovenian-German dictionary, by Maks Pleteršnik (1894)

A-O & P-Ž

Deutsch-slovenisches Wörterbuch: German-Slovenian dictionary, by Matej Cigale (1860)

A-L & M-Z

Wörterbuch der slovenischen und deutschen Sprache: Slovenian-German dictionary, by Anton Janežič (1851)

German-Slovenian dictionary

Dialoghi italiani, tedeschi e sloveni: dialogues in Italian, German and Slovenian, by Joseph Premru (1850)

Tu malu besedishe treh jesikov, Das ist: das kleine Wörterbuch in dreyen Sprachen, Quod est: parvum dictionarium trilingue: Slovenian-German-Latin dictionary, by Marko Pohlin (1791)

Deutsch-windisches Wörterbuch: German-Slovenian dictionary, by Oswald Gutsmann (1789) or PDF

Dictionarium trilingue ex tribus nobilissimis Europæ linguis compositium, latino-germanico-sclavonicum: Latin-German-Slovenian dictionary, by Hipolit Novomeški (1711)

Dictionarium quatuor linguarum videlicet, germanicæ, latinæ, illyricæ, (quæ vulgo sclavonica appellatur) & italicæ, sive hetruscæ: German-Latin-Slovenian-Italian dictionary, by Hieronimus Megiser (1592) or PDF

The etymology of Ljubljana-Laibach by Tijmen Pronk, in Folia onomastica croatica (2007)

Slovenian place names in Carinthia (Austria), by Heinz-Dieter Pohl, in Onomàstica (2016)

Ortsnamen slawischer bzw. slowenischer Herkunft in Kärnten und Osttirol, in Namenkundliche Informationen (2011)

Slowenische Namen und Wörter aus Kals in Osttirol: Slovenian names and words of Kals (East Tyrol, Austria), in Jezikoslovni zapiski (2007)

Slovene place names with the suffix -ina: some difficult cases and implications for south Slavic onomastics, by Marko Snoj, in Slovene linguistic studies (2009)

The English-Slovene language contact: borrowing of personal names, by Eva Sicherl, in Linguistica (2015)

Slovenian language

Slovenian keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Slovenian alphabet

pronunciation (+ audio)


noun declension & verb conjugation

Teach yourself Slovene, by Andrea Albretti (1997) online

Short reference grammar of standard Slovene by Mark Greenberg (2006)

About Slovenian language (2007) (in Slovenian & English)

Slovenian by Jože Toporišič & Donald Reindl, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2010)

Slowenisch: Slovenian, by Igor Grdina & Marko Stabej, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)

Lo sloveno: Slovenian spoken in the Italian border region, by Matej Šekli, in Le varietà storiche minoritarie in Italia (2024) NEW

The second Proto-Slavic palatalisation in Slovene dialect morphophonology and the etymology of špik (mountain top) by Tijmen Pronk

Grammaticalization and language contact between German and Slovene by Alja Lipavic Oštir, in Grammaticalization in Slavic languages (2010)

L'accent slovène et le timbre des voyelles by Lucien Tesnière, in Revue des études slaves (1929)

studies about the Slovenian language, by Marko Jesenšek

Multilingualism in Carinthia: the case of Slovene and the Slovene minority, by Ursula Doleschal, in The Polyphony of English Studies (2017)

La formation historique des limites linguistiques italo-slovènes by Milko Kos (1919)

Les rapports mutuels du serbo-croate et du slovène by Aleksandar Belić, in Revue des études slaves (1921)

Grammatica & vocabolario della lingua slovena: Slovenian grammar & Slovenian-Italian vocabulary, by Bruno Guyon (1902)

Grammatik der slavischen Sprache in Krain, Kärnten und Steyermark: grammar of the slavic language in Carniola, Carinthia andStyria, by Jernej Kopitar (1808)

Kraynska grammatika: grammar by Marko Pohlin (1768)

Arcticæ horulæ succisivæ de latinocarniolana literatura: first Slovenian grammar, by Adam Bohorič (1584) or PDF

Omnis lingua confitebitur Deo, writing the first Slovenian grammar (1584) by Kozma Ahačič, in Histoire épistémologie langage (2008)

Grammatica latino-germanico-slavonica by Hipolit Novomeški (1715)

Grammatica oder windisches Sprach-Buch (1758) translation into German

Slovene linguistic studies: online journal

books & papers about the Slovenian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia



Radiotelevizija Slovenija: Slovenian television

Texts & Literature

Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, National and university library

Dlib: digital library

Locutio: Journal of the Slovenian literature

LyrikLine: Slovenian poems, with translation (+ audio)

Slovenske narodne pesmi: Slovenian folk songs (+ audio)

Intratext: Slovenian literature texts with concordances

Slovenian translations of The merchant of Venice, encoding heteronormativity in the target culture, by Vojko Gorjan, in Meta, journal des traducteurs (2012)

Cvetje slovenskiga pesničtva: anthology of the Slovenian poetry, by Ivan Macun (1850)

Geschichte der südslawischen Literatur: slowenisches und glagolitisches Schriftthum, by Pavel Jozef Šafárik (1864) several Slovenian translations of the Bible & Bible of Dalmatin (1584)

Biblia, tu ie vse Svetu pismu stariga inu Noviga Testamenta, by Jurij Dalmatin (1584) the first Slovenian translation

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Vsi ljudje se rodijo svobodni in imajo enako dostojanstvo in enake pravice.
Obdarjeni so z razumom in vestjo in bi morali ravnati drug z drugim kakor bratje.

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in Slovenian, English & other languages

Slovenian words
dober dan! good morning!
dober večer! good evening!
lahko noč! good night!
zdravo! hello! & bye!
na svidenje! good bye! (and see you soon)
zbogom! good bye!
srečno! good luck!
hvala (lepa)! thank you (very much)
nič nothing
koliko si star ? how old are you?
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Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2024