Polish dictionary

Polish Polski
Dictionary - Słownik
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English > Polish translation

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Polish > English translation

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Słownik języka polskiego: Dictionary of the Polish language & spelling, declension

Wielki słownik języka polskiego: Dictionary of the Polish language

DobrySłownik: Polish dictionary, meanings, synonyms

Lingea: Polish-English dictionary & multilingual

Lektorek: Polish-English dictionary & noun declension (University of Pittsburgh)

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)

Sjp: spelling dictionary & noun declension

Angielsko-polski słownik tematyczny: English-Polish dictionary, by topics, by Dariusz Sieczkowski (2016)

Niemiecko-polski słownik tematyczny dla początkujących: German-Polish dictionary for beginners (2018)

Czesko-polski słownik tematyczny dla uczniów i studentów: Czech-Polish dictionary for students (2017)

Współczesny słownik frazeologiczny (Contemporary phraseological dictionary) by Piotr Fliciński (2012)

Słownik frazeologiczny z ćwiczeniami (Phraseological dictionary) by Gabriela Dziamska-Lenart, Ewelina Woźniak-Wrzesińska, Zuzana Obertová, Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo, Jan Zgrzywa (2021)

Słownik neologizmów polskich (Dictionary of Polish neologisms) published by the Language Observatory of the University of Warsaw

Poltran: Polish-English translation

Translatica: Polish-English translation

online translation: Polish-English & other languages & web page

Polish lexical minimimum: basic vocabulary

English-Polish phrase guide by Oscar Swan (1993)

Miejski: Polish slang dictionary

Bilingual visual dictionary: Polish & English (2012) online

Harrap's English-Polish dictionary & słownik polsko-angielski (2007) online

Collins: English-Polish, polsko-angielski dictionary (2006) online

Berlitz: Polish concise dictionary (2007) online

Langenscheidt's pocket dictionary: English-Polish & Polish-English (1999) online

Hippocrene: English-Polish & Polish-English dictionary (1999) online

Collins Polish phrasebook & dictionary (2008) online

Loecsen: Polish-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Polish-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Polish-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Shtooka: Polish words, with translation (audio)

Pwn: encyclopaedia of the Polish language

Atlas roślin Polski: atlas of plants & flowers of Poland

Burt's Polish-English dictionary: Polish-English & English-Polish, by Wadysaw Kierst & Oskar Callier (1900)

Complete Dictionary Polish and English (Dokładny słownik polsko-angielski) by Erazm Rykaczewski (1851)

Manual of Polish and English conversation by Erazm Kasprowicz & Julius Cornet (1912)

Wörter-Büchlein, wie etzliche gebräuchliche Sachen auff Teutsch, Schwedisch, Polnisch und Lettisch zu benennen seynd (1705)

Wörter-Büchlein, a German-Swedish-Polish-Latvian dictionary published in Riga in 1705: introduction by Lennart Larsson (2011)

Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego: etymological dictionary of the Polish language, by Aleksander Brückner (1927) (+ other version)

Słownik języka polskiego: dictionary of the Polish language, by Jana Karłowicza, Adama Kryńskiego, Władysława Władysława Niedźwiedzkiego (1900-1927)

A-G - H-M - N-Ó - P-Proż - Próba-R - S-Ś - T-Y - Z-Ż

Słownik języka polskiego: dictionary of the Polish language, by Samuel Linde (1854)

A-F - G-L - M-O - P - R-T - U-Z

Słownik synonimów polskich: dictionary of synonyms, by Adam Stanisław Krasiński (1885)

A-P - R-Z

Basic explanation of Polish surname endings by Raymond Jastrzab (2021)

On the etymology of anglicisms in Polish dictionaries by Elżbieta Mańczak-Wohlfeld, in Essays in the history of languages and linguistics (2017)

Les linguistes polonais face à l'emprunt au français (Polish linguists and borrowing from French) by Anna Bobińska & Andrzej Napieralski, in L'emprunt en question(s) (2020)

Les emprunts au yiddish dans la langue polonaise familière (Yiddish borrowings in colloquial Polish) by Jacques Burko, in Plurielles (1998)

Les éléments tchèques dans le polonais littéraire (Czech elements in literary Polish) by Zdzisław Stieber, in Revue des études slaves (1961)

A historical overview of Polish lexicography: from multilingual to monolingual dictionaries, by Włodek Gruszczyński & Zygmunt Saloni, in Studies in Polish Linguistics (2013)

Polish language

Polish keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Polish alphabet

Youtube, Polski alfabet: pronunciation of the Polish alphabet (video)

Apronus: Polish alphabet, pronunciation (+ audio) & Polish-English translation of phrases

Mówić po polsku: Polish alphabet, common phrases, grammar (+ audio)

Grammar of the Polish language by Grzegorz Jagodziński, bilingual Polish-English

Course in the Polish Language

Lektorek: First year Polish course

Grammar of contemporary Polish by Oskar Swan (2002)

Polish grammar in a nutshell

Concise Polish grammar by Ron Feldstein (2001)

Polish advanced course by Jolanta Cecuła (2008)

Polish language blog

Dialekty i gwary polskie: Polish dialects

Mapa dialektów: linguistic map of the Polish dialects

Polish by Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk & Bogdan Walczak, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2010)

Polnisch: Polish, by Władysław Lubaś & Jerzy Molas, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)

The standardization of Polish orthography in the 16th century, by Daniel Bunčić, in Orthographies in Early Modern Europe (2012) NEW

From morpheme to paradigm, on Polish noun inflexion by Bernd Wiese (2006)

Interclausal syntactic connections in contemporary Polish, by Мarek Świdziński, in Revue des études slaves (1990)

A new head-driven phrase structure grammar approach to Polish auxiliary constructions by Anna Kupść & Loria Jesse Tseng (2005)

Practical handbook of the Polish language: alphabet, pronunciation, rules of grammar, various conversations, comprehensive vocabulary of words in daily use, by Jos Baluta (1915)

Key to the elementary Polish grammar by Paul Ssymank (1921)

Simplified grammar of the Polish language by William Richard Morfill (1884)

Gramatyka języka polskiego: grammar of the Polish language for the schools, by Ignacy Stein & Roman Zawińliski (1907)

Gramatyka historyczno-porównawcza języka polskiego: historical and comparative grammar of the Polish language, by Antoni Małecki (1879): I & II

Gramatyka języka polskiego: grammar of the Polish language, by Antoni Małecki (1863)

Gramatyka jezyka polskiego: grammar of the Polish language, by Józef Muczkowski (1860)

Grammatica seu institutio polonicæ linguæ by Franciscus Mesgnien (1649)

Jazykovedný casopis, Journal of Linguistics

books & studies about the Polish language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

News - Nowości

Gazeta - Gazeta Wyborcza - Polityka - Newsweek Polska

DW: news in Polish

Google news

Texts & Literature

Polona (National Library of Poland)

books for children

LyrikLine: poems in Polish, with translation (+ audio)

Wirtualna biblioteka literatury polskiej: Polish literature, by authors & periods since the Middle Ages

Staropolska: Old Polish texts, with English translation

Middle Ages - Renaissance - Baroque

Instytut badań literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk (Institute of literary research of the Polish Academy of Sciences): online books

Historya literatury polskiej: History of the Polish literature, by Stanisław Tarnowski (1906): I (16th) & II (17th) - III (18th) - IV - V (19th)

Biblia Tysiąclecia: translation of the Bible into Polish

Biblija święta (1879)

bilingual Bible in Polish, English & other languages

books about Polish literature: Google books & Internet archive

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Wszyscy ludzie rodzą się wolni i równi pod względem swej godności i swych praw.
Są oni obdarzeni rozumem i sumieniem i powinni postępować wobec innych w duchu braterstwa.

Powszechną deklarację praw człowieka: translation into Polish (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Polish, English & other languages

Poland - Polska

Poland: maps, heritage & documents

Czech - Slovak - Sorbian - Russian

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025