• A Yiddish cultural dictionary for the 21st century, by Dovid Katz
• University of Kentucky: Yiddish-English dictionary (Latin characters)
• Verterbukh.org: Yiddish-English & French dictionary
• JiddischWoordenboek: Yiddish-Dutch dictionary NEW
• Speaking of Yiddish: some Yiddish words used in English, by Hugh Rawson (2013): I & II
• Groyser verterbukh fun der Yidisher shprakh: Great dictionary of the Yiddish language, by Yehudah Yofe & Yudel Mark (1961): I & II - III - IV
• Yiddish-English dictionary & English-Yiddish, by Uriel Weinreich (1968)
• Yiddish-English-Hebrew Dictionary by Alexander Harkavy (1928)
• English-Yiddish Dictionary & Yiddish-English + another version (1910)
• English-Yiddish Encyclopedic Dictionary by Paul Abelson (1915)
• Sieben Sprachen Wörterbuch: Deutsch-Polnisch-Russisch-Weißruthenisch-Litauisch-Lettisch-Jiddisch (German-Polish-Russian-Belarusian-Lithuanian-Latvian-Yiddish dictionary), edited by the Oberbefehlshaber Ost (Supreme Commander of all German Forces in the East) (1918)
• Русско-еврейский (идиш) словарь: Russian-Yiddish dictionary (1984)
• Lessons in conversational Yiddish (1967)
• Yidisher gramen-leksikon: Yiddish rhyming lexicon, by Nahum Stutchkoff (1931)
• Shemot Devarim: Old Yiddish-Hebrew-Latin-German glossary (1542)
• Affective borrowing from Yiddish in colloquial American English by Jacob Ornstein-Galicia, in Meta, journal des traducteurs (1992)
• Loan words in the English of Modern Orthodox Jews: Yiddish or Hebrew? by Sarah Benor (2000)
• Yiddish loanwords in Dutch by Jenia Gutova (2010)
→ Yiddish keyboard to type a text with Hebrew script
→ Yiddish conversion: Hebrew > Latin script
• Yiddish Book Center: learn the Yiddish script
• Alef Beys: Yiddish alphabet illustrated (for children)
• JiddischKurs: Yiddish course & vocabulary
• Yiddish, in Yivo Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe
• Jidisch: Yiddish, by Andrea Fiedermutz, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)
• Yiddish and relation to the German dialects by Bryan Witmore, master thesis (2016)
• studies about the Yiddish language, by Alexander Beider
• Reapplying the language tree model to the history of Yiddish, in Journal of Jewish languages (2013)
• Romance elements in Yiddish, in Études juives (2014)
• Unity of the German component of Yiddish: myth or reality? (2014)
• Yiddish proto-vowels and German dialects, in Journal of Germanic linguistics (2010)
• Eastern Yiddish toponyms of German origin (2012)
• On negation, indefinites and negative indefinites in Yiddish, by Johan van der Auwera & Paul Gybels (2010)
• Leket, yidishe shtudyes haynt, Jiddistik heute, Yiddish studies today
• studies about the Yiddish language, by Dovid Katz
• Grammar of the Yiddish language (1987)
• Dialects of the Yiddish language (1986)
• Zur Dialektologie der Jiddischen (1983)
• Lítvish, an Atlas of Northeastern Yiddish
• The Atlas of Northeastern Yiddish: on the status of maps in linguistic research, with Giedrė Beconytė, in Geodesy and Cartography (2011)
• studies about the Old Yiddish, by Jean Baumgarten
• The representation of the body in some Old Yiddish ethical texts by Jean Baumgarten, in Zutot (2011)
• A grammar of Standard Yiddish by Yudel Mark (1978) (in Yiddish) NEW
• Manual and grammar of the Yiddish language by Jacob Mazin (1927)
• Praktishe gramatik fun der yidisher shprakh: practical Yiddish grammar, by Falk Heilperin (Halperin) & Max Weinreich (1928) : I & II
• Gramatik fun der yidisher shprakh: Yiddish grammar, by Zalman Rejzen (1920)
• books & studies about the Yiddish language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia
• Yiddish book center: digital Yiddish library
• Palmm: Yiddish children books
• Goethe Universität, Frankfurt: Online Yiddish books
• Mendele מענדעלע online journal about the Yiddish language and literature
• The meaning of Yiddish by Benjamin Harshav (1990)
• American Yiddish poetry, a bilingual anthology, by Benjamin & Barbara Harshav (1986)
• The history of Yiddish literature in the nineteenth century, by Leo Wiener (1899)
• studies about the Yiddish literature, by Jean Baumgarten
• Yiddish ethical texts and the diffusion of the Kabbalah in the 17th and 18th centuries, in Bulletin du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem (2007)
• Rosinkess mit Mandlen: stories, proverbs, by Immanuel Olsvanger (1920) (in Latin script)
• Contentions with God, a study in Jewish folklore, collected by Immanuel Olsvanger (1921)
• Torah, Neviim, u-Khetuvim: The Hebrew Bible with the translation into Yiddish, by Yehoyesh (1927)
• Toyre, Neivim, Uksuvim: translation into Yiddish, by Yehoyesh (1927): I & II
• Sefer Torah Nevi'im u-Khetuvim, dos izt di gantse heyylige Shrift: translation of the Bible into Yiddish, by Mortkhe Shmuel Bergmann (1904)
• Ha-berit ha-Hadashah, das Naye Testament fun dem Mashiah: translation of the New Testament into Yiddish (1912)
• The New Testament: translation into Yiddish, by Henry Einspruch, revised by Eric Gabe (1994)
• The New Testament translated into Yiddish
• Lithuanian Yiddish Bible: translation of books of the Ancient Testament, by Dovid Katz (work in progress)
• The New Testament in Yiddish: the history of the translations of the New Testament in Yiddish, by Leonard Prager, in Mendele (1994)
• Mirkevet ha-Mishneh: glossary and Bible concordance (1534) it's the first Yiddish book printed
• Minhagim מנהגים A Book of Customs by Shimon Guenzburg (Venice, 1593)
• Universal Declaration of Human Rights אַלװעלטלעכע דעקלאַראַציע פֿון מענטשנרעכט translation into Yiddish (+ audio)
→ First article in different languages
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in Yiddish, Hebrew, English & other languages
→ Hebrew language: Modern Hebrew - Ancient Hebrew
→ Jewish languages: Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) - Judeo-Provençal
→ Judaism & Jews history
→ Hebrew Bible (Torah)
→ The Bible in original version: search tools