• Student's vocabulary for biblical Hebrew and Aramaic by Larry Mitchel (1984)
• Building Biblical Hebrew vocabulary, learning words by frequency and cognate, by George Landes (2001)
• Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament by Francis Brown, Samuel Rolles Driver, Charles Briggs, after the works of Wilhelm Gesenius (1906)
• Hebrew-English pocket-dictionary to the Old Testament by Karl Feyerabend
• English-Hebrew lexicon, being a complete verbal index to Gesenius' Hebrew lexicon, by Edward Robinson & Joseph Lewis Potter (1877)
• English and Hebrew lexicon by Selig Newman (1832)
• Hebrew vocabularies, lists of the most frequently occurring Hebrew words, by William Harper (1898)
• A concise dictionary of Hebrew philosophical terms by Abraham Heschel (1941)
• Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi and the Midrashic literature, by Marcus Jastrow (1903)
• Hebräisches und aramäisches Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament: Hebrew and Aramaic dictionary of the Old Testament, in German, by Eduard König (1910)
• Dictionnaire hébreu-français: Hebrew-French dictionary, by Nathaniel Sander & Isaac Trenel (1859)
• Dictionnaire hébreu-français: Hebrew-French dictionary, by Marchand Ennery (1827)
• Dictionnaire hébraïque, contenant toutes les origines des mots hébreux tant primitifs que dérivez du vieux Testament avec des observations philologiques et théologiques, by Edward Leigh (1712)
• Racines hébraïques sans points-voyelles ou Dictionaire hébraïque par racines (Hebrew roots) by Charles-François Houbigant (1732)
• Glossaire hébreu-français du XIIIe siècle : recueil de mots hébreux bibliques avec traduction française, by Mayer Lambert & Louis Brandin (1905)
• Dictionum hebraicarum, quæ universo סֵפֶר תְּהִלִּים continentur, syllabus gemini (Hebrew-Latin glossary of the Sepher tehillim, Book of Psalms) by Paul Toussain (1615)
• American Heritage dictionary: Semitic roots
• Shoroshim: English thesaurus of Hebrew verb roots, compiled by Reuven Brauner (2014)
• The significance of etymology for the interpretation of ancient writings, from the Hebrew Bible to the New Testament, by Alexander Militarev, in The Jewish conundrum in world history (2010)
• De l'analysibilité des racines de l'hébreu biblique by Jonas Sibony, thesis (2013)
• Odeurs, souffle et sacré en hébreu classique : décryptage d'un réseau sémantique, in Bulletin d'études orientales (2016)
• Le nom des langues dans la Bible et la tradition hébraïque, (the name of the languages in the Bible and in Hebrew) by Sophie Kessler-Mesguich, in Histoire, épistémologie, langage (2009)
• ʿAretz et la sémantique de la terre (semantic of "earth") by Azzan Yadin, in Les Cahiers du judaïsme (2011)
• « Vivre », « cœur » (comparative etymological study of "to live", "heart") by Abraham Tabachovitz, in Vox romanica (1959)
• « Homme », « femme » (comparative etymological study of "man", "woman") (1960)
• L'emploi métaphorique des noms de parties du corps en hébreu et en akkadien (metamophoric use of the body parts name in Hebrew and Akkadian) by Édouard Dhorme (1963)
→ Hebrew keyboard to type a text with the Hebrew script
→ Transliterated Hebrew keyboard to type a text with the Latin script
→ Ladino keyboard to type a text with the Rashi script
• Dicta: analytical tools for Hebrew texts
• Nakdan: online tool to add diacritics of the Hebrew alphabet (nikudot)
• Hebrew for Christians: Hebrew grammar, alphabet
• Hebrew alphabet: writing & pronunciation (+ audio)
• Historical linguistics of Biblical Hebrew, an outline, by Ronald Hendel (2010)
• A grammar for Biblical Hebrew by William Barrick & Irvin Busenitz (2004)
• Beginning Biblical Hebrew by Mark Futato (2003)
• A new grammar of Biblical Hebrew by Frederic Clarke Putnam (2010)
• Teach yourself Hebrew (Biblical Hebrew) by Roland Harrison (1955)
• New perspectives in Biblical and Rabbinic Hebrew, edited by Aaron Hornkohl & Khan Geoffrey (2021)
• Studies in Semitic vocalisation and reading traditions (2020)
• Studies in Rabbinic Hebrew, edited by Shai Heijman (2020)
• The Tiberian pronunciation tradition of Biblical Hebrew by Geoffrey Khan (2020): I & II
• studies about the Hebrew language, by Benjamin Suchard
• The development of the Biblical Hebrew vowels, thesis (2016)
• studies about the Hebrew language, by Ian Young
• Late Biblical Hebrew and Hebrew inscriptions (2003)
• studies about the Hebrew language, by Bo Isaksson
• The verb in Classical Hebrew: the linguistic reality behind the consecutive tenses (2024) NEW
• The importance of word order for the Biblical Hebrew verbal system (2015)
• Doing research on the Biblical Hebrew verb system: some problems of method, in Semitic Seminar in Uppsala (2017) NEW
• A Biblical Hebrew reference grammar by Christo van der Merwe (1999)
• A grammar of Biblical Hebrew by Joshua Blau (1976)
• Hebrew for theologians: a textbook for the study of Biblical Hebrew in relation to Hebrew thinking, by Jacques Doukhan (1993)
• A practical grammar for Classical Hebrew by Jacob Weingreen (1959)
• Introductory Hebrew method and manual by William Harper, revised by John Smith (1959)
• Introductory Hebrew method and manual by William Harper (1910)
• Gesenius' Hebrew grammar revised by Emil Katuzcsh & Arthur Cowley (1910)
• Illustrations of Gesenius' Hebrew grammar with vocabularies, by Robert Dick Wilson (1908)
• Hebraïsche Grammatik: Hebrew grammar by Wilhelm Gesenius & Emil Kautzsch (1909)
• Hebrew grammar for beginners by Robert Dick Wilson (1908)
• Hebrew grammar by Charles Travers Wood (1913)
• Handbook to Old Testament Hebrew by Samuel Green (1921)
• Hebrew grammar, outline of the natural system of the language for the students and ministers, by Archibald Duff (1901)
• Manual of Hebrew grammar by Josephus David Wijnkoop (1898)
• Practical introductory Hebrew grammar by Edwin Cone Bissell (1891)
• Grammar of the Hebrew language by William Green (1888): I & II
• Practical Hebrew grammar & Hebrew chrestomathy, by Solomon Deutsch (1868)
• Grammar of the Hebrew language by Hyman Hurwitz (1835)
• A manual Hebrew grammar for the use of beginners, by Joshua Seixas (1834)
• Grammaire de l'hébreu biblique by Paul Joüon (1947)
• Elements of Hebrew syntax by an inductive method, by William Harper (1908)
• Manual of Hebrew syntax by Josephus David Wijnkoop (1897)
• Hebrew syntax by Andrew Bruce Davidson (1896)
• Notes on Hebrew syntax by Robert Dick Wilson (1892)
• Syntax of the Hebrew language of the Old Testament, by Heinrich Ewald (1891)
• A treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew and some other syntactical questions, by Samuel Rolles Driver (1892)
• A short account of the Hebrew tenses by Robert Hatch Kennett (1901)
• Historische Grammatik der hebraischen Sprache des alten Testamentes: historical grammar of the Hebrew language of the Old Testament, by Paul Kahle (1922)
• The study of Mishnaic Hebrew, some historical milestones, by Sophie Kessler-Mesguich (2003)
• Lehrbuch der neuhebräischen Sprache und Litteratur: Handbook of the Neo-Hebrew language and literature, by Carl Siegfried & Hermann Strack (1884)
• Die Sprache der Mischnah: The language of the Mishna, by Leopold Dukes (1846)
• Lehrbuch & Lesebuch zur Sprache der Mischnah: Handbook of the language of the Mishna, by Abraham Geiger (1845)
• books & papers about the Hebrew language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia
• Sefaria: Torah & Classical rabbinic literature
• AlHaTorah.org: Torah & Classical rabbinic literature
• HebrewBooks: Classical Hebrew books
→ Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) & biblical dictionary Hebrew-English
→ The Bible in original version: online search tools
• The spirit of Hebrew poetry by Johann Herder (1833): I & II
• Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrews by Robert Lowth (1847 edition)
• De sacra poesi Hebræorum (1753)
→ judaism: dictionary & encyclopaedia