Modern Hebrew dictionary

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Hebrew עברית
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English > Hebrew dictionary

Allouch Lingea Reverso + context Glosbe Morfix

Hebrew > English dictionary

Allouch Lingea Reverso + context Glosbe Morfix

English > Hebrew translation

Reverso Google Bing

Hebrew > English translation

Reverso Google Bing

Academy of the Hebrew language: Hebrew terms database (with translation into English)

Milog: Hebrew dictionary, meanings in Hebrew

Morfix: Hebrew-English dictionary

Projet Babel: Hebrew-French dictionary, by Colette Allouch

Hebrew-English basic dictionary מילון עברי-אנגלי (2020) + PDF

English-Hebrew proverbs (2023)

Reverso: Hebrew-English translation, words in context

Lingea: Hebrew-English dictionary & multilingual

Loecsen: Hebrew-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Hebrew-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Hebrew-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

TeachMeHebrew: Hebrew-English vocabulary, the 10 000 most common words, frequency list

MyHebrewDictionary: Hebrew-English vocabulary

Defense Language Institute: basic vocabulary (+ audio) - civil affairs - medical

Tatoeba: sentences in Hebrew, with translation (audio)

American Heritage dictionary: Semitic roots

Shoroshim: English thesaurus of Hebrew verb roots, compiled by Reuven Brauner (2014)

Shorashon: Hebrew roots & translation into French

Comprehensive etymological dictionary of the Hebrew language by Ernest Klein (1987)

The analytic and synthetic etymology of the Hebrew language by Isaac Fried (2004) (in Hebrew)

Anglo-Hebrew modern dictionary by Isaiah Raffalovitch (1926)

English-Hebrew dictionary by Abraham Solomon Waldstein (1925)

Biblical idioms that have changed their meaning in modern Hebrew by Marek Piela, in Studia judaica (2008)

Biblical names for military weapons in Modern Hebrew, Asher Shafrir (2015)

The names of Israeli military ranks and their linguistic analysis (2013)

Arabic influence (modern period) by Roni Henkin, in Encyclopedia of Hebrew language and linguistics (2013)

Arabic, Hebrew loanwords

Arabic loanwords in Hebrew by Haseeb Shehadeh, in Encyclopedia of Hebrew language and linguistics (2013)

Arabic loanwords in Hebrew, with a list of Hebrew loanwords, in Studia Orientalia (2011)

Hebrew neologisms by Azzan Yadin, in Encyclopedia of Hebrew language and linguistics (2013)

Translation and Interpreting in Israel, Meta (1998)

Technological and scientific Hebrew terminology by Ron Irmay

La terminologie scientifique en hébreu moderne by Shragga Irmay

The status of translated literature in the creation of Hebrew literature in pre-state Israel (the Yishuv period), by Zohar Shavit

The language of plays translated into Hebrew from English and French: a cultural-stylistic study, by Rina Ben-Shahar

Translation from Arabic into Hebrew in Israel: an overview, by Hannah Amit-Kochavi

Hebrew-Arabic translations in the modern era: a general survey, by Hannah Amit-Kochavi, in Maḥmoud Khayal

Hebrew first names

My-Hebrew-Name: Hebrew names (in Latin & Hebrew characters)

Morim Hebrew names & French names transliterated in Hebrew

French names, transliterated in Hebrew & Arabic

Biblical names

Hebrew language

Hebrew keyboard to type a text with the Hebrew characters

Transliterated Hebrew keyboard to type a text with the Latin script

Pealim: verbs conjugation in Hebrew

Hebrew-verbs: English > Hebrew verbs conjugation

Lev software: Hebrew alphabet, how to write Hebrew letters & cursive script

Academy of the Hebrew language האקדמיה ללשון העברית

Teach me Hebrew: Hebrew course

HebrewCourseOnline: Hebrew course (advanced learners) Hebrew grammar (in French)

Modern Hebrew: grammar by Lewis Glinert (2005)

Hebrew basic course by Joseph Reif & Anna Levinson, Foreign Service Institute (1965) (+ audio)

studies about the Hebrew language, by Ora Schwarzwald

Modern Hebrew, in The Semitic languages (2011)

Transition in Modern Hebrew Word formation: from discontinuous to linear formation, in Skase (2003)

Recursiveness in Hebrew word formation, in Skase (2010)

studies about the Hebrew language, by Yishai Neuman

A lexically creative approach to the teaching of Modern Hebrew as a foreign language, in Materia giudaica (2006)

studies about Modern Hebrew, by Yael Reshef

The re-emergence of Hebrew as a national language, in Semitic languages, an international handbook (2012)

Modern Hebrew grammar: history of scholarship, in Encyclopedia of Hebrew language and linguistics (2013)

Revival of Hebrew: grammatical structure and lexicon

Revival of Hebrew: sociolinguistic dimension

Written Hebrew of the revival generation as a distinct phase in the evolution of Modern Hebrew, in Journal of Semitic studies (2016)

The renaissance of modern Hebrew and modern standard Arabic, parallels and differences in the revival of two Semitic languages, by Joshua Blau (1981)

Hebrew and Arabic in asymmetric contact in Israel by Roni Henkin, in Lodz papers in pragmatics (2011)

Vocalization of Modern Hebrew by Amir Aharoni, in Encyclopedia of Hebrew language and linguistics (2013)

Possession in Modern Hebrew by Roni Henkin, in Encyclopedia of Hebrew language and linguistics (2013)

studies about the Hebrew language, by Ghilʾad Zuckermann

Lessons from the Hebrew revival applicable to the reclamation, maintenance and empowerment of aboriginal languages and cultures: Stop, Revive, Survive! by Ghilʿad Zuckermann & Michael Walsh, in Australian journal of linguistics (2011)

books & papers about the Hebrew language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

News   חדשות

Arouts 7: news in Hebrew (+ audio) or in English

Ha'aretz הארץ


Google news

Texts & Literature

LyrikLine: poems in Hebrew, with translation (+ audio)

Modern Hebrew poetry, a bilingual anthology, by Ruth Finer Mintz (1982)

The first Hebrew Shakespeare translations: Isaac Edward Salkinson's Ithiel the Cushite of Venice (1874) & Ram and Jael (1878): bilingual edition & commentary by Lily Kahn (2017)

Hebrew Renaissance poets in Russia: their reputations among Russian-language readers, by Lewis Bernhardt, in Revue des études juives (1974)

Israelian anthem in Hebrew & translation התקוה (Hatikva)

Haktuvim: translation of the Bible into Modern Hebrew, with the New Testament הברית החדשה

The New Testament translated into Modern Hebrew (1991)

translation by Franz Delitzsch, German protestant theologian (1877)

The New Testament translated into Modern Hebrew by Isaac Salkinson & David Ginsberg (1886)

revised edition by Eric Sigurd Gabe (2000)

bilingual Bible in Modern Hebrew, English & other languages

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
כל בני אדם נולדו בני חורין ושווים בערכם ובזכויותיהם.
כולם חוננו בתבונה ובמצפון, לפיכך חובה עליהם לנהוג איש ברעהו ברוח של אחווה.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights הכרזה לכל באי עולם בדבר זכויות האדם translation into Hebrew (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in Hebrew, English & other languages

Some Hebrew words
שלום shalom peace; hello! welcome!
תודה todah thank you
עכשיו aḵshav now ( or kh is pronounced /χ/)
מילה milah word
מילון milon dictionary
ספר sefer book
ישראל Yisrael Israel
ירושלים Yerushalayim Jerusalem
צרפת Tsarfat France
Today is yom ():

calendars: Jewish calendar & conversion

Israel & Jérusalem: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

Ancient Palestine: maps & documents, Bible atlas

Ancient Hebrew & biblical Hebrew

Yiddish language

Arabic language

Judaism: dictionary & encyclopaedia

Hebrew Bible

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