Spanish dictionary

Old Spanish Spain
Spanish Español
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Reverso ElConjugador

Real academia española: dictionaries & grammars edited by the Royal Spanish Academy

Diccionario de la lengua española: dictionary of the Spanish language, meanings & etymology

Diccionario esencial de la lengua española: essential dictionary of the Spanish language (2006)

Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

Diccionario del español actual by Manuel Seco, Olimpia Andrés, Gabino Ramos

Dictionnaire étymologique de l'espagnol (etymological dictionary of Spanish) by Michel Bénaben (2019) Diccionario etimológico (etymological dictionary of Spanish & Chilian)

Diccionarios (Vox & Larousse): meanings in Spanish, synonyms & antonyms, Spanish-English dictionary & Catalan, French, German

WordReference: Spanish meanings & synonyms & English-Spanish dictionary or Portuguese, French

Reverso: Spanish-English dictionary & words in context

Collins: Spanish-English dictionary

OpenSpanish: Spanish-English dictionary

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union) Spanish thesaurus, synonyms & antonyms (Signum)

Spanish-English online translation & other languages: texts & web page

Diccionario de sinónimos diferenciados: dictionary of des synonyms for learners, by Santiago de la Torre Moral (2020)

Diccionario de sinonimos, antonimos y paronimos usos de la lengua española: dictionary of synonyms, antonyms & Spanish-English-French-German vocabulary (2008)


Collins Spanish: 3000 words and phrases (2019)

Spanish-English bilingual visual dictionary (2015)

Spanish-English picture dictionary by J. D. Alexander (2007)

Pequeño Larousse ilustrado: Spanish illustrated dictionary (1916)

Loecsen: Spanish-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Spanish-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Spanish-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

BBC: common & familiar expressions (+ audio)

Tatoeba: sentences in Spanish, with translation (audio)

1000 images on the tip of my tongue: Spanish expressions with equivalent meanings in English & French

LanguageGuide: pictorial vocabulary

SpanishEtymology: Learn Spanish via etymologies, by Morgan Friedman (blog)

Banco de neologismos: Spanish neologisms

Cronopista: dictionary of rhymes (rimas) dictionary of quotations (citas y proverbias) by topics & authors

Diccionario del lenguaje histórico y del habla popular y vulgar de la comarca Requena-Utiel (province of Valencia) by Feliciano Yeves Descalzo (2018)

English-Spanish & Spanish-English dictionary by Arturo Cuyas (1962)

Dictionary of spoken Spanish, U.S. War Department (1945)

Spanish-English commercial dictionary of the words and terms used in commercial correspondence, by George Robert MacDonald (1918)

Technological dictionary in the English, Spanish, German, and French languages, containing technical terms and locutions employed in arts, trades, and industry in general, military and naval terms, by Carlos Huelin y Arssu (1906)

English and Spanish vocabulary, by topics, by Fernando de Arteaga (1902)

Pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages, by Mariano Velázquez de la Cadena (1900)

English-Spanish Dictionary

Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages by Neuman & Baretti, Mateo Seoane (1854)

English-Spanish Dictionary

Spanish and English dictionary by F. C. Meadows (1843)

Spanish idioms with their English equivalents, by Sarah Becker & Federico Mora (1887)

El corpus del español: Spanish corpus (13th-20th centuries)

Corpus diacrónico del español: diachronic corpus, edited by the Real academia española

Corpus de referencia del español actual: Spanish corpus of Spain & America

The cultural linguistic image of the dog in Spanish lexicography by Ewa Stala, in Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis (2023)

El léxico del turismo en español en los siglos XIX y XX, by Giuseppe Simone Pedote, thesis (2018)

La noción de colocación en las partes introductorias de algunos diccionarios monolingües del español, by Ana María Ruiz Martínez, in Revista de lexicografía (2007)

La evolución de las definiciones de los zoónimos en el diccionario de la Real Academia Española: tres siglos de reflexión sobre el significado léxico, by Stefan Ruhstaller, in Vox romanica (2022) NEW

Old Spanish dictionaries

etymology - quotations - proverbs

Spanish language - Idioma español

Spanish keyboard to type special characters & punctuation marks

SpanishChecker: spell checker, correction of spelling and grammar errors

ElConjugador: verb conjugation

Verbix: verb conjugation, with Spanish-English translation

The linguistics of Spanish by Ian Mackenzie, Newcastle University

Sounds of speech: phonetics of the Spanish language (+ audio)

Real academia española: Royal Spanish Academy

Ortografía de la lengua española: orthography of the Spanish language (2010)

Nueva gramática de la lengua española: grammar of the Spanish language, edited by the Academies of the Spanish language (2011)

ElCastellano: the Spanish language (in Spanish)

Gramática básica para el uso del español: basic Spanish grammar, by Santiago de la Torre Moral

SpanishInTexas: Spanish grammar in context, The University of Texas at Austin NEW

ThoughtCo: Spanish lessons & vocabulary

Foreign Service Institute: Spanish course

Modern Spanish grammar (2005)

Los verbos en español: The spanish verbs, by Eduardo Basterrechea & Luz Rello (2010)

Étude linguistique de l'espagnol by Michel Bénaben (2020)

La concordance des temps en espagnol moderne : unité du signe, modes, subordination, by Gabrielle Le Tallec-Lloret (2010)

Sortir de la référentialité : o, do, onde, donde, côté signifiance, in Linguistique du signifiant : diachronie et synchronie de l'espagnol (2017)

Critères discursifs pour la distinction espagnole ser/estar à partir du français être, by Jorge Juan Vega y Vega, in L'information grammaticale (2010)

Le système verbal de l'espagnol by Cecilia Hare, in La linguistique (2003)

Les adverbes de doute en espagnol contemporain, by Astrid Schenk, thèse (2021)

Les adverbes composés : approches contrastives en linguistique appliquée, by Dolors Català Guitart, thèse (2003)

Les verbes de mouvement en français et en espagnol : étude comparée de leurs infinitives, by Béatrice Lamiroy (1983)

La préposition en français et en espagnol : une question de grammaticalisation ?, in Langages (2001)

De l'organisation du système des modes et des temps en espagnol, by Gilles Luquet, in Cahiers de Fontenay (1988)

Le système des déterminants et des pronoms en espagnol, by Marcelle Kawa, in Cahiers de Fontenay (1988)

Beginner's Spanish grammar by Albert Shapiro (1924)

Poco a poco, an elementary direct method for learning Spanish, by Guillermo Hall (1922)

Reading, writing, and speaking Spanish for beginners, by Margaret Caroline Dowling (1921)

Elementary Spanish grammar by Baldomero Sanín Cano (1918)

Spanish grammar by Alfred Coester (1917)

Spanish grammar by Elijah Hills & Jeremiah Ford (1915)

First Spanish course by Elijah Hills & Jeremiah Ford (1917)

The combined Spanish method by Alberto de Tornos (1907)

Practical Spanish by Fernando de Arteaga y Pereira (1902)

Grammar of the modern Spanish language by William Knapp (1900)

Spanish in twenty lessons by Rafael Diez de la Cortina (1910)

Spanish grammar, for the use of colleges and schools, by Samuel Garner (1901)

Brief Spanish grammar by August Hjalmar Edgren (1899)

Complete theoretical and practical grammar of the Spanish language by Emanuel Del Mar (1886)

Spanish for speakers of Latin by Luke Stevens (WaybackMachine)

From Latin to Spanish by Paul Lloyd (1987)

Old Spanish grammars

books about the Spanish language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

Audio & Video

Arte Historia: video documentaries (with the text) about history, art, Spain

YouTube: Spanish course

Bookbox: Spanish stories for children with subtitles

Audio-Lingua: Spanish records

VideoEle: online Spanish course

News - Noticias

Radio nacional de España online

RTVE (Televisión Española)

Spanish press & international

Texts & Literature

Biblioteca virtual Miguel de Cervantes: online books & texts

LyrikLine: poems in Spanish, with translation (+ audio)

History of Spanish literature by Georges Ticknor (1891): I & II - III

Orígenes de la lengua española: origins of the Spanish language, by Gregorio Mayans y Siscar (1873)

Historia de la lengua y literatura castellana: history of the Spanish language and literature, by Julio Cejador y Frauca (1915):

I & II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X - XI - XII - XIII - XII

books about the Spanish literature: Google books & Internet archive

Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantès: text, translation & documents (+ audio)

bilingual Bible in Spanish, old Spanish & other languages

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y,
dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros.

Declaración universal de los derechos humanos: translation into Spanish (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Spanish, Asturian, Catalan & other languages

Spain: maps, heritage & documents

languages of Spain: Aragonese, Asturian - Galician - Catalan - Basque

American Spanish

songs lyrics

greetings cards

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