• Real academia española: dictionaries & grammars edited by the Royal Spanish Academy
• Diccionario de la lengua española: dictionary of the Spanish language, meanings & etymology
• Diccionario esencial de la lengua española: essential dictionary of the Spanish language (2006)
• Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
• Diccionario del español actual by Manuel Seco, Olimpia Andrés, Gabino Ramos
• Dictionnaire étymologique de l'espagnol (etymological dictionary of Spanish) by Michel Bénaben (2019)
• DeChile.net: Diccionario etimológico (etymological dictionary of Spanish & Chilian)
• Diccionarios (Vox & Larousse): meanings in Spanish, synonyms & antonyms, Spanish-English dictionary & Catalan, French, German
• WordReference: Spanish meanings & synonyms & English-Spanish dictionary or Portuguese, French
• Reverso: Spanish-English dictionary & words in context
• Collins: Spanish-English dictionary
• OpenSpanish: Spanish-English dictionary
• Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)
• Lenguaje.com: Spanish thesaurus, synonyms & antonyms (Signum)
→ Spanish-English online translation & other languages: texts & web page
• Diccionario de sinónimos diferenciados: dictionary of des synonyms for learners, by Santiago de la Torre Moral (2020)
• Diccionario de sinonimos, antonimos y paronimos usos de la lengua española: dictionary of synonyms, antonyms & Spanish-English-French-German vocabulary (2008)
• Collins Spanish: 3000 words and phrases (2019)
• Spanish-English bilingual visual dictionary (2015)
• Spanish-English picture dictionary by J. D. Alexander (2007)
• Pequeño Larousse ilustrado: Spanish illustrated dictionary (1916)
• Loecsen: Spanish-English common phrases (+ audio)
• Goethe-Verlag: Spanish-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)
• LingoHut: Spanish-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)
• BBC: common & familiar expressions (+ audio)
• Tatoeba: sentences in Spanish, with translation (audio)
• 1000 images on the tip of my tongue: Spanish expressions with equivalent meanings in English & French
• LanguageGuide: pictorial vocabulary
• SpanishEtymology: Learn Spanish via etymologies, by Morgan Friedman (blog)
• Banco de neologismos: Spanish neologisms
• Cronopista: dictionary of rhymes (rimas)
• Proverbia.net: dictionary of quotations (citas y proverbias) by topics & authors
• Diccionario del lenguaje histórico y del habla popular y vulgar de la comarca Requena-Utiel (province of Valencia) by Feliciano Yeves Descalzo (2018)
• English-Spanish & Spanish-English dictionary by Arturo Cuyas (1962)
• Dictionary of spoken Spanish, U.S. War Department (1945)
• Spanish-English commercial dictionary of the words and terms used in commercial correspondence, by George Robert MacDonald (1918)
• Technological dictionary in the English, Spanish, German, and French languages, containing technical terms and locutions employed in arts, trades, and industry in general, military and naval terms, by Carlos Huelin y Arssu (1906)
• English and Spanish vocabulary, by topics, by Fernando de Arteaga (1902)
• Pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages, by Mariano Velázquez de la Cadena (1900)
• Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages by Neuman & Baretti, Mateo Seoane (1854)
• Spanish and English dictionary by F. C. Meadows (1843)
• Spanish idioms with their English equivalents, by Sarah Becker & Federico Mora (1887)
• El corpus del español: Spanish corpus (13th-20th centuries)
• Corpus diacrónico del español: diachronic corpus, edited by the Real academia española
• Corpus de referencia del español actual: Spanish corpus of Spain & America
• The cultural linguistic image of the dog in Spanish lexicography by Ewa Stala, in Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis (2023)
• El léxico del turismo en español en los siglos XIX y XX, by Giuseppe Simone Pedote, thesis (2018)
• La noción de colocación en las partes introductorias de algunos diccionarios monolingües del español, by Ana María Ruiz Martínez, in Revista de lexicografía (2007)
• La evolución de las definiciones de los zoónimos en el diccionario de la Real Academia Española: tres siglos de reflexión sobre el significado léxico, by Stefan Ruhstaller, in Vox romanica (2022) NEW
→ etymology - quotations - proverbs
→ Spanish keyboard to type special characters & punctuation marks
• SpanishChecker: spell checker, correction of spelling and grammar errors
• ElConjugador: verb conjugation
• Verbix: verb conjugation, with Spanish-English translation
• The linguistics of Spanish by Ian Mackenzie, Newcastle University
• Sounds of speech: phonetics of the Spanish language (+ audio)
• Real academia española: Royal Spanish Academy
• Ortografía de la lengua española: orthography of the Spanish language (2010)
• Nueva gramática de la lengua española: grammar of the Spanish language, edited by the Academies of the Spanish language (2011)
• ElCastellano: the Spanish language (in Spanish)
• Gramática básica para el uso del español: basic Spanish grammar, by Santiago de la Torre Moral
• SpanishInTexas: Spanish grammar in context, The University of Texas at Austin NEW
• ThoughtCo: Spanish lessons & vocabulary
• Foreign Service Institute: Spanish course
• Modern Spanish grammar (2005)
• Los verbos en español: The spanish verbs, by Eduardo Basterrechea & Luz Rello (2010)
• Étude linguistique de l'espagnol by Michel Bénaben (2020)
• La concordance des temps en espagnol moderne : unité du signe, modes, subordination, by Gabrielle Le Tallec-Lloret (2010)
• Sortir de la référentialité : o, do, onde, donde, côté signifiance, in Linguistique du signifiant : diachronie et synchronie de l'espagnol (2017)
• Critères discursifs pour la distinction espagnole ser/estar à partir du français être, by Jorge Juan Vega y Vega, in L'information grammaticale (2010)
• Le système verbal de l'espagnol by Cecilia Hare, in La linguistique (2003)
• Les adverbes de doute en espagnol contemporain, by Astrid Schenk, thèse (2021)
• Les adverbes composés : approches contrastives en linguistique appliquée, by Dolors Català Guitart, thèse (2003)
• Les verbes de mouvement en français et en espagnol : étude comparée de leurs infinitives, by Béatrice Lamiroy (1983)
• La préposition en français et en espagnol : une question de grammaticalisation ?, in Langages (2001)
• De l'organisation du système des modes et des temps en espagnol, by Gilles Luquet, in Cahiers de Fontenay (1988)
• Le système des déterminants et des pronoms en espagnol, by Marcelle Kawa, in Cahiers de Fontenay (1988)
• Beginner's Spanish grammar by Albert Shapiro (1924)
• Poco a poco, an elementary direct method for learning Spanish, by Guillermo Hall (1922)
• Reading, writing, and speaking Spanish for beginners, by Margaret Caroline Dowling (1921)
• Elementary Spanish grammar by Baldomero Sanín Cano (1918)
• Spanish grammar by Alfred Coester (1917)
• Spanish grammar by Elijah Hills & Jeremiah Ford (1915)
• First Spanish course by Elijah Hills & Jeremiah Ford (1917)
• The combined Spanish method by Alberto de Tornos (1907)
• Practical Spanish by Fernando de Arteaga y Pereira (1902)
• Grammar of the modern Spanish language by William Knapp (1900)
• Spanish in twenty lessons by Rafael Diez de la Cortina (1910)
• Spanish grammar, for the use of colleges and schools, by Samuel Garner (1901)
• Brief Spanish grammar by August Hjalmar Edgren (1899)
• Complete theoretical and practical grammar of the Spanish language by Emanuel Del Mar (1886)
• Spanish for speakers of Latin by Luke Stevens (WaybackMachine)
• From Latin to Spanish by Paul Lloyd (1987)
• books about the Spanish language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia
• Arte Historia: video documentaries (with the text) about history, art, Spain
• YouTube: Spanish course
• Bookbox: Spanish stories for children with subtitles
• Audio-Lingua: Spanish records
• VideoEle: online Spanish course
• Radio nacional de España online
• RTVE (Televisión Española)
→ Spanish press & international
• Biblioteca virtual Miguel de Cervantes: online books & texts
• LyrikLine: poems in Spanish, with translation (+ audio)
• History of Spanish literature by Georges Ticknor (1891): I & II - III
• Orígenes de la lengua española: origins of the Spanish language, by Gregorio Mayans y Siscar (1873)
• Historia de la lengua y literatura castellana: history of the Spanish language and literature, by Julio Cejador y Frauca (1915):
I & II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X - XI - XII - XIII - XII
• books about the Spanish literature: Google books & Internet archive
→ Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantès: text, translation & documents (+ audio)
→ bilingual Bible in Spanish, old Spanish & other languages
Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y,
dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros.
• Declaración universal de los derechos humanos: translation into Spanish (+ audio)
→ First article in different languages
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Spanish, Asturian, Catalan & other languages
→ Spain: maps, heritage & documents
→ languages of Spain: Aragonese, Asturian - Galician - Catalan - Basque