Maya dictionary

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Maya Maya
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Maya > English dictionary & translation

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Aulex: Maya-Spanish dictionary

Universidad autónoma de Yucatán: Maya-Spanish dictionary


Diccionario chʹol de Tumbalá, Chiapas, con variaciones dialectales de Tila y Sabanilla (2009)

Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies: Maya dictionaries

Kʹicheʹ-English dictionary  by Allen Christenson (1987)

Combined dictionary-concordance of the Yucatecan Mayan language by David Bolles (2003)

Who's who in the classic Maya world (names in Maya inscriptions) by Peter Mathews

Mesoweb: Classic Maya-English dictionary

Preliminary Classic Maya-English & English-Classic Maya: vocabulary of hieroglyphic readings, by Erik Boot (2009)

Diccionario de la lengua maya: Maya-Spanish dictionary, by Juan Pío Pérez (1877)

Vocabulario español-maya: Spanish-Maya dictionary, by Mauricio Zavala & Alejandro Medina (1898)

Coordinacion alfabetica de las voces del idioma maya que se hallan en el arte y obras del padre fr. Pedro Beltran de Santa Rosa, con las equivalencias castellanas que en las mismas se hallan, by Juan Pío Pérez (1898)

Vocabulaire français-maya: French-Maya vocabulary, by Hyacinthe Charencey (1884)

Vocabulaire maya-français: Maya-French vocabulary, by Charles Brasseur de Bourbourg (1864) in Relation des choses de Yucatan by Diego de Landa (16th)

Maya language

Instituto lingüístico de Verano: Mayan family, map & pronunciation

Curso de maya yucateco: Yucatecan Maya course (+ audio)

pronunciation of the Maya alphabet

Grammar of the Yucatecan Mayan language by David Bolles & Alejandra Bolles (1996)

Maya grammar by Alfred Tozzer (1921)

Esquisse d'une grammaire de la langue maya by Charles Brasseur de Bourbourg, after Beltrán & Ruz (1866)

Arte del idioma maya reducido a sucintas reglas y semilexicon yucateco, by Pedro Beltrán (1859)

Grammaire de la langue quichée by Charles Brasseur de Bourbourg (1862)

vocabulary Quiché-Spanish-French

Des suffixes en langue quichée by Hyacinthe Charencey (1892)

Maya glyphs

Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies: writing of the Maya hieroglyphs

Guía de estudios de jeroglíficos maya compiled by Inga Calvin (2004)

Códices antiguos

Mesoweb: Mesoamerican culture

Introduction to Maya hieroglyphs by Harri Kettunen & Christophe Helmke (2010)

Primer of Mayan hieroglyphics by Daniel Brinton (1895)

Animal figures in the Maya codices by Alfred Tozzer & Glover Allen (1910)

Manuscrit Troano : études sur le système graphique et la langue des Mayas, by Charles Brasseur de Bourbourg (1869)

Study of the manuscript Troano by Cyrus Thomas (1882)

Note: the manuscript Troano belongs to the Madrid Codex.

Texts & Literature

Universidad autónoma de Yucatán: tales & poems bilingual Maya-Spanish

The Maya chronicles edited by Daniel Brinton, with translation into English (1882)

Chrestomathie maya d'après la Chronique de Chac-Xulub-Chen, with translation into French, by Hyacinthe Charencey (1891)

Vocabulaire maya-français

Popol Vuh : original text & literal translation into English & translation into English

Le livre sacré et les mythes de l'Antiquité américaine, by Charles Brasseur de Bourbourg (1861)

Popol Vuh : Maya text (Quiché) & translation into French

Rabinal-Achi : ancient drama in Quiché & translation into French

Popol Vuh : translation into Spanish

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Maya of Yucatan:

Tuláakal wíinik ku síijil jáalkʹab yetel keet u tsiikul yetel Najmal Sijnalil,
beytun xan naʹataʹan sijnalil yetel noʹojaʹanil u tuukuloʹ, kʹaʹabet u bisikuba bey láaktzilil yetel tuláakal u baatzileʹ.

Maya of Guatemala (quiché):

Chijunil li poyanam juntaqʹeet wankil xloqʹal naq nakeʹyoʹla,
ut kamaʹ ak rehebʹ naq wan xnaʹlebʹeb ut nakeʹreekʹa ribʹ, tento naq teʹxkʹam ribʹ saʹ usilal chiribʹilribʹebʹ.

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Maya, Quiché, Nahuatl, Spanish & other languages

Maya civilization

Nahuatl & Aztec civilization


Spanish & Mexican Spanish

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025