• Aulex: Maya-Spanish dictionary
• Universidad autónoma de Yucatán: Maya-Spanish dictionary
• proverbs
• Diccionario chʹol de Tumbalá, Chiapas, con variaciones dialectales de Tila y Sabanilla (2009)
• Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies: Maya dictionaries
• Kʹicheʹ-English dictionary by Allen Christenson (1987)
• Combined dictionary-concordance of the Yucatecan Mayan language by David Bolles (2003)
• Who's who in the classic Maya world (names in Maya inscriptions) by Peter Mathews
• Mesoweb: Classic Maya-English dictionary
• Preliminary Classic Maya-English & English-Classic Maya: vocabulary of hieroglyphic readings, by Erik Boot (2009)
• Diccionario de la lengua maya: Maya-Spanish dictionary, by Juan Pío Pérez (1877)
• Vocabulario español-maya: Spanish-Maya dictionary, by Mauricio Zavala & Alejandro Medina (1898)
• Coordinacion alfabetica de las voces del idioma maya que se hallan en el arte y obras del padre fr. Pedro Beltran de Santa Rosa, con las equivalencias castellanas que en las mismas se hallan, by Juan Pío Pérez (1898)
• Vocabulaire français-maya: French-Maya vocabulary, by Hyacinthe Charencey (1884)
• Vocabulaire maya-français: Maya-French vocabulary, by Charles Brasseur de Bourbourg (1864) in Relation des choses de Yucatan by Diego de Landa (16th)
• Instituto lingüístico de Verano: Mayan family, map & pronunciation
• Curso de maya yucateco: Yucatecan Maya course (+ audio)
• pronunciation of the Maya alphabet
• Grammar of the Yucatecan Mayan language by David Bolles & Alejandra Bolles (1996)
• Maya grammar by Alfred Tozzer (1921)
• Esquisse d'une grammaire de la langue maya by Charles Brasseur de Bourbourg, after Beltrán & Ruz (1866)
• Arte del idioma maya reducido a sucintas reglas y semilexicon yucateco, by Pedro Beltrán (1859)
• Grammaire de la langue quichée by Charles Brasseur de Bourbourg (1862)
• vocabulary Quiché-Spanish-French
• Des suffixes en langue quichée by Hyacinthe Charencey (1892)
• Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies: writing of the Maya hieroglyphs
• Guía de estudios de jeroglíficos maya compiled by Inga Calvin (2004)
• Mesoweb: Mesoamerican culture
• Introduction to Maya hieroglyphs by Harri Kettunen & Christophe Helmke (2010)
• Primer of Mayan hieroglyphics by Daniel Brinton (1895)
• Animal figures in the Maya codices by Alfred Tozzer & Glover Allen (1910)
• Manuscrit Troano : études sur le système graphique et la langue des Mayas, by Charles Brasseur de Bourbourg (1869)
• Study of the manuscript Troano by Cyrus Thomas (1882)
Note: the manuscript Troano belongs to the Madrid Codex.
• Universidad autónoma de Yucatán: tales & poems bilingual Maya-Spanish
• The Maya chronicles edited by Daniel Brinton, with translation into English (1882)
• Chrestomathie maya d'après la Chronique de Chac-Xulub-Chen, with translation into French, by Hyacinthe Charencey (1891)
• Popol Vuh : original text & literal translation into English & translation into English
• Le livre sacré et les mythes de l'Antiquité américaine, by Charles Brasseur de Bourbourg (1861)
• Popol Vuh : Maya text (Quiché) & translation into French
• Rabinal-Achi : ancient drama in Quiché & translation into French
• Popol Vuh : translation into Spanish
Maya of Yucatan:
Tuláakal wíinik ku síijil jáalkʹab yetel keet u tsiikul yetel Najmal Sijnalil,
beytun xan naʹataʹan sijnalil yetel noʹojaʹanil u tuukuloʹ, kʹaʹabet u bisikuba bey láaktzilil yetel tuláakal u baatzileʹ.
Maya of Guatemala (quiché):
Chijunil li poyanam juntaqʹeet wankil xloqʹal naq nakeʹyoʹla,
ut kamaʹ ak rehebʹ naq wan xnaʹlebʹeb ut nakeʹreekʹa ribʹ, tento naq teʹxkʹam ribʹ saʹ usilal chiribʹilribʹebʹ.
→ First article in different languages
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Maya, Quiché, Nahuatl, Spanish & other languages
→ Nahuatl & Aztec civilization
→ Mexico