Swedish dictionary

Swedish Svenska
Dictionary - Ordbok
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English > Swedish dictionary

Lingea Glosbe Trex Folkets Iate Sensagent

Swedish > English dictionary

Lingea Glosbe Trex Folkets Iate Sensagent

English > Swedish translation

Deepl Google Reverso Bing

Swedish > English translation

Deepl Google Reverso Bing

Svenska Akademiens ordbok: Dictionary of the Swedish Academy, meanings in Swedish & etymology

Lingea: Swedish-English dictionary & multilingual

Folkets: Swedish-English dictionary

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)

Lexin: Swedish dictionary

Svensk-dansk ordbog: Swedish-Danish dictionary

Lagom: Swedish-Dutch dictionary

Azoria: Swedish-French dictionary

online translation: Swedish-English & other languages & web page

Engelsk ordbok : engelsk-svensk/svensk-engelsk (English-Swedish dictionary) (1992) online

Loecsen: useful expressions Swedish-English (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Swedish-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Swedish-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Shtooka: Swedish words, with translation (audio) synonyms dictionary

Lexin: morpholocial dictionary

RimLexikon: rhyming dictionary

Svensk-engelsk ordbok för utbildningsområdet: Swedish-English dictionary of education

Projekt Runeberg: online Swedish dictionaries

Svenska Akademiens ordlista över svenska spraket: Swedish orthographe, published by the Swedish Academy (1991) + previous editions précédentes

Ord för ord, svenska synonymer och uttryck: synonyms dictionary, by Johan Palmér, Herbert Friedländer, Nils Hänninger (1984)

Våra ord, deras uttal och ursprung: origin and pronunciation of the Swedish words, by Elias Wessén (1973, revised edition)

Svensk etymologisk ordbok: Swedish etymological dictionary, by Elof Hellquist (1922) + Internet archive

Glossarium öfver föråldrade eller ovanliga ord och talesätt: Swedish obselete words, by Fredrik August Dahlgren (1914)

Svenskt dialektlexikon, ordbok öfver svenska allmogespråket: dictionary of the Swedish dialects, by Johan Ernst Rietz (1862) + Google Books

Nordisk familjebok Konversationslexikon och Realencyklopedi: 1899 edition (20 volumes) & 1926 (38 volumes)

Nusvensk ordbok: Swedish dictionary, by Olaf Östergren (1915)

A-E - F-G - H-K - L-O - P-Sh   (incomplete)

Våra vanligaste främmande ord: foreign words, by Olaf Östergren (1957)

Ordbok öfver svenska språket: dictionary of the Swedish language, by Anders Fredrik Dalin (1850)

A-K & L-Ö   or online search

Svenska språkets synonymer: synonyms of the Swedish language, by Anders Fredrik Dalin (1870)

Svenska etymologier: Swedish etymology, by Adolf Noreen (1897)

Ordklyfverier, en etymologisk hjälpreda: Swedish etymology, by Robert Geete (1888)

Svensk-engelsk ordbok: Swedish-English dictionary, by Walter Harlock (1964)

English-Swedish dictionary by Karl Kärre, Harald Lindkvist, Ruben Nöjd, Mats Redin (1948)

Engelsk-svensk ordbok: English-Swedish dictionary, by Edmund Wenström & Erik Lindgren (1919)

Svensk-engelsk ordbok: Swedish-English dictionary, by Edmund Wenström & Walter Harlock (1924) NEW

Burt's Swedish-English dictionary (1900)

Pocket dictionary of the English and Swedish languages (1890)

Swedish self-taught, with phonetic pronunciation & vocabularies, elementary grammar, idiomatic phrases and dialogues, travel talk, by Carl Thimm

Svenskt och engelskt lexicon: Swedish-English dictionary, by Gustaf Widegren (1788)

English and Swedish dictionary (and also Latin) by Jakob Serenius (1757)

Svensk–dansk-norsk ordbog: Swedish–Danish-Norwegian dictionary, by Ida Falbe-Hansen (1912)

Dansk-norsk–svensk ordbok: Danish-Norwegian–Swedish dictionary, by Ida Natanael Beckman (1907)

Svensk-tysk ordbok: Swedish-German dictionary, by Otto Hoppe (1916)

Tysk-svensk ordbok: German-Swedish dictionary (1904)

Svensk-fransk ordbok: Swedish-French dictionary, by Ferdinand Schulthess (1901)

Vocabulaire français, Fransk vokabelsamling: French-Swedish vocabulary by topics, by Gotthard Gullberg (1885)

Svenskt-finskt lexikon: Swedish-Finnish dictionary, by Ferdinand Ahlman (1865)

Swensk-latinsk ordbok: Swedish-Latin dictionary, by Christian Cavallin (1876)

Swensk ordbok med latinsk uttolkning, Dictionarium svecicum: Swedish-Latin dictionary, by Abraham Sahlstedt (1773)

Svenskt-grekiskt lexikon: Swedish-Greek dictionary, by Carl Linder & Carl Walberg (1862)

Biblisk ordbok: biblical dictionary, by Erik Nyström (1896)

Swenskt dialect lexicon: dictionary of the Swedish dialects, by Johan Ihre (1766)

Dialectus vestrogothica: the Swedish dialects, by Sven Hof (1772)

Historiska: Swedish first names, meanings and origins

What's in a Swedish surname? by Nils William Olsson, in Swedish American Genealogist (1981)

Swedish language

Swedish keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Swedish alphabet

Wiktionary: pronunciation of the Swedish alphabet (audio)

Verbix: verb conjugation & Swedish-English translation

Swedish course by Björn Engdahl (+ audio)

Swedish basic course (1982) (Foreign Service Institute)

Institutet för språk och folkminnen (Institute for language and folklore): Swedish dialects

Swedish by Sture Allén, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2012)

Variable norms in 16th century Swedish orthography by Alexander Zheltukhin, in Orthographies in Early Modern Europe (2012) NEW

Modality in Swedish by Erik Andersson, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2003)

studies about the Swedish language, by Muriel Norde

A corpus-based analysis of "giant" in German and Swedish, bleaching, productivity and debonding of prefixoids (2014)

The loss of lexical case in Swedish (2002)

The history of the genitive in Swedish, a case study in degrammaticalization, thesis (1997)

Swedish, a comprehensive grammar (2013)

Modern Swedish grammar by Immanuel Björkhagen (1923)

First Swedish book by Immanuel Björkhagen (1923)

Brief Swedish grammar by Edwin Vickner (1914)

Swedish grammar by Louis Elmquist (1913)

Swedish phonology (1915)

Elementary Swedish grammar by Henri Fort (1911)

Practical and easy method of learning the Swedish language by Carl Lenström (1908)

Practical grammar of the Swedish language by Alfred May (1904)

Simplified grammar of the Swedish language by Élise Otté (1902) & Danish

Introduction to Swedish Grammar by Gustavus Brunnmark (1825)

Vårt språk, nysvensk grammatik : Swedish gramar, by Adolf Noreen (1903): I & II - III - IV - V

Altschwedische Grammatik: Old Swedish grammar, by Adolf Noreen (1904)

Diva: Swedish research publications & student theses

books & papers about the Swedish language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

Audio & Video

Swedia: texts in Swedish dialects (+ audio)

Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland: the Swedish language spoken in Finland

YouTube : Learn Swedish

2000 common Swedish nouns

News - Nyheter

Dagens Nyheter - Svenska Dagbladet - Göteborgs-Posten - Aftonbladet - Expressen (newspapers)

8 sidor (+ audio)

Sveriges Radio online

Sveriges Television online

TV4 play: online television

Google news

Texts & Literature

Litteraturbanken (Swedish Literature Bank)

Runeberg: online books, Swedish literature & translations

Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige (The wonderful adventures of Nils) by Selma Lagerlöf (1906)

Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland (Society of Swedish Literature in Finland)

Zacharias Topelius skrifter: life and works of Zacharias Topelius, Swedish-speaking Finnish writer (19th)

LyrikLine: poems in Swedish, with translation (+ audio)

A History of Swedish literature by Lars Warme (1996) online

A history of Swedish literature by Ingemar Algulin (1989) online

Literature in medieval Sweden by Stephen Mitchell, in History of the Swedish literature (1996)

The Old Norse element in Swedish romanticism by Adolph Burnett Benson (1914)

Svenska Parnassen: anthology of the classical Swedish literature, by Ernst Meyer (1889): I & II - III - IV

books about the Swedish literature: Google books & Internet archive

Svenska Bibelsällskapet (Swedish Bible Society): Bibel 2000 & 1917 translation, Charles XII Bible (1703)

Bibletemplet: 1917 translation, Charles XII Bible (1703) & other languages

Bible Gateway: Svenska Folkbibeln (2015 & 1998)

NuBibeln, Biblica (2015)

Biblia, thet är all then Heliga Skrift på Swensko : Charles XII Bible (1703) scanned pages

Thet Nyia Testamentit på Swensko: The New Testament in Swedish, Gustav Vasa (1526, 1893 edition) the first translation into Swedish

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Alla människor äro födda fria och lika i värde och rättigheter.
De äro utrustade med förnuft och samvete och böra handla gentemot varandra i en anda av broderskap.

Allmän förklaring om de mänskliga rättigheterna: translation into Swedish (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Swedish, English, Danish, Norwegian …

Sweden: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

Danish - Norwegian - Icelandic

Germanic languages (in French)


Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025