• Árnastofnunar: Icelandic dictionary (+ audio) NEW
• Bín: declension & conjugation
• M.is: Icelandic-English-Polish dictionary & translation, declension & conjugation (+ audio)
• Concise Icelandic-English dictionary & grammar, by Sverrir Hólmarsson, Christopher Sanders, John Tucker, University of Wisconsin (1989)
• Snara: English-Icelandic dictionary & other languages
• Íslensk-katalónsk orðabók: Icelandic-Catalan dictionary, by Macià Riutort
• Loecsen: Icelandic-English common phrases (+ audio)
• LingoHut: Icelandic-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)
• Íslenzk-Ensk orðabók: Icelandic-English dictionary by Geir Zoëga (1922)
• Islandsk-dansk ordbog: Icelandic-Danish dictionary by Sigfús Blöndal (1920)
• 50 easy proverbs for Icelandic learners selected from Íslenskir málshættir með skýringum og dæmum, by Sölvi Sveinsson (1995)
• Concise dictionary of old Icelandic by Geir Zoëga (1910) (+ text)
• Icelandic-English dictionary by Richard Cleasby & Gudbrand Vigfusson (1874) (+ text)
• Icelandic first names: origin & meaning
• Icelandic-English glossary of selected geoscience terms
• On loanwords of Latin origin in contemporary Icelandic by Matteo Tarsi, in Nordicum-Mediterraneum (2014)
• On the origin of the oldest borrowed Christian terminology in Icelandic (10th-12th centuries), in Orð og tunga (2016)
• The vocabulary of insular Scandinavian: lexical purism, neologisms and language contact in Icelandic and Faroese, by Edward Smith (2014)
• Hinn and hinn: Early Icelandic as the clue to the history and etymology of two Old Scandinavian words, by Ulla Stroh-Wollin, in Nordic Journal of Linguistics (2020)
• On the etymology of compounded Old Icelandic Óðinn names with the second component -foðr, by Mathias Strandberg, in Scripta Islandica (2008)
→ Icelandic keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Icelandic alphabet
• Beygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls: declination & conjugation
• Verbix: verb conjugation
• Bragi: Icelandic course, vocabulary, pronunciation (+ audio)
• Ylhýra: Icelandic course, vocabulary(+ audio) NEW
• IcelandicOnline: Icelandic course
• A beginners' mp3 course in modern Icelandic by Alaric Hall (+ audio)
• IcelandicGrammar: Icelandic grammar, by Max Naylor NEW
• Mímir: Icelandic grammar
• Teach yourself Icelandic (2004)
• Colloquial Icelandic by Daisy Neijmann (2001)
• The syntax of Icelandic by Höskuldur Thráinsson (2007)
• Icelandic at once Ancient and Modern, published by the Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (2001)
• The Icelandic language by Stefán Karlsson (2004) NEW
• The myth of linguistic purism in Icelandic by Max Naylor, Dissertation in Scandinavian studies (2013)
• studies about the Icelandic language, by Matteo Tarsi
• Creating a norm for the vernacular: some critical notes on Icelandic and Italian in the Middle Ages, in Scripta islandica (2017)
• Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík: cultivation of language in his early writings (1727-1737), in Language & History (2017)
• Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík and the Icelandic language purism in the first half of the 18th century, in Arkiv för nordisk filologi (2016)
• On the origins of the Icelandic language: two short essays by Árni Magnússon, by Giovanni Verri & Matteo Tarsi, in Historiographia linguistica (2018)
• The vowel system of Modern Icelandic, by Edmund Gussman, in Folia Scandinavia (2011)
• studies about the Icelandic language, by Marcin Fortuna
• Icelandic vowel length and representational theories of phonology (2013)
• A change in the openness of two vowel phoneme pairs in Eastern Icelandic: an acoustic analysis of /ɶ:/ vs. /ʏ:/, and /ɛ:/ vs. /ɪ:/, by Guðlaug Hilmarsdóttir (2014)
• German and Icelandic compared: the force of lexical case, by Dieter Wunderlich, in The Nature of the Word (2003)
• Icelandic Primer with grammar, notes and glossary (old Icelandic) by Henry Sweet (1895) + PDF
• Elementary grammar of the old Norse or Icelandic language by George Bayldon (1870)
• Grammar of the Icelandic or old Norse tongue by Erasmus Rask (1843)
• Altisländische und altnorwegische Grammatik: Old Icelandic grammar, by Adolf Noreen (1903)
• Altisländisches Elementarbuch: Old Icelandic grammar, by Bernhard Kahle (1900)
• Ágrip af íslenskri málfræði: Icelandic grammar, by Halldór Briem (1910)
• books & papers about the Icelandic language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia
• Morgunblaðið: newspaper
• Rúv: television
• Landsbókasafns Íslands: National Library of Iceland
• Bækur: old books
• Handrit: manuscripts
• Timarit: Icelandic newspapers
• Hljóðsafn: sound archives & music
• Stofnun Árna Magnússonar (Árni Magnússon Institute): manuscripts
• LyrikLine: poems in Icelandic, with translation (+ audio)
• Jónas Hallgrímsson (1807-1845) Icelandic poet
• Jónas Hallgrímsson: selected poetry and prose, edited and translated with notes and commentary by Dick Ringler
• The Jónas tour: map of Iceland with poems that are intimately connected with particular locales.
• The folk-stories of Iceland by Einar Ólafur Sveinsson, revised by Einar Pétursson (2003)
• Old French lais and Icelandic sagnakvæði by Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir, in Francia et Germania (2002)
• The werewolf in Medieval Icelandic literature, in Journal of English and Germanic Philology (2007)
• Corpus poeticum boreale, the poetry of the old Northern tongue from the earliest times to the thirteenth century, edited and translated into English by Guðbrandur Vigfússon & York Powell (1883): I (Eddic poetry) & II (Court poetry)
• Icelandic prose reader with notes, grammar, and glossary, by Gudbrand Vigfusson (Guðbrandur Vigfússon) (1879)
• Hið Nýa Testamenti drottins vors Jesú Krists: the New Testament & Book of Psalms (1866)
• Biblia, Gamla testamentið: the Old Testament (1584)
• Nýja testamentið: the New Testament
• Þetta er hid nya Testament: the New Testament translated by Oddur Gottskálksson (1540)
→ bilingual Bible Icelandic, English & other languages
Hver maður er borinn frjáls og jafn öðrum að virðingu og réttindum.
Menn eru gæddir vitsmunum og samvisku, og ber þeim að breyta bróðurlega hverjum við annan.
→ First article in different languages
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish, English…
→ Iceland: maps, heritage & documents
→ Faroese - Norwegian - Danish - Swedish
→ Germanic languages (in French)