Icelandic dictionary

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Árnastofnunar: Icelandic dictionary (+ audio) NEW

Bín: declension & conjugation Icelandic-English-Polish dictionary & translation, declension & conjugation (+ audio)

Concise Icelandic-English dictionary & grammar, by Sverrir Hólmarsson, Christopher Sanders, John Tucker, University of Wisconsin (1989)

Snara: English-Icelandic dictionary & other languages

Íslensk-katalónsk orðabók: Icelandic-Catalan dictionary, by Macià Riutort

Loecsen: Icelandic-English common phrases (+ audio)

LingoHut: Icelandic-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Íslenzk-Ensk orðabók: Icelandic-English dictionary by Geir Zoëga (1922)

Islandsk-dansk ordbog: Icelandic-Danish dictionary by Sigfús Blöndal (1920)

I - II (from leggja)

50 easy proverbs for Icelandic learners selected from Íslenskir málshættir með skýringum og dæmum, by Sölvi Sveinsson (1995)

Concise dictionary of old Icelandic by Geir Zoëga (1910) (+ text)

Icelandic-English dictionary by Richard Cleasby & Gudbrand Vigfusson (1874) (+ text)

Icelandic first names: origin & meaning

Icelandic-English glossary of selected geoscience terms

On loanwords of Latin origin in contemporary Icelandic by Matteo Tarsi, in Nordicum-Mediterraneum (2014)

On the origin of the oldest borrowed Christian terminology in Icelandic (10th-12th centuries), in Orð og tunga (2016)

The vocabulary of insular Scandinavian: lexical purism, neologisms and language contact in Icelandic and Faroese, by Edward Smith (2014)

Hinn and hinn: Early Icelandic as the clue to the history and etymology of two Old Scandinavian words, by Ulla Stroh-Wollin, in Nordic Journal of Linguistics (2020)

On the etymology of compounded Old Icelandic Óðinn names with the second component -foðr, by Mathias Strandberg, in Scripta Islandica (2008)

Icelandic language

Icelandic keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Icelandic alphabet

Beygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls: declination & conjugation

Verbix: verb conjugation

Bragi: Icelandic course, vocabulary, pronunciation (+ audio)

Ylhýra: Icelandic course, vocabulary(+ audio) NEW

IcelandicOnline: Icelandic course

A beginners' mp3 course in modern Icelandic by Alaric Hall (+ audio)

IcelandicGrammar: Icelandic grammar, by Max Naylor NEW

Mímir: Icelandic grammar

Teach yourself Icelandic (2004)

Colloquial Icelandic by Daisy Neijmann (2001)

The syntax of Icelandic by Höskuldur Thráinsson (2007)

Icelandic at once Ancient and Modern, published by the Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (2001)

The Icelandic language by Stefán Karlsson (2004) NEW

The myth of linguistic purism in Icelandic by Max Naylor, Dissertation in Scandinavian studies (2013)

studies about the Icelandic language, by Matteo Tarsi

Creating a norm for the vernacular: some critical notes on Icelandic and Italian in the Middle Ages, in Scripta islandica (2017)

Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík: cultivation of language in his early writings (1727-1737), in Language & History (2017)

Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík and the Icelandic language purism in the first half of the 18th century, in Arkiv för nordisk filologi (2016)

On the origins of the Icelandic language: two short essays by Árni Magnússon, by Giovanni Verri & Matteo Tarsi, in Historiographia linguistica (2018)

The vowel system of Modern Icelandic, by Edmund Gussman, in Folia Scandinavia (2011)

studies about the Icelandic language, by Marcin Fortuna

Icelandic vowel length and representational theories of phonology (2013)

A change in the openness of two vowel phoneme pairs in Eastern Icelandic: an acoustic analysis of /ɶ:/ vs. /ʏ:/, and /ɛ:/ vs. /ɪ:/, by Guðlaug Hilmarsdóttir (2014)

German and Icelandic compared: the force of lexical case, by Dieter Wunderlich, in The Nature of the Word (2003)

Icelandic Primer with grammar, notes and glossary (old Icelandic) by Henry Sweet (1895) + PDF

Elementary grammar of the old Norse or Icelandic language by George Bayldon (1870)

Grammar of the Icelandic or old Norse tongue by Erasmus Rask (1843)

Altisländische und altnorwegische Grammatik: Old Icelandic grammar, by Adolf Noreen (1903)

Altisländisches Elementarbuch: Old Icelandic grammar, by Bernhard Kahle (1900)

Ágrip af íslenskri málfræði: Icelandic grammar, by Halldór Briem (1910)

books & papers about the Icelandic language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia


Morgunblaðið: newspaper

Rúv: television

Texts & Literature

Landsbókasafns Íslands: National Library of Iceland

Bækur: old books

Handrit: manuscripts

Timarit: Icelandic newspapers

Hljóðsafn: sound archives & music

Stofnun Árna Magnússonar (Árni Magnússon Institute): manuscripts

LyrikLine: poems in Icelandic, with translation (+ audio)

Jónas Hallgrímsson (1807-1845) Icelandic poet

Jónas Hallgrímsson: selected poetry and prose, edited and translated with notes and commentary by Dick Ringler

The Jónas tour: map of Iceland with poems that are intimately connected with particular locales.

The folk-stories of Iceland by Einar Ólafur Sveinsson, revised by Einar PéŽtursson (2003)

Old French lais and Icelandic sagnakvæði by Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir, in Francia et Germania (2002)

The werewolf in Medieval Icelandic literature, in Journal of English and Germanic Philology (2007)

Corpus poeticum boreale, the poetry of the old Northern tongue from the earliest times to the thirteenth century, edited and translated into English by Guðbrandur Vigfússon & York Powell (1883): I (Eddic poetry) & II (Court poetry)

Icelandic prose reader with notes, grammar, and glossary, by Gudbrand Vigfusson (Guðbrandur Vigfússon) (1879)

Hið Nýa Testamenti drottins vors Jesú Krists: the New Testament & Book of Psalms (1866)

Biblia, Gamla testamentið: the Old Testament (1584)

Nýja testamentið: the New Testament

Þetta er hid nya Testament: the New Testament translated by Oddur Gottskálksson (1540)

bilingual Bible Icelandic, English & other languages

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Hver maður er borinn frjáls og jafn öðrum að virðingu og réttindum.
Menn eru gæddir vitsmunum og samvisku, og ber þeim að breyta bróðurlega hverjum við annan.

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish, English…

Iceland: maps, heritage & documents

Faroese - Norwegian - Danish - Swedish

Germanic languages (in French)

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025