Palatine dictionary

Franconian > Palatine
Palatine Pfälzisch Pälsisch

Palatina-Rhenania : Palatine vocabulary & grammar

Pfälzer Mundart: Redewendungen (phrases in dialect) (WaybackMachine)

Pfälzer Redensarten, Schimpfwörter und andere originelle pfälzer Wörter: Palatine phrases and words, by the Verein der Rheinpfälzer in München

Bann2000: Bann dialect

Tabelle Mundartworte Sankt Leon: Sankt Leon dialect dictionary (northern Baden) (2020)

DW: Pfälzisch, vocabulary, phrases (WaybackMachine)

Pfälzisches Wörterbuch: Palatine dictionary, by Ernst Christmann (1968)

Rheinisches Wörterbuch: dictionary of the Franconian dialects (Rhine, Moselle, Ripuarian), by Josef Müller (1928-1971)

Nachträge zum Rheinischen Wörterbuch (supplement)

Pfälzisches Idiotikon by Georg Autenrieth (1899)


Phraseologie des Pfälzischen: exemplarische Untersuchungen zu lexikographischen, kulturellen und stilistisch-pragmatischen Aspekten, by Kerstin Knop, dissertation (2010)

Wie man in Erpolzheim spricht: "Die bewunnern uns schunn" (Erpolzheim is near Mannheim) by Georg Albert, Beate Henn-Memmesheimer, Rudolf Post, in Erpolzheim: (Fast) alles über Erpolzheim (2011) + linguistic maps

Der Dialekt der Südost-Pfalz by Georg Heeger (1896)

Rheinfränkische Studien: der Konsonantismus in Rheinhessen und der Pfalz, by Wilhelm Haster (1908)

Lautlehre der moselfränkischen Mundart von Sehlem: phonology of the Moselle Franconian dialect of Sehlem (Eifel), by Johannes Ludwig (1906)

Pälzer Humor, Gedichte und Erzählungen mit Titelzeichnung, by Emil Weber (1904)

Dialekt-Wörter und -Ausdrücker: glossary of Palatine words and phrases

The Palatinat, from Rome to the Rhine…

The Palatinate lies to the north of Alsace: it's the Worms region. The far north of Alsace, known as Alsace bossue, speaks this Franconian language. Not to be confused with Upper Palatinate, part of Bavaria, where Bavarian is spoken. Rhineland-Palatinate, whose capital is Mainz, is a Land of Germany.

It was originally the name of a hill in Rome, the Palatium, on which Augustus had his residence built. The hill then gave its name to the imperial residence, palatium, hence the Italian palazzo, the French palais, the English palace, and the German Pfalz. This word then designated the imperial residence of the German emperor and, by extension, the region.


Moselle Franconian - Luxembourgish - Lorraine Franconian

Colognian (Ripuarian Franconian)

Franconian languages


languages of Germany

Germanic languages


Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025