Luxembourgish dictionary

Luxembourgish Lëtzebuergesch
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Lëtzebuerger online dictionnaire: Luxembourgish-English & French, German, Portuguese dictionary (+ audio) (Ministère de la culture)

LuxVocabulary: Luxembourgish-English-French-German dictionary

Luxdico: Luxembourgish-French dictionary, by Jérôme Lulling & François Schanen

Klengen dictionnaire Franséisch-Lëtzebuergesch: short French-Luxembourgish dictionary (2000)

100 wierder Lëtzebuergesch: 100 words, Luxembourgish-English-French-German, illustrated vocabulary

Schwätzt Dir Groussregioun?: French-German-Luxembourgish short communication guide (2017)

Apprendre le luxembourgeois: Luxembourgish-French vocabulary by topics, by Jérôme Lulling

Ech schwätzen är sprooch! Luxembourgish-French vocabulary for cross-border workers, by Nicolas Tarayre (2010)

Health & welfare (2016)

Association de soutien aux travailleurs immigrés : elementary dictionaries for immigrant workers

Dictionnaire élémentaire français-arabe-luxembourgeois : French-Arabic-Luxembourgish dictionary (2016)

Dictionnaire élémentaire français-dari-luxembourgeois : French-Dari-Luxembourgish dictionary (2017)

Dictionnaire élémentaire français-tigrigna-luxembourgeois : French-Tigrigna-Luxembourgish dictionary (2019)

Letzlearn (YouTube): common phrases (video)

Infolux: Luxembourgish family names, atlas

Eis Virnimm: Luxembourgish first names

Eis Uertschaftsnimm: offical & Luxembourgish names of communes

DicoLux: Luxembourgish dictionaries, online search

Luxemburger Wörterbuch: Luxembourgish-German dictionary (1950-1970)

Wörterbuch der luxemburgischen Mundart: Luxembourgish-German dictionary (1906)

Lexicon der luxemburger Umgangsprache: Luxembourgish-French-German dictionary by Jean-François Gangler (1847) + Google book

Luxemburgischer Sprachatlas: Luxembourgish linguistic atlas

Luxembourgish language Luxembourgish course, vocabulary & common phrases (video)

Infolux: phonetics

Luxogramm: Luxembourgish verbs (WaybackMachine)

Lëtzebuergesch léiere mat mp3: Luxembourgish course, texts & audio files (ville de Luxembourg)

Platform for learning Luxembourgish: Luxembourgish course (+ audio) online

Spellchecker: spell checker, correction of spelling and grammar errors

Gewosst, wéi! Luxembourgish grammar (2017)

Le luxembourgeois : introduction, particularities, grammar, commented vocabulary, linguistic area, by Francis André-Cartigny (2021)

Aspekte der luxemburgischen Syntax by Caroline Döhmer (2020)

Portal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: the languages

About languages in Luxembourg (2008)

Orthographe luxembourgeoise (Luxembourgish spelling) Mémorial, journal officiel du grand-duché de Luxembourg (1999)

Introduction à l'orthographe luxembourgeoise by François Schanen & Jérôme Lulling (2003) (in French or in Luxembourgish)

D'Lëtzebuerger Schreifweis: Luxembourgish spelling & phonetics, by François Schanen (2013)

Eng kleng Hëllef fir Lëtzebuergesch ze schreiwen: spelling rules (2001)

Actioun Lëtzebuergesch: Association for the Promotion of Luxembourgish

Eng Klack fir eis Sprooch: monthly column

Lëtzebuergesch : la langue nationale du grand-duché de Luxembourg, by Jérôme Lulling & François Schanen, in Lengas (2010)

Les origines et l'histoire de la langue luxembourgeoise by Natalia Filatkina (2006)

À propos des éléments lexicaux français (et allemands) en luxembourgeois by Fernande Krier, in La linguistique (2018)

Recherches sur l'influence lexicale du lorrain et du wallon sur le luxembourgeois : « D'Halett läit am tirang ! » by Joseph Reisdoerfer, in Études romanes (1992)

studies about the Luxembourgish language, by Peter Gilles

Luxembourgish (2017)

Luxembourgish phonetics (2012)

Codification and implementation of spelling norms in Luxembourgish, from status to corpus

Phonological domains in Luxembourgish (2011)

The sociophonetics of /ʀ/-vocalization in Luxembourgish, by François Conrad, in International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (2019)

Une étude acoustique et comparative sur les voyelles du luxembourgeois by Tina Thill, thesis (2017)

Intonation des Luxemburgischen: System und Sprachkontext, by Judith Manzoni-Luxenburger (2021)

Grammatik der areler Mundart: grammar of the dialect of Arlon, by Alfred Bertrang (1921)

Die luxemburger Mundart by Jean-Pierre Bourg, in Ons Hémecht (1895)

Die luxemburger Mundart, ihre Bedeutung und ihr Einfluss auf Volkscharakter und Volksbildung, by Nicolas Gredt (1871)

Die Sprache der Luxemburger by Peter Klein (1855)

books & papers about the Luxembourgish language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia


RTL in Luxembourgish

Eis Sprooch

Texts & Literature

eLuxemburgensia (National Library of Luxembourg): online Luxembourgish newspapers

Dictionnaire des auteurs luxembourgeois: Dictionary of the Luxembourgish writers

L'écrivain francophone grand-ducal et ses choix linguistique et culturel by Frank Wilhelm, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2001)

De la polyglossie à la polyphonie dans le roman Der sechste Himmel (Feier a Flam) de Roger Manderscheid : « Il wullte bien, mais il ne puffte pas », by Julia Genz, in Enjeu du jeu de mots (2015)

Kathoulesch kierch zu Letzebuerg: D'Evangelium op Lëtzebuergesch: translation of the Gospels into Luxembourgish (extracts)

De Jean: translation of the Gospel of John into Luxembourgish (2014)

Evangeliar : considérations historiques, théologiques et exégétiques appliquées à la traduction de l'évangéliaire en luxembourgeois (2009), by Françoise Biver-Pettinger, thesis (2015)

Die Dichter der luxemburgischen Mundart (The poets of the Luxembourgish dialect) by Nikolaus Welter (1906)

Essai sur la poésie luxembourgeoise: the Luxembourgish poetry, by Félix Thyes (1854)

Spâss an iérscht, liddercher a gedichten: songs & poems, by Michel Lentz (1873)

D'Letzerberger (De Feierwon)

Ons Hémécht

Glossar: Luxembourgish-German glossary

Ons Heemecht: anthem of Luxembourg

D'Evangelium op lëtzbuergesch: the Gospels in Luxembourgish

Codex mariendalensis

The Codex mariendalensis is a manuscript written at the beginning of the 14th century in Moselle Franconian language, precursor of Luxembourgish. It is an epic poem about the life of Yolanda of Vianden (1231-1283), prioress of the Dominican monastery of Marienthal (Mariendall, Märjendall, in Luxembourgish, located in the center of Luxembourg).

Le Codex mariendalensis : texte fondateur de la littérature luxembourgeoise, by Jean Portante, in La Revue de la Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg (2017)

Der Codex mariendalensis : vom mittelalterlichen Manuskript zum Erinnerungsort, by Michel Margue & Pit Péporté, in Contributions à l'histoire littéraire et culturelle au Luxembourg et en Europe (2010)

Der Codex mariendalensis : Veränderungen und Brüche im Leben der Yolanda von Vianden, by Marc Steffen (2014)

Yolanda von Vianden : Familiäre Vorgeschichte und der Streit um den Klostereintritt, in Le monachisme dans la société médiévale (2013)

Untersuchungen zur mittelhochdeutschen Syntax unter den Bedingungen des epischen Reimpaarverses am Beispiel der Yolanda von Vianden, by Thomas Jäger, thesis (2016)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

All Mënsch kënnt fräi a mat deer selwechter Dignitéit an dene selwechte Rechter op d'Welt.
Jiddereen huet säi Verstand a säi Gewësse krut an soll an engem Geescht vu Bridderlechkeet denen anere géintiwwer handelen.

Universal-Deklaratioun vun de Mënscherechter: translation into Luxembourgish (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Luxembourgish, English…

Some Luxembourgish words
moien ! hello! good morning! (cf. German: Morgen)
äddi ! good bye! (cf. French: adieu)
wéi geet et ? how are you?
mir geet et gutt I'm well
merci ! thank you!
jo yes
neen no
kuff d'schmull ! shut up!
ech schwätzen Lëtzebuergesch I speak Luxembourgish
Belsch Belgian
Fransous French
Luxembourg - Lëtzebuerg

Luxembourg: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

French - German - Dutch

Franconian languages

Germanic languages

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025