Colognian dictionary

Franconian > Ripuarian
Colognian Kölsch

Akademie för uns kölsche Sproch: Colognian-German dictionary

Idiome und Redensarten

Köln-Altstadt: Colognian-German dictionary (WaybackMachine)

Kölsche Schimpfwörter & Kraftausdrücke (swear words)

Sprichwörter & Redewendungen (proverbs & sayings)

Wiggersu: Colognian-German dictionary (WaybackMachine)

Kölsch-Wörterbuch: Colognian-German dictionary & song lyrics (+ video)

Wörterbuch der Eschweiler Mundart: dictionary of the Eschweiler dialect (between Cologne & Aachen), by Hein Huppertz

Entwurf eines Alfterer Wortschatzes: outline of a dictionary of the Alfter dialect (region of Bonn) by Werner Jaroch

Der Köln-Lotse: Kölsche Wörter (Colognian words & guide of Cologne), blog by Uli Kievernagel

Ein kleines rheinisches Lexikon: Rhine Franconian phrases, University of Bonn (WaybackMachine)

DW: Kölsch, vocabulary, phrases (WaybackMachine)

Dialektatlas Mittleres Westdeutschland: Dialektatlas (linguistic atlas) produced by the University of Siegen (+ audio)

Wörterbuch der kölner Mundart: dictionary of the Colognian dialect, by Fritz Hönig (1905)

Rheinisches Wörterbuch: dictionary of the Franconian dialects (Rhine, Moselle, Ripuarian), by Josef Müller (1928-1971)

Nachträge zum Rheinischen Wörterbuch (supplement)

Colognian language

Akademie för uns kölsche Sproch

Das internationale phonetische Alphabet: Colognian pronunciation with the International phonetic alphabet

Analyse der gewerblichen Verwendung des Kölsch-Dialekts durch Biermarken (analysis of the commercial use of Colognian dialect by beer brands), by Carlos Lanzarote Pérez, dissertation (2020)

Cologne German velarisation and virtual geminates by Tobias Scheer, in Colloquium of Linguistics (1999)

Audio & Video

Kölsch hüre, Kölsch schwaade

Cologne flag

The Cologne coat of arms is composed of the three crowns of the Three Wise Men, whose relics were transferred to Cologne in 1164, and the eleven flames of Saint Ursula and the eleven virgins who are said to have suffered martyrdom in Cologne (eleven thousand virgins according to some legends). The red and white colors are those of the Hanseatic League.

Form, meaning, and local identity in modern Cologne carnival: the reinvention of tradition, by Jeremy DeWaal, in Central European History (2013)

Cologne, Les villes d'art célèbres, by Louis Réau (1908)

Cologne in the 12th century, by Paul Strait (1974) online

Origins of Cologne
Cologne (in German Köln, also early Cöln, Kölle in Colognian) from Latin Colonia: originally a Roman colony founded on the banks of the Rhine. The full name was: Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium.

Palatine - Hessian (Rhine Franconian)

Moselle Franconian - Luxembourgish - Lorraine Franconian

Franconian languages


languages of Germany

Germanic languages


Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025