Tigrinya dictionary

Tigrinya ትግርኛ
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Tigrigna-English dictionary by Efrem Zecarias (2007)

Dictionnaire tigrigna-français

Dictionnaire élémentaire français-tigrigna-luxembourgeois: French-Tigrinya-Luxemburgish dictionary (2019)

Goethe-Verlag: Tigrinya-English common phrases (+ audio)

Defense Language Institute: basic vocabulary (+ audio) - civil affairs - medical

Dictionnaire de la langue tigraï: Tigrai-French dictionary by Jean-Baptiste Coulbeaux & Jules Schreiber (1915)

Vocabolario italiano-tigrai: Italian-Tigrai vocabulary, by Alfonso Cimino (1904)

Vocabulary of the Tigré language by Moritz von Beurmann & grammar by Adalbert Merx (1868)

A comparative review of some Tigrinya and Somali proverbs by Filip Busau, in Bildhaan, an international journal of Somali studies (2019)

Tigrinya language

Tigrinya keyboard to type a text with the Geez script

Dehai Tigre page: grammar of Tigré language, by Omar Kekia (in Latin script) (WaybackMachine)

Tigrinya gender morphology and agreement by Bill Dyer, in Florida Linguistics Papers (2019)

Locative constructions in Tigrinya by Engin Arik, in New research into applied linguistics and language learning (2013)

Manuel de la langue tigraï: grammar, texts & vocabulary, by Jules Schreiber (1887)

Grammatica elementare della lingua tigrigna‎: elementary Tigrinya grammar, by Ludovico de Vito (1895)

Tigrinya & Tigrai
The Tigrinya language (or Tigrigna, Tigrai) is a language derived from the Geez (ge'ez), like the Amharic language. It's spoken in the south of Eritrea (it's the main language of the country) and in the north of Ethiopia. The Tigrai language is spoken in the north of Eritrea (and in a part of Sudan).

Les langues de l'Érythrée: The languages of Eritrea, by Marie-Claude Simeone-Senelle, in Chroniques yéménites (2008) & linguistic map


VOA in Tigrinya


Folk song for the New Year's Day & Women's song to get the rain (1921)

Texts & Literature

Aspects of Tigrinya literature by Hailu Habti, thesis (1981)

Littératures d'Érythrée, Études littéraires africaines (2012)

L'épanouissement d'une littérature en langues locales : tigrigna, tigré et arabe, by Xavier Luffin

The legend of the Queen of Sheba in the tradition of Axum: text in Tigré & translation into English, by Enno Littman (1904)

The voyage of Däbtära Fesseha Giyorgis to Italy at the end of the 19th century, by Hailu Habtu, in Annales d'Éthiopie (2000)

Note: translation of a travelogue written in Tigrinya about his voyage from Massawa to Italy in the summer of 1890. This is the first secular text published in the Tigrinya language, in 1895.

BeteZion: translation of the Bible into Tigrinya

Talking Bibles: the New Testament (audio)

The Quran: bilingual text Arabic-Tigrinya

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

ብመንፅር ክብርን መሰልን ኩሎም ሰባት እንትውለዱ ነፃን ማዕሪን እዮም፡፡
ምስትውዓልን ሕልናን ዝተዓደሎም ብምዃኖም ንሕድሕዶም ብሕውነታዊ መንፈስ ክተሓላለዩ ኦለዎም፡፡

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (+ PDF format)

Amharic language

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025