• Tigrigna-English dictionary by Efrem Zecarias (2007)
• Dictionnaire tigrigna-français
• Dictionnaire élémentaire français-tigrigna-luxembourgeois: French-Tigrinya-Luxemburgish dictionary (2019)
• Goethe-Verlag: Tigrinya-English common phrases (+ audio)
• Defense Language Institute: basic vocabulary (+ audio) - civil affairs - medical
• Dictionnaire de la langue tigraï: Tigrai-French dictionary by Jean-Baptiste Coulbeaux & Jules Schreiber (1915)
• Vocabolario italiano-tigrai: Italian-Tigrai vocabulary, by Alfonso Cimino (1904)
• Vocabulary of the Tigré language by Moritz von Beurmann & grammar by Adalbert Merx (1868)
• A comparative review of some Tigrinya and Somali proverbs by Filip Busau, in Bildhaan, an international journal of Somali studies (2019)
→ Tigrinya keyboard to type a text with the Geez script
• Dehai Tigre page: grammar of Tigré language, by Omar Kekia (in Latin script) (WaybackMachine)
• Tigrinya gender morphology and agreement by Bill Dyer, in Florida Linguistics Papers (2019)
• Locative constructions in Tigrinya by Engin Arik, in New research into applied linguistics and language learning (2013)
• Manuel de la langue tigraï: grammar, texts & vocabulary, by Jules Schreiber (1887)
• Grammatica elementare della lingua tigrigna: elementary Tigrinya grammar, by Ludovico de Vito (1895)
• Les langues de l'Érythrée: The languages of Eritrea, by Marie-Claude Simeone-Senelle, in Chroniques yéménites (2008) & linguistic map
• VOA in Tigrinya
• Folk song for the New Year's Day & Women's song to get the rain (1921)
• Aspects of Tigrinya literature by Hailu Habti, thesis (1981)
• Littératures d'Érythrée, Études littéraires africaines (2012)
• L'épanouissement d'une littérature en langues locales : tigrigna, tigré et arabe, by Xavier Luffin
• The legend of the Queen of Sheba in the tradition of Axum: text in Tigré & translation into English, by Enno Littman (1904)
• The voyage of Däbtära Fesseha Giyorgis to Italy at the end of the 19th century, by Hailu Habtu, in Annales d'Éthiopie (2000)
Note: translation of a travelogue written in Tigrinya about his voyage from Massawa to Italy in the summer of 1890. This is the first secular text published in the Tigrinya language, in 1895.
• BeteZion: translation of the Bible into Tigrinya
• Talking Bibles: the New Testament (audio)
• The Quran: bilingual text Arabic-Tigrinya
ብመንፅር ክብርን መሰልን ኩሎም ሰባት እንትውለዱ ነፃን ማዕሪን እዮም፡፡
ምስትውዓልን ሕልናን ዝተዓደሎም ብምዃኖም ንሕድሕዶም ብሕውነታዊ መንፈስ ክተሓላለዩ ኦለዎም፡፡
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (+ PDF format)