Vietnamese dictionary

Vietnamese tiếng Việt
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Vietnamese dictionary

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Wikipedia Google search

Vdict: Vietnamese dictionary & Vietnamese-English dictionary & French

Viê Vietnamese-English dictionary & translation NEW

Collins Vietnamese: 3000 words and phrases (2019)

NTC: Vietnamese-English dictionary, by Đình Hoà Nguyễn (1995) online

English-Vietnamese idioms and scientific & technical phrase dictionary, by Lã Thàng (1988) NEW

Vietnamese-English dictionary by Lê-Bá-Khanh & Lê-Bá-Kông (1955) online

Dictionnaire vietnamien-français: the French loanwords, by Dang Thai Minh (2011)

Loecsen: Vietnamese-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Vietnamese-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Vietnamese-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Defense Language Institute: basic vocabulary - civil affairs - medical (+ audio)

Vocabulaire français-annamite: French-Vietnamese vocabulary with a grammar, by Louis-Gabriel Aubaret (1861)

Dictionarium annamiticum, lusitanum et latinum: Vietnamese-Portuguese-Latin dictionary by Alexandro de Rhodes (1651) + format PDF

Revisiting semantic issues of proper names: a Vietnamese perspective, by Nguyen Viet Khoa, in Names (2022)

Les noms et les prénoms vietnamiens by Phạm Quang Cường

Vietnamese language

Vietnamese keyboard to type a text with the Vietnamese script

SeaSite: Vietnamese course, grammar & basic vocabulary

pronunciation (+ audio)

YouTube: Vietnamese course, common phrases (video)

Vietnamese basic course, Foreign Service Institute

De l'origine des tons en viêtnamien by André Haudricourt, in Journal asiatique (1954)

The origin of tones in Vietnamese (2018)

Prosody in language contact: French and Vietnamese, by Vera Scholvin, thesis (2022)

Deux organisations de la personne en vietnamien by Phú Phong Nguyễn, in Faits de langues (1994)

Le démonstratif indéfini en vietnamien, in Faits de langues (1994)

Quelques aspects de la négation en vietnamien, in Cahiers de linguistique, Asie orientale (1994)

Deux types d'interrogation en vietnamien, in Cahiers de linguistique, Asie orientale (1979)

Histoire abrégée de l'évolution des consonnes initiales du vietnamien et du sino-vietnamien by Michel Ferlus (2014)

Problèmes de la formation du système vocalique du vietnamien, in Cahiers de linguistique, Asie orientale (1997)

Spirantisation des obstruantes médiales et formation du système consonantique du vietnamien, in Cahiers de linguistique, Asie orientale (1982)

La particule injonctive đi en vietnamien contemporain, by Huy Linh Dao, in Syntaxe et sémantique (2013)

Types de prédication en vietnamien by Amélie Manente, thesis (2013)

Les constructions verbales en série : apports de la linguistique fonctionnelle, in La linguistique (2015)

Le dialecte vietnamien de Vinh by Michel Ferlus (1991)

Étude contrastive de la temporalité en français et en vietnamien by Nguyễn Thức Thành Tín, thesis (2013)

Études sur la phonétique historique de la langue annamite : les initiales, by Henri Maspero, in Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient (1912)

Le dialecte du Bas-Annam, esquisse de phonétique, by Léopold Cadière, in Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient (1911)

Cours élémentaire d'annamite : éléments de grammaire, textes en langue indigène, lexique annamite-français, by Alfred Bouchet (1908)

Éléments de grammaire annamite by Édouard Diguet (1904)

Phonétique annamite (dialect of Haut-Annam) by Léopold Cadière (1902)

Grammaire annamite by Gabriel Aubaret (1867)

Notions pour servir à l'étude de la langue annamite by Louis Casby (1878)

Notice sur le langue annamique by Léon de Rosny (1855)

books about the Vietnamese language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

Vietnamese scripts

Nom Foundation: the Chinese script (nôm)

Online Roman-Chinese conversion

Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư: texts in Chinese & Latin scripts

The origin of the peculiarities of the Vietnamese alphabet by André-Georges Haudricourt (1949)

À propos du nôm, écriture démotique vietnamienne, by Phú Phong Nguyễn, in Cahiers de linguistique, Asie orientale (1978)

First codification of Vietnamese by 17th-century missionaries: the description of tones and the influence of Portuguese on Vietnamese orthography, by Gonçalo Fernandes & Carlos Assunção, in Histoire, épistémologie, langage (2017)

Catholic written and oral cultures in 17th-century Vietnam, by Tara Alberts, in Journal of early modern history (2012)

Le Portugal et la romanisation de la langue vietnamienne : faut-il réécrire l'histoire ?, by Roland Jacques, in Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer (1998)

Le rôle de Pham Quynh dans la promotion du quôc ngu et de la littérature vietnamienne moderne, by Bernard Le Calloc'h, in Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer (1985)

tiếng : language

quốc ngữ designates the Latin script (literally: National language)
chữ nôm designates the Chinese script (literally: Southern script)
in Chinese characters (Kanji in Japanese)

Thanh Niên (newspaper)

BBC - VOA - RFI: news in Vietnamese

Texts & Literature

LyrikLine: poems in Vietnamese, with translation (+ audio)

Hoàng Tử Bé: translation into Vietnamese of the Petit prince of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

VietChristian: translation of the Bible into Vietnamese

Gương phước: translation into Vietnamese of De imitatione Christi by Louis-Philippe Montmayeur (1925)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Tất cả mọi người sinh ra đều được tự do và bình đẳng về nhân phẩm và quyền.
Mọi con người đều được tạo hóa ban cho lý trí và lương tâm và cần phải đối xử với nhau trong tình bẳng hữu.

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text, Vietnamese, English…

Vietnam - Việt Nam

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Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025