Japanese dictionary

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English > Japanese translation

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Japanese > English translation

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Jisho: Japanese-English dictionary (words & phrases), search by kanji, writing (+ audio)

Tangorin: Japanese-English dictionary (words & phrases), search by kanji

Jdic: Japanese-English dictionary, by Jim Breen

RōmajiDesu: Japanese-English dictionary

Eijiro: Japanese-English dictionary & translation of phrases

Goo: Japanese-English dictionary

Weblio: Japanese-English translation of phrases

Wadoku: Japanese-German dictionary

Kotobank: multilingual dictionary (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese)

Tatoeba: sentences in Japanese, with translation (audio)

online translation: Japanese-English & other languages & web page

Loecsen: Japanese-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Japanese-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Japanese-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

GenkiEnglish: cool phrases in Japanese (+ audio)

Collins Japanese: 3000 words and phrases (2019)

Making out in Japanese: phrase book, everyday conversation (2004)

Handbook of common Japanese phrases (2002)

Webster's Japanese dictionary : Japanese-English & English-Japanese dictionary (1997) online

Kenkyusha's new Japanese-English dictionary (1974) online

Kenkyusha's new English-Japanese dictionary (1980) online

A frequency dictionary of Japanese: core vocabulary for learners (2013)

Dirty Japanese: slang dictionary (2007)

Idiomological English-Japanese dictionary by Hidesaburo Saito (1936)

English-Japanese dictionary of the spoken language, by Ernest Mason Satow & Ishibashi Masakata (1904)

English-Japanese dictionary by T. Masuda (1913)

Japanese-English dictionary by Jukichi Inouye (1909)

Japanese-English dictionary for assisting students in conversation & composition, by N. Sakuma (1906)

Unabridged Japanese-English dictionary, with copious illustrations, by Frank Brinkley, Nanjo Bunyu, Yukichika Iwasaki (1896)

Japanese and English dictionary by James Curtis Hepburn (1888)

Eclectic Chinese-Japanese-English dictionary of eight thousand selected Chinese characters, including an introduction to the study of these characters as used in Japan, by Ambrose Gring (1884)

Dictionary of English phrases, with illustrative sentences, by Kwong Ki Chiu (1899)

Handbook of English-Japanese etymology by William Imbrie (1880)

Familiar dialogues in Japanese with English & French Translations, by Rutherford Alcock (1863)

Dictionnaire français-anglais-japonais: French-English-Japanese dictionary, by Eugène-Emmanuel Mermet de Cachon & Léon Pagès (1866) or Gallica

English and Japanese vocabulary by Walter Henry Medhurst (1830) by topics

Japanese names and how to read them: Japanese proper names, geographical and personal, by Albert Koop & Hogitaro Inada (1922)

On the etymology of the name of Mount Fuji 富士山 Fujisan, by Alexander Vovin (2017)

Japanese characters

Japanese keyboard: Kanji (by strokes, radicals or pronunciation) & Hiragana, Katagana

Hiragana keyboard to type the Japanese characters

Katakana keyboard to type the foreign words with Japanese characters

Hiragana conversion & Katakana conversion <> Romaji (Latin characters)

Online test to learn to recognize the Hiragana characters

Hiragana: table & pronunciation (+ audio) & writing

Katakana: table & pronunciation (+ audio)

Japanese numbers

J-talk: Kanji conversion > Hiragana & Romaji

Kakijun: Kanji stroke order dictionary

Kiki: Kanji dictionary, by radical

6000 Chinese characters with Japanese pronunciation and Japanese and English renderings, by J. Ira Jones (1915)

Japanese language

NHK: Japanese course, expressions (+ audio)

TheJapanesePage: Japanese course (+ audio)

ThoughtCo: Japanese lessons

Tofogu: Japanese grammar NEW

GuideToJapanese: Japanese grammar

Visualizing Japanese grammar by Shoko Hamano

Origins of the Japanese language by Alexander Vovin, in Oxford research encyclopedia in linguistics (2017)

The phonology of Japanese /r/ by Laurence Labrune, in Journal of East Asian linguistics (2014)

Basic Japanese (2014)

Complete Japanese Grammar (2014)

An introduction to Japanese: syntax, grammar & language, by Michiel Kamermans (2010)

A Dictionary of basic Japanese grammar by Seiichi Makino & Michio Tsutsui (1986)

Teach yourself Japanese (1958)

Conversational Japanese for beginners by Arthur Rose-Innes (1920)

Text-book of colloquial Japanese by Rudolf Lange & Christopher Noss (1912) in Roman characters

Japanese self-taught by W. J. S. Shand (1907) in Roman characters

Japanese grammar self-taught by Henry Weintz (1907) in Roman characters

Hossfeld's Japanese grammar, with dialogues & vocabulary, by Henry Weintz (1904): I & II (in Roman characters)

Grammar of the Japanese written language by William George Aston (1904)

Grammar of the Japanese spoken language (1888)

Japanese conversation-grammar by Hermann Plaut (1905)

Introductory course in Japanese by Clay MacCauley (1906)

The first course in the study of the Japanese language published by Modernophone (1900)

Text-book of colloquial Japanese by Rudolf Lange & Christopher Noss (1907)

Handbook of colloquial Japanese by Basil Hall Chamberlain (1907) in Roman characters

Simplified grammar of the Japanese language (modern written style) by Basil Hall Chamberlain (1886)

Japanese grammar by Johann Joseph Hoffmann (1876)

Historical grammar of Japanese by George Bailey Sansom (1928)

Arte de la lengua japona by Melchor Oyanguren (1738)

Arte da lingoa de Japam by João Rodrigues (1604)

Ars grammaticæ japonicæ linguæ by Diego Collado (1632) + text version

Grammar of the Japanese language (translation into English, 1975)


Mainichi Shimbun 毎日新聞 - Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞 - Asahi Shimbun 朝日新聞 : newspapers

NHK: Japanese television

Texts & Literature

LyrikLine: poems in Japanese, with translation (+ audio)

Kyushu University Library: collections of old books & manuscripts

History of Japanese literature by William George Aston (1899)

BibleGateway: Japanese living Bible (+ audio)

Japanese Bible: translated by Émile Raguet (WaybackMachine)

Shin yaku zensho: New Testament in romaji, published by the American Bible Society (1904)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

すべての人間は、生まれながらにして自由であり、かつ、尊厳と権利と について平等である。
人間は、理性と良心とを授けられており、互いに同 胞の精神をもって行動しなければならない。

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 世界人権宣言 translation into Japanese (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in Japanese, English & other languages


books & studies about the Japanese language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

books about the Japanese literature: Google books | Internet archive

Japan: maps, heritage & documents

Chinese language

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