Samaritan dictionary

Palestine   Israël
Hebrew > Samaritan

Lexicon of Samaritan Hebrew according to the Samaritan Pentateuch tradition, by Stefan Schorch, in Biblical lexicology (2015)


Samaritan keyboard to type a text with the Samaritan script

A grammar of the Samaritan language, with extracts and vocabulary, by George Frederick Nicholls (1859)

Lexicon Samaritan-English

Brevis linguæ samaritanæ grammatica, litteratura, chrestomathia, by Julius Heinrich Petermann (1873)

Glossarium: Samaritan-Latin glossary

De lingua samaritana by Guillaume Postel, in Linguarum duodecim characteribus differentium alphabetum (1538)

The Tashqil (about Samaritan manuscript culture) by Stefan Schorch, in Samaritans through the ages (2024)

Texts & Literature

The Samaritan Pentateuch: an English translation with a parallel annotated Hebrew text, by Moshe Florentin & Abraham Tal (2025) NEW

The Samaritan Pentateuch and the origin of the Samaritan sect by James Purvis (1968)

Manuscrits samaritains by Jean-Pierre Rothschild, in Revue d'histoire des textes (1983)

Notice sur deux fragments d'un Pentateuque hébreu-samaritain by Jean-Joseph-Léandre Bargès (1865)

Chronique samaritaine & notices sur quelques manuscrits samaritains, by Adolf Neubauer (1873)

Fragments of a Samaritan Targum & A sketch of Samaritan history, dogma and literature, by John William Nutt (1874)

Exercitationes ecclesiasticæ in utrumque Samaritanorum Pentateuchum by Jean Morin (1631)

Samaritan Pentateuch, manuscript (12th)


Les Samaritains : histoire d'une légende, Israël et la province de Samarie, by Jean-Daniel Macchi (1994) online

Le sacrifice de Pâque des Samaritains, in Revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions (2012)

Samaritans, in Jewish Encyclopedia (1906)

The Samaritans, the earliest Jewish sect: their history, theology and literature, by James Montgomery (1907)

Les Samaritains de Naplouse : épisode d'un pèlerinage dans les lieux saints, by Jean-Joseph-Léandre Bargès (1855)

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Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025