Egyptian Arabic dictionary

Arabic > Egyptian
Egyptian مصري

Lisaan Masry: Egyptian-Arabic-English dictionary (Arabic & Latin scripts)

Dictionary of Egyptian Arabic by El-Said Badawi & Martin Hinds (1986)

Arabic-English vocabulary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt by Socrates Spiro (1895)

Lexique de l'arabe dialectal égyptien-français: Egyptian Arabic-French lexicon, by Zeinab Zaza-Gain & Olivier Cabon (1997)

Lexique arabe-français: Cairene Arabic-French lexicon, by Jean-Claude Rolland

Dictionnaire contextuel raisonné des verbes du dialecte égyptien: dictionary of the verbs of the Cairene Arabic dialect

Vocabulaire phraséologique français-arabe à l'usage des étrangers en Égypte, by Mr Barthélémy (Julius Zenker) (1854) (Arabic & Latin scripts)

Traité de la langue arabe vulgaire by Mouhamad Ayyad El-Tantavy (1848)

Das Kairenische im 19. Jahrhundert: study about the Cairene Egyptian in the 19th century & Traité de la langue vulgaire of Ṭanṭāwī, by Manfred Woidich (‎2014)

Defense Language Institute: basic vocabulary (+ audio) - civil affairs - medical vocabulary

Desert-sky: Usual expressions

slang & insults

Egyptian Arabic proverbs

Arabic proverbs by John Lewis Burckhardt (1875)

proverbs collected in Cairo by Jean-Louis Asselin de Cherville (manuscript, beginning 19th)

Coptic loanwords of Egyptian Arabic by Federico Corriente, in Collectanea Christiana Orientalia (2008)

Coptic lexical influence on Egyptian Arabic by Wilson Bishai, in Journal of Near Eastern studies (1964)

Arabic language

Arabic keyboard to type a text with the Arabic script

Transliterated Arabic keyboard to type a text with the Latin script

Egyptian Arabic grammar (WaybackMachine)

Wikipedia: Egyptian Arabic

L'arabe parlé au Caire : the Arabic spoken in Cairo, by Jean-Claude Rolland (+ audio)

Kairener Arabisch by Helmut Satzinger

Arabist's guide to Egyptian colloquial by Daniel Pipes (1983)

Descriptive grammar of Saʿidi Egyptian colloquial Arabic by Abdelghany Khalafallah (1969)

Egyptian colloquial Arabic by William Gairdner (1926)

The spoken Arabic of Egypt by John Selden Willmore (1905)

Egyptian self-taught by Carl Thimm (1914)

studies about the Egyptian Arabic & Arabic dialects, by Manfred Woidich

Egyptian Arabic and dialect contact in historical perspective (1997)

Cairo Arabic and the Egyptian dialects (1993)

Rural dialect of Egyptian Arabic, an overview (1996)

Everything you always wanted to know about ʾāl, yiʾūl (to say) in Egyptian Arabic (2007)

Comparative morphology of Standard and Egyptian Arabic by Hassan Gadalla (2000)

Egyptian romanized Arabic by Jan Arild Bjørnsson (2010)

Light verbs in standard and Egyptian Arabic by Amr Helmy Ibrahim (2005)

Vowel length in Egyptian Arabic: a different view, by Radwa Fathi, thesis (2013)

Labialization in Cairene Arabic by Islam Youssef (2013)

Cairene Arabic syllable structure though different phonological theories by Rajaa Aquil (2013)

Levantine and Egyptian Arabic by Margaret Omar (1976)

Egyptian Arabic in the 17th century: a study and edition of Yūsuf al-Maġribi's Dafʿ al-iṣr ʿan kalām ahl Miṣr, by Liesbeth Zack, thesis (2009)

19th century Cairo Arabic as described by Qadrī and Nahla, in Arabic varieties: far and wide (2015)

L'évolution des conditionnelles en arabe égyptien contemporain by Manuel Sartori, in Bulletin d'études orientales (2009)

Les langues en Égypte: the languages in Egypt, Égypte, monde arabe (2008)

Les langues en Égypte : introduction, by Madiha Doss & Catherine Miller

The transition from Coptic to Arabic by Samuel Rubenson

Conceptualizing heterogeneity in Arabic by Niloofar Haeri

Rural dialect of Egyptian Arabic by Manfred Woidich

Examples of levelling and counterreactions in the dialects of Bedouin tribes in Northwestern Sinai, by Rudolf de Jong

Phonological and morphological integration of loanwords into Egyptian Arabic by Ola Hafez

L'arabisation de l'Égypte : le témoignage papyrologique, by Sophia Björnesjö

Réflexions sur les débuts de l'écriture dialectale en Égypte by Madiha Doss

Observations sur la langue à travers l'étude d'actes notariés de l'époque mamelouke, by Emad Abou Ghazi

Langues et écritures des papiers publics dans l'Égypte ottomane, by Nicolas Michel

Les mutations de la langue écrite au XIXe siècle, by Pascal Crozet

Sur quelques approches de la réalité sociolinguistique arabe by Djemal-Eddine Kouloughli

La publicité télévisuelle : variétés linguistiques by Chahira Nabil Eita & Hanaa Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf

La question de la langue dans la presse égyptienne by Abd al-Rahmān Farag Allah

Dits et écrits, mémoires et rites, in Égypte, monde arabe (1993)

Contes et conteurs de Louqsor by Rosine Schautz

Language ideologies in the Arabic diglossia of Egypt by Susanne Stadlbauer, in Colorado Research in Linguistics (2010)

The use of humour on the signs and banners seen during the demonstrations in Tahrir Square by Liesbeth Zack (2012)

Egyptian maṣrī مصري
Egypt Miṣr مصر
Texts & Literature

Bāsim le forgeron et Hārūn er-Rachid, edited by Carlo Landberg, with the translation into French (1888)

Egypt: maps & documents

Standard Arabic

Libyan Arabic - Tunisan Arabic - Algerian Arabic - Moroccan Arabic

Syrian Arabic - Lebanese Arabic

Coptic language

Ancient Egyptian

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2024