Serbian dictionary

Serbian Српски Srpski
Dictionary - Речник
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Serbian keyboard
English > Serbian dictionary

Pons Lingea Metak

English > Serbian dictionary

Pons Lingea Metak

English > Serbian translation

Google Bing Cyrillic Bing Latin

Serbian > English translation

Google Bing Cyrillic Bing Latin

Вокабулар: Serbian dictionary (in Cyrillic or Latin characters)

Lingea: Serbian-English dictionary & multilingual

Metak: Serbian-English dictionary (Latin characters)

Loecsen: common phrases Serbian-English (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Serbian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Serbian-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Serbian "survival" phrases Serbian-English common phrases (Latin characters)

Serbo-Croatian, a guide to the spoken language, published by the U.S. War Departement (1943)

Serbian-English dictionary and English-Serbian, by Louis Cahen (1920)

Wörterbuch der serbischen und deutschen Sprache: German-Serbian dictionary, by Georg Popović (1879)

Serbian-German dictionary

Deutsch-serbisches Wörterbuch: German-Serbian dictionary, by Vuk Karadžić (1872)

Српски рјечник, Lexicon serbico-germanico-latinum: Serbian-German-Latin dictionary by Вук Караџић (Vuk Karadžić) (1818)

(Austro-)German words in Serbian by Helmut Satzinger & Danijela Stefanović

Serbian and Greek: a long history of lexical borrowing by Jasna Vlajić-Popović, in Slavic Eurasian Studies (2015)

On the Oriental lexicon in the Serbian language by Prvoslav Radić, in Slavic Eurasian Studies (2015)

Lexical borrowings from German and English into Serbian and Croatian by Radmila Gorup, in Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies (2000)

The influence of English on Serbian sports terminology by Mira Milić, in Journal of English for specific purposes (2013)

Serbian language

Serbian Cyrillic keyboard to type a text with the Cyrillic script

Serbian Latin keyboard to type a text with the Latin script

Serbian conversion: Cyrillic <> Latin script

Larísa Zlatíc: Serbian grammar

pronunciation (+ audio)

Serbian esssential grammar (2005)

Handbook of Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian by Wayles Brown & Theresa Alt (2004)

Formal grammar for a fragment of the Serbian language by Mirjana Lazić (2002)

Serbisch: Serbian, by Gerhard Neweklowsky, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)

The Serbian language as viewed by the East and the West: synchrony, diachrony, and typology, edited by Ljudmila Popović & Motoki Nomachi (2015)

On the identity of Serbian by Ranko Bugarski

On function of word order in English and Serbian by Slobodanka Kitić (2002)

Serbian grammar by Dragutin Subotić & Nevill Forbes (1918)

Servian conversation grammar by Woïslav Petrovitch (1914)

Simplified grammar of the Serbian language by William Morfill (1887)

Grammaire élémentaire de la langue serbe: elementary grammar of the Serbian language, by Pierre de Lanux & Augustin Ouyévitch (1916)

Grammaire de la langue serbo-croate: grammar of the Serbo-Croatian language, by Antun Parčić & Jean-Baptiste Feuvrier (1904)

Kleine serbische Grammatik: little Serbian grammar by Wuk Karadschitsch (Vuk Karadžić) & Jacob Grimm (1824)

Српска граматика: Serbian grammar by Живојин Симић (Živojin Simić) (1922)

Скупљени граматички и полемички списи: Serbian grammar, by Вук Караџић (Vuk Karadžić) (1894): I & II & III

Grammatik der serbo-kroatischen Sprache: grammar of the Serbo-Croatian language, by August Leskien (1914)

Gramatika i stilistika hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika: grammar of the Serbo-Croatian language, by Tomislav Maretić (1931)

The Serbian language is generally written with the Cyrillic alphabet.

Danas - Политика

DW - VOA: news in Serbian (Latin characters)

Texts & Literature

Народна библиотека Србија (National Library of Serbia)

Rastko: Library of Serbian culture

Вук Стефановић: works of Vuk Karadžić

LyrikLine: Serbian poems, with translation (+ audio)

Geschichte der serbischen Literatur: history of the Serbian literature, by Pavel Josef Šafařík (1865)

Српске народне пјесме: Serbian folk songs, by Vuk Karadžić (Вук Караџић) (1891): I & II - III -IV -V -VI -VIII -VIII -IX

Басне: Fables, by Dositej Obradović (Доситеј Обрадовић): I & II

Свето писмо Старога и Новога Завјета: translations of the Old Testament by Đura Daničić (Ђуро Даничић) & New Testament by Vuk Karadžić (Вук Караџић) (1870)

Нови Завјет Господа нашега Исуса Христа (New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ) Serbian translation, by Vuk Karadžić (Вук Караџић) (1847) + text version

WordProject: Serbian translation, by Đura Daničić & Vuk Karadžić (Latin script) (+ audio)

paralell Bibles: Serbian & Croatian translations

Нови Завјет Господа Нашег Исуса Христа: translation of the New Testament by the Serbian Orthodox Synod (1997) (Cyrillic & Latin scripts) + PDF (Latin script)

Novi Zavet: Serbian translation of the New Testament, by Emilijan Čarnić (1992) (Latin script)

BibleGateway: Свето писмо, нови српски превод, Biblica (2017)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Сва људска бића рађају се слободна и једнака у достојанству и правима.
Она су обдарена разумом и свешћу и треба једни према другима да поступају у духу братства.

Sva ljudska bića rađaju se slobodna i jednaka u dostojanstvu i pravima.
Ona su obdarena razumom i svešću i treba jedni prema drugima da postupaju u duhu bratstva.

Општа декларација о правима човека: translation into Serbian (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Serbian (Cyrillic & Latin script), Croatian & other languages


Serbian studies, Journal of the North American society for Serbian studies

Serbica: French journal about the Serbian literature

DoiSerbia: online journals

Belgrade English language and literature studies

Примењена лингвистика: applied linguistics

Јужнословенски филолог: philological journal

books & papers about the Serbian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

Serbia: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

Montenegro: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

Serbo-Croatian - Croatian - Bosnian - Montenegrin

Slovenian - Macedonian - Bulgarian

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025