Vanuatu languages


Bislama: pidgin of Vanuatu

Diksoneri bavap to Motlap: Mwotlap-French-English dictionary (language of Motalava, Banks islands) by Alexandre François (2019)

A dictionary of Lo-Toga: Lo-Toga-French-English dictionary (Torres islands) by Alexandre François (2019)

Araki-English-French dictionary: Araki-French-English dictionary (island, south of Espirito Santo) by Alexandre François (2008)

Bongmehee, a dictionary of Apma language: Apma-English dictionary (Pentecost island) by Buletangsuu Pascal Temwakon

A dictionary of the Mele language (Atara Imere), by Ross Clark (1998) NEW

studies about the vocabulary of the Vanuatu languages, by Alexandre François

The histories of spiritual words in northern Vanuatu: shadows of bygone lives, in Lexical and structural etymology (2013)

Temperature terms in northern Vanuatu, in The linguistics of temperature (2015)

Olfactory words in northern Vanuatu, in The linguistics of olfaction (2021) NEW

Awesome forces and warning signs: charting the semantic history of *tabu words in Vanuatu, in Oceanic Linguistics (2022) NEW

Vanuatu languages

The languages of Vanuatu: unity and diversity, by Alexandre François, Sébastien Lacrampe, Michael Franjieh, Stefan Schnell (2015)

Languages of Vanuatu by John Lynch & Terry Crowley (2001)

The language situation in Vanuatu by Terry Crowley (2000)

Le Vanuatu entre anglais, français et bislama by Cendrine Jarraud-Leblanc (2013)

Le multilinguisme au Vanuatu: entre perceptions, politiques et pratiques, by Marie-Ambrym Thivoyon, dissertation (2016) NEW

Le multilinguisme au Vanuatu: héritages emboîtés et recomposition d'une identité, by Maud Lasseur, in Le voyage inachevé… (1998) NEW

La francophonie au Vanuatu by Jean Pipite, in Hermès (2004)

Noms de pays : toponymie et ethnonymie à Vanuatu by Michel Wauthion, in Cahiers du Rifal (2001)

Alexandre François, a linguist in Melanesia

linguistic map of Vanuatu

studies about the languages of Vanuatu

The historical morphology of personal pronouns in Northern Vanuatu (2016)

The dynamics of linguistic diversity: egalitarian multilingualism and power imbalance among Northern Vanuatu languages, in International journal of the sociology of language (2012)

Social ecology and language history in the Northern Vanuatu linkage: a tale of divergence and convergence, in Journal of historical linguistics (2011)

Unraveling the history of the vowels of seventeen Northern Vanuatu languages, in Oceanic linguistics (2005)

Araki, a disappearing language of Vanuatu (2002) NEW

Le mwotlap, in Dictionnaire des langues (2001)

Une description du mwotlap : contraintes de structures et liberté dans l'organisation du discours, thesis (2001)

Description du sakao (Wanohe dialect, Espiritu Santo): phonologie, morphologie, syntaxe, sémantique et éléments de socio-linguistique, by Benjamin Touati, thesis (2014)

Étude des suffixes démonstratifs et de la deixis en sakao, in Bulletin de la Société de linguistique de Paris (2013)

The initial vowel copy in the Sakao dialect of Wanohe, in The languages of Vanuatu (2015)

Le mythe de Ser chez les Sakaos : entre exploits et transgressions, in Cahiers de littérature orale (2016)

The languages of Pentecost Island: raga, apma, sowa, ske, sa, by Andrew Gray (WaybackMachine)

The languages of Northern Ambrym by Michael Franjieh (2019)

The construct suffix in North Ambrym (2015)

A grammar of South Efate by Nicholas Thieberger (2006)

A grammar of Lewo (Épi) by Robert Early, thesis (1994)

Lelepa: topics in the grammar of a Vanuatu language (center of the archipelago) by Sébastien Lacrampe, thesis (2014)

Possession in Lelepa (2009)

Simplifying a system: a story of language change in Lelepa (2011)

Natrausinan Alapa, Lelepa stories: texts with translation into English (2013)

Ura: a disappearing language of Southern Vanuatu, by Terry Crowley (1999) NEW

A grammar of Neverver (Malaluka) by Julie Barbour (2012) NEW

A grammar of Neve‘ei (village of Vinmavis, Malakula) by Jill Musgrave (2007) NEW

A grammar of Nahavaq (Malakula), by Laura Gail Dimock, thesis (2009) NEW

La langue de Port-Sandwich : introduction phonologique et grammaire, by Jean-Michel Charpentier (1979) NEW

Dictionnaire Port-Sandwich–français & français–Port-Sandwich

Le mallicolo (Malakula), langue des Big Nambas, by Ewan Corlette, in Journal de la Société des océanistes (1947)

Sketch of Aulua grammar with vocabularies of Aulua and Lamangkau, Malekula, by Sidney Ray, in The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (1893) NEW

Vanuatu: maps & documents


Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025