Bislama dictionary


languages of Vanuatu

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Bislama > English dictionary

Glosbe Bislama-English dictionary

Bislama-English dictionary

English-Bislama dictionary

The languages of Pentecost Island: introduction to Bislama, by Andrew Gray (WaybackMachine)

Bislama-English dictionary

English-Bislama dictionary

Bislama Dictionary by András Rajki (2008)

Les noms des plantes en bichlamar: origines, formations et déterminations botaniques, by Pierre Cabalion, in Journal de la Société des océanistes (1984)

Bislama language

Bislama language lessons, Peace Corps

The evolution of written bislama by Cendrine Jarraud, thesis (2013)

L'ambiguïté des représentations à l'égard du bislama, langue nationale du Vanuatu, by Leslie Vandeputte, in Vanuatu, oscillation entre diversité et unité (2016)

Beach-la-mar: the jargon or trade speech of the western Pacific, by William Churchill (1911)

The bislama is a Melanesian pidgin used as contact language in Vanuatu, former New Hebrides. The name comes from the Portuguese bicho do mar (biche de mer ou bêche de mer, literally a sea-worm: a marine animal also called sea-cucumber, holothuria) hence Beach-la-mar in English and bichelamar in French.

Vanuatu: maps & documents

languages of Vanuatu

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025