Old Prussian Dictionary - Language & Texts • Lexilogos
Old Prussian dictionary

Prussian Prūsiska bila

Twānkstas Prūsa: "Modern Prussia" dictionary, multilingual: English, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, German, Russian

Prūsų kalbos etimologijos žodynas: etymological dictionary of the Prussian language, by Vytautas Mažiulis

Lithuanian words (cognates)

Latvian words (cognates)

Latin words (cognates)

Prussian reconstructions: Prussian-Latvian-English-German dictionary, after the Etymological dictionary of the Prussian language of Vytautas Mažiulis

Thesaurus linguæ prussicæ by Georg Heinrich Ferdinand Nesselmann (1873)

Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der preußischen Sprache by Georg Heinrich Ferdinand Nesselmann (1871)

Etymologisches Wörterbuch der prußischen Sprache: etymological dictionary of the Prussian language, by Erich Berneker (1896)

Old Prussian Elbing vocabulary: German-Prussian vocabulary, manuscript of early 15th century, certainly a copy of a text written at the beginning of 14th century

Deutsch-preußisches Vocabularium: German-Prussian Elbing vocabulary (early 15th century), introduced by Georg Heinrich Ferdinand Nesselmann (1868)

Von underscheit der Sprachen: German-Prussian vocabulary, by Simon Grunau (early 16th century), appeared in his book Preußische Chronik (~1525, see 1875 edition)

Note on the tradition of the Old Prussian Grunau's vocabulary by Pietro Dini, in Res balticæ (2013)

Zu den angeblich polnischen Wörtern im altpreußischen Vokabular Simon Grunaus: about the words considered as Polish in the vocabulary of Simon Grunau, by Bohumil Vykypěl (1998)

Die altpreußischen Personennamen: The Old Prussian names, by Ernst Lewy (1904)

Lexicon pomesanicum restitutum by Mykolas Letas Palmaitis

Old Prussian fish-names by Václav Blažek, Jindřich Čeladín, Marta Běťáková, in Baltistica (2004)

Old Prussian language

Linguistique et philologie baltiques by Daniel Petit (2008)

Altpreußisch: Old Prussian, by Rainer Eckert, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)

Prussian reconstructions

Brief description of Prussian dialects by Mykolas Letas Palmaitis

Peculiarities of the Old Prussian verb by Mykolas Letas Palmaitis, Res balticæ (2013)

Historical grammar of Old Prussian by Vytautas Mažiulis (2007)

studies about the Prussian language, by Frederik Kortlandt

Prussica: Prusssian philology, phonology, morphology (2009)

The development of the Prussian language in the 16th century (1998)

The formation of the Old Prussian present tense, in Baltistica (1987)

Old Prussian accentuation, in Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung (1974)

Altpreussisch bēi, bei, be by Wojciech Smoczyński, in Balistica (2004)

Altpreussische Studien, Beiträge zur baltischen und zur vergleichenden indogermanischen Grammatik, by Nicolaas Van Wijk (1918)

Die altpreußischen Sprachdenkmäler: introduction, texts, grammar, dictionary, by Reinhold Trautmann (1910)

Die preußische Sprache: Prussian texts, grammar, etymological dictionary, by Erich Karl Berneker (1896)

Über die Sprache der alten Preußen by Franz Bopp (1853)

Die Sprache der alten Preußen: Old Prussian texts, by Georg Heinrich Ferdinand Nesselmann (1845)

Die Sprache der alten Preußen: grammar of the Old Prussian, texts, dictionary, by Johann Severin Vater (1821)

books & papers about the Prussian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

The Old Prussian (in German Altpreußisch) is a Baltic language spoken in ancient Prussia (East Prussia), originally the Königsberg area (today Kaliningrad), a Russian enclave between Poland and Lithuania. The language has not been spoken since the 17th century.

Prussia gradually became German. Then the name was extended to the Kingdom of Prussia, later including Brandenburg, whose capital is Berlin. Prussian can also designate the dialect of Lower German spoken in Prussia.

Texts & Literature

Prūsas Tāutas Prēigara: blog in "Modern Prussian"

Titus, Altpreußisches Corpus: Old Prussian corpus: catechisms, glossariess…

Old Prussian written monuments: catechisms in Prussian of Königsberg (XVIe) & commentaries (2007)

Die preußischen Katechismen: comparison of several Prussian catechisms, by Daniel Krauße

Die drei Catechismen in altpreußischer Sprache: catechisms in Prussian of Königsberg (XVIe), introduced by Georg Heinrich Ferdinand Nesselmann (1889)

Lithuanian & Latvian: Baltic languages


Poland - Lithuania - Germany

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