• Tēzaurs: Latvian dictionaries (meanings in Latvian), Latvian-German dictionaries (18th-20th centuries)
• Mūsdienu latviešu valodas vārdnīca: dictionary of contemporary Latvian
• Latviešu literārās valodas vārdnīca: dictionary of the literary Latvian language
• Letonika: Latvian-English dictionary & German, Lithuanian, Estonian, Russian, Latin
• Latvijas vēstures enciklopēdija: Latvian historical encyclopedia
• Lingea: Latvian-English dictionary & multilingual
• Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)
• Latvian-Latgalian dictionary
→ online translation: Latvian-English & other languages & web page
• Loecsen: Latvian-English common phrases (+ audio)
• Goethe-Verlag: Latvian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)
• LingoHut: Latvian-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)
• LanguageHelpers: Latvian-English vocabulary, common phrases & alphabet (+ audio)
• Latvian-Liv-English vocabulary: tourism
• Спортивный словарь: Russian-English-Latvian-German Sport vocabulary
• Wiktionary: etymology of Latvian words
• Etymological database project: Baltic etymology (Latvian, Lithuanian)
• Deutsch-lettisches Wörterbuch: Latvian-German dictionary, by Jēkabs Dravnieks (1910)
• Kreewu-latweeschu-wahzu wardnice: Russian-Latvian-German dictionary by Krišjānis Valdemārs (1872)
• Color names in Kreewu-latweeschu-wahzu wardnice, by Anitra Roze, in Acta baltico-slavica (2015)
• Lettisches Wörterbuch: Latvian-German dictionary, by Carl Christian Ulmann (1872)
• Deutsch-lettisches Wörterbuch: German-Latvian dictionary (1880)
• Lettisches Lexikon & Deutsch-lettisch: Latvian-German dictionary, by Gotthard Friedrich Stender (Gothards Frīdrihs Stenders) (1789)
• Vollständiges deutschlettisches Lexicon & Lettischdeutsches Lexicon: Latvian-German dictionary, by Jakob Lange (1777)
• Wörter-Büchlein, wie etzliche gebräuchliche Sachen auff Teutsch, Schwedisch, Polnisch und Lettisch zu benennen seynd (1705)
• Wörter-Büchlein, a German-Swedish-Polish-Latvian dictionary published in Riga in 1705: introduction s by Lennart Larsson (2011)
• The sea, especially the Baltic Sea, from the point of view of Latvians and Latvian language, by Ojārs Bušs, in Sea names: heritage, perception and international relations (2015)
• Word-formation pattern borrowing in Latvian by Andrejs Veisbergs, in Baltic Journal of English Language (2018)
• Zum Einfluss des Lettischen auf das Deutsche im Baltikum: on the influence of Latvian on German in the Baltic area, by Ineta Polanska, thesis (2003)
→ Latvian keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Latvian alphabet
→ Fraktur Latvian keyboard to type a text with the Fraktur script (pre-1921 Latvian orthography)
• LanguageHelpers: Latvian alphabet (+ audio)
• Cooljugator: Latvian verb conjugator
• Ailab: Latvian grammar (in English or in Latvian)
• Letonika: Valodas uzziņas (Latvian grammar)
• Latvian stuff: Latvian course, alphabet, grammar, vocabulary, by A. Steinbergs (WaybackMachine)
• Basic Latvian by Joseph Lelis (WaybackMachine)
• University of Texas: Baltic online (grammar of the Baltic languages: Latvian & Lithuanian)
• Latvian by Ilga Jansone, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2010)
• Lettisch by Rainer Eckert, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)
• Language situation in Latvia (2004-2010), edited by Ina Druviete (2012)
• Development of the Latvian language: purism and prescriptivism, by Andrejs Veisbergs, in Linguistic Studies in Latvia (2010)
• Problems of Standard Latvian in the 19th century: changes in language planning and changes in planners, from Baltic Germans to Latvians, by Pēteris Vanags, in Nation und Sprache in Nordosteuropa im 19. Jahrhundert (2011)
• studies about the Latvian language, by Nicole Nau
• Latvian agent nouns, their meaning, grammar and use, in Baltic linguistics (2013)
• studies about the Latvian language, by Pēteris Vanags
• Locative in the earliest Latvian writings, in Journal of Baltic studies (1992)
• Zum lettischen Ausdruckssystem by Bohumil Vykypěl, in Histoire épistémologie langage (2004)
• Latvian grammar by Andra Kalnača & Ilze Lokmane (2021)
• Latvian, essential grammar (2012)
• Latvian self-taught with common phrases, vocabulary, by Ojārs Krātiņš (~1963)
• Lettische Grammatik: Latvian grammar, by Jānis Endzelīns (1923)
• Lettisches Lesebuch: Latvian reader with grammar, texts & glossary, by Janis Endzelins (1922)
• Lettische Dialekt Studien by Adalbert Bezzenberger (1885)
• Die Elemente der lettischen Sprache by August Bielenstein (1866)
• Handbuch der lettische Sprache: Handbook of the Latvian language, grammar by August Bielenstein (1863): I & II
• Die lettische Sprache nach ihren Lauten und Formen by August Bielenstein (1863): I & II
• Lettische Grammatik: Latvian grammar by Gotthard Friedrich Stender (1783)
• books & papers about the Latvian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia
• Latgalīšu volūda: Latgalian grammar, by Lidija Leikuma (2003) (in Latvian)
• YouTube: videos about the Latvian language
• Latvijas Sabiedriskais medijs (Public broadcasting of Latvia): television & radio
• Diena: newspaper
• Latvijas nacionālā bibliotēka (National Library of Latvia)
• Periodika: newspapers & periodicals (early 20th century)
• Letonika: Latvian literature
• Lāčplēsis: epic poem by Andrejs Pumpurs
• Latviešu folkloras krātuve: digital archives of Latvian folklore
• LyrikLine: Latvian poems, with translation (+ audio)
• Latvian literature: essays, by Jānis Andrups & Vitauts Kalve (1954)
• Latvju dainu izlase: folk songs, by Kārlis Skalbe (1911)
• Latwju dainas: Latvian songs collected by Krišjānis Barons (1874)
• La collecte des Dainas par Krišjānis Barons, by Julien Gueslin, in La Revue de la Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg (2017)
• Swehtas gudribas Grahmatiņņa (Svētas gudrības grāmatiņa) by Gotthard Friedrich Stender (Gothards Frīdrihs Stenders) (1774)
• Bibele.lv: translations of the Bible into Latvian, Latvian Bible society (1965)
• Jaunā Derība: New Testament (1904)
→ bilingual Bible in Latvian, English & other languages
Visi cilvēki piedzimst brīvi un vienlīdzīgi savā pašcieņā un tiesībās.
Viņi ir apveltīti ar saprātu un sirdsapziņu, un viņiem jāizturas citam pret citu brālības garā.
• Vispārējo cilvēktiesību deklarāciju: translation into Latvian (+ audio)
→ First article in different languages
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in Latvian, Lithuanian, English & other languages
labrīt! | good morning! |
labdien! | good afternoon! |
labvakar! | good evening! |
ar labu nakti! | good night! |
labi! | all right! |
draugs | friend (male) |
draudzene | friend (female) |
diena | day |
franču | French |
→ Latvia: maps, symbols, heritage & documents