Latvian dictionary

Latvian latviešu valoda
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Tēzaurs: Latvian dictionaries (meanings in Latvian), Latvian-German dictionaries (18th-20th centuries)

Mūsdienu latviešu valodas vārdnīca: dictionary of contemporary Latvian

Latviešu literārās valodas vārdnīca: dictionary of the literary Latvian language

Letonika: Latvian-English dictionary & German, Lithuanian, Estonian, Russian, Latin

Latvijas vēstures enciklopēdija: Latvian historical encyclopedia

Lingea: Latvian-English dictionary & multilingual

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)

Latvian-Latgalian dictionary

online translation: Latvian-English & other languages & web page

Loecsen: Latvian-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Latvian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Latvian-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

LanguageHelpers: Latvian-English vocabulary, common phrases & alphabet (+ audio)

Latvian-Liv-English vocabulary: tourism

Спортивный словарь: Russian-English-Latvian-German Sport vocabulary

Wiktionary: etymology of Latvian words

Etymological database project: Baltic etymology (Latvian, Lithuanian)

Deutsch-lettisches Wörterbuch: Latvian-German dictionary, by Jēkabs Dravnieks (1910)

Kreewu-latweeschu-wahzu wardnice: Russian-Latvian-German dictionary by Krišjānis Valdemārs (1872)

Color names in Kreewu-latweeschu-wahzu wardnice, by Anitra Roze, in Acta baltico-slavica (2015)

Lettisches Wörterbuch: Latvian-German dictionary, by Carl Christian Ulmann (1872)

Deutsch-lettisches Wörterbuch: German-Latvian dictionary (1880)

Lettisches Lexikon & Deutsch-lettisch: Latvian-German dictionary, by Gotthard Friedrich Stender (Gothards Frīdrihs Stenders) (1789)

Vollständiges deutschlettisches Lexicon & Lettischdeutsches Lexicon: Latvian-German dictionary, by Jakob Lange (1777)

Wörter-Büchlein, wie etzliche gebräuchliche Sachen auff Teutsch, Schwedisch, Polnisch und Lettisch zu benennen seynd (1705)

Wörter-Büchlein, a German-Swedish-Polish-Latvian dictionary published in Riga in 1705: introduction s by Lennart Larsson (2011)

The sea, especially the Baltic Sea, from the point of view of Latvians and Latvian language, by Ojārs Bušs, in Sea names: heritage, perception and international relations (2015)

Word-formation pattern borrowing in Latvian by Andrejs Veisbergs, in Baltic Journal of English Language (2018)

Zum Einfluss des Lettischen auf das Deutsche im Baltikum: on the influence of Latvian on German in the Baltic area, by Ineta Polanska, thesis (2003)

Latvian language

Latvian keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Latvian alphabet

Fraktur Latvian keyboard to type a text with the Fraktur script (pre-1921 Latvian orthography)

LanguageHelpers: Latvian alphabet (+ audio)

Cooljugator: Latvian verb conjugator

Ailab: Latvian grammar (in English or in Latvian)

Letonika: Valodas uzziņas (Latvian grammar)

Latvian stuff: Latvian course, alphabet, grammar, vocabulary, by A. Steinbergs (WaybackMachine)

Basic Latvian by Joseph Lelis (WaybackMachine)

University of Texas: Baltic online (grammar of the Baltic languages: Latvian & Lithuanian)

Latvian by Ilga Jansone, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2010)

Lettisch by Rainer Eckert, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)

Language situation in Latvia (2004-2010), edited by Ina Druviete (2012)

Development of the Latvian language: purism and prescriptivism, by Andrejs Veisbergs, in Linguistic Studies in Latvia (2010)

Problems of Standard Latvian in the 19th century: changes in language planning and changes in planners, from Baltic Germans to Latvians, by Pēteris Vanags, in Nation und Sprache in Nordosteuropa im 19. Jahrhundert (2011)

studies about the Latvian language, by Nicole Nau

Latvian agent nouns, their meaning, grammar and use, in Baltic linguistics (2013)

studies about the Latvian language, by Pēteris Vanags

Locative in the earliest Latvian writings, in Journal of Baltic studies (1992)

Zum lettischen Ausdruckssystem by Bohumil Vykypěl, in Histoire épistémologie langage (2004)

Latvian grammar by Andra Kalnača & Ilze Lokmane (2021)

Latvian, essential grammar (2012)

Latvian self-taught with common phrases, vocabulary, by Ojārs Krātiņš (~1963)

Lettische Grammatik: Latvian grammar, by Jānis Endzelīns (1923)

Lettisches Lesebuch: Latvian reader with grammar, texts & glossary, by Janis Endzelins (1922)

Lettische Dialekt Studien by Adalbert Bezzenberger (1885)

Die Elemente der lettischen Sprache by August Bielenstein (1866)

Handbuch der lettische Sprache: Handbook of the Latvian language, grammar by August Bielenstein (1863): I & II

Die lettische Sprache nach ihren Lauten und Formen by August Bielenstein (1863): I & II

Lettische Grammatik: Latvian grammar by Gotthard Friedrich Stender (1783)

books & papers about the Latvian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

Latgalīšu volūda: Latgalian grammar, by Lidija Leikuma (2003) (in Latvian)

Audio & Video

YouTube: videos about the Latvian language

Learn Latvian


Latvijas Sabiedriskais medijs (Public broadcasting of Latvia): television & radio

Diena: newspaper

Texts & Literature

Latvijas nacionālā bibliotēka (National Library of Latvia)

Periodika: newspapers & periodicals (early 20th century)

Letonika: Latvian literature

Lāčplēsis: epic poem by Andrejs Pumpurs

Latviešu folkloras krātuve: digital archives of Latvian folklore

LyrikLine: Latvian poems, with translation (+ audio)

Latvian literature: essays, by Jānis Andrups & Vitauts Kalve (1954) online

Latvju dainu izlase: folk songs, by Kārlis Skalbe (1911)

Latwju dainas: Latvian songs collected by Krišjānis Barons (1874)

La collecte des Dainas par Krišjānis Barons, by Julien Gueslin, in La Revue de la Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg (2017)

Swehtas gudribas Grahmatiņņa (Svētas gudrības grāmatiņa) by Gotthard Friedrich Stender (Gothards Frīdrihs Stenders) (1774) translations of the Bible into Latvian, Latvian Bible society (1965)

Jaunā Derība: New Testament (1904)

bilingual Bible in Latvian, English & other languages

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Visi cilvēki piedzimst brīvi un vienlīdzīgi savā pašcieņā un tiesībās.
Viņi ir apveltīti ar saprātu un sirdsapziņu, un viņiem jāizturas citam pret citu brālības garā.

Vispārējo cilvēktiesību deklarāciju: translation into Latvian (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in Latvian, Lithuanian, English & other languages

Latvian words
labrīt! good morning!
labdien! good afternoon!
labvakar! good evening!
ar labu nakti! good night!
labi! all right!
draugs friend (male)
draudzene friend (female)
diena day
franču French

Latvia: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

Lithuanian language & Old Prussian

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025