Portuguese dictionary

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English > Portuguese translation

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Portuguese > English translation

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Michaelis: Portuguese dictionary & Portuguese-English & Spanish, French, Italian, German

Universal priberam, Portuguese dictionary: meanings & etymology ; grammar & verb conjugation

Porto editora: Portuguese dictionary & Portuguese-English & Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch

Léxico: Portuguese dictionary: meanings & quotations

Aulete: Portuguese dictionary (Brazilian): meanings

Dicio: Portuguese dictionary (Brazilian): meanings

Reverso: Portuguese-English dictionary & words in context

WordReference: Portuguese-English & Portuguese-Spanish dictionary

Linguee: Portuguese-English translation of a phrase

Compara: Portuguese-English translation of phrases with words in their context

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)

Portuguese-English translation & other languages: texts & web page

Portal da língua portuguesa: new spelling, Portuguese verb conjugation

Dicionário de gentílicos e topónimos: place names & inhabitant names

Dicionário de estrangeirismos: foreign words used in Portuguese

Vocabulário ortográfico da língua portuguesa: correct spelling, Academia brasileira de letras (2009)

Dicionário de rimas: rhyming dictionary

Dicionário etimológico resumido (Etymological dictionary) by Antenor Nascentes (1966)

Sobre arabismos africanos no Dicionário etimológico resumido, by Samantha de Moura Maranhão & Francisco Barroso De Sousa, in Letras Escreve (2015)

Portuguese English visual dictionary (2010)

Portuguese minimum core vocabulary list (2013)

Vocabulário básico de recursos naturais e meio ambiente: vocabulary of natural resources and environment (2004) (Instituto brasileiro de geografia e estatística)

Dicionario de termos tecnicos da assistencia social: dictionary of social welfare technical terms (2007)

CorpusDoPortuguês: corpus linguistics of Portuguese (13th-20th): words in their context

Linguateca: corpus linguistics of Portuguese, from the newspaper Público

Loecsen: Portuguese-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Portuguese-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Portuguese-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

BBC: useful expressions (+ audio)

Insermob: English-French-Portuguese vocabulary for the tourists

Tatoeba: sentences in Portuguese, with translation (audio)

Dicionário aberto de calão e expressões idiomáticas: Portuguese slang dictionary & idiomatic expressions, by José João Almeida (2019)

Lista de falsos amigos português-espanhol: Portuguese-Spanish false friends, in A Folha, Boletim da língua portuguesa nas instituições europeias (2015)

Sobre algunos falsos cognados español-portugués, factores lingüísticos y sociales reflejados en la semántica : about the Spanish-Portuguese false friends, by Ignacio Vázquez, in Epos revista de filología (2011)

Diccionario illustrado da lingua portugueza: dictionary of the Portuguese language, by Henrique Brunswick (1898)

Diccionário da língua portuguèsa: dictionary of the Portuguese language, by Cândido de Figueiredo (1899)

A-I & J-Z

Diccionario da lingua portugueza: dictionary of the Portuguese language, by Eduardo de Faria (1850)

A-D - C-E - F-N - O-Z

Novo diccionario critico e etymologico da lingua portugueza: critical and etymological dictionary of the Portuguese language, by Francisco Solano Constâncio (1868)

Diccionario da lingua portugueza: dictionary of the Portuguese language, by António de Moraes Silva (1813)

A-E & F-Z     or online search

Diccionario da lingua portugueza: dictionary of the Portuguese language, by Bernardo de Lima & Melo Bacellar (1783)

Diccionario portuguez e latino by Carlos Folqman (1750)

Vocabulario portuguez e latino by Rafael Bluteau (1728) (online search)

A - B-C - D-E - F-I - L-N - O-P - Q-S - T-Z & supplements: I - II

Dictionary of the Portuguese and English languages by Antonio Vieyra, improved by Jacinto Dias do Canto (1827)


Colloquial Portuguese: The words and phrases of every-day life, by Alexander d'Orsey (1900)

Portuguese self-taught with phonetic pronunciation, by Euclides da Cunha (1904)

Guide of the conversation in Portuguese and English, by José da Fonseca & Pedro Carolino (1855)

Diccionario portugués-español: Portuguese-Spanish dictionary, by Frederico Duarte Coelho (1911)

Vestigios da lingoa arabica em Portugal ou Lexicon etymologico das palavras, e nomes portuguezes, que tem origem arabica: Portuguese words af Arabic origin, by João de Sousa (1830)

Remains of Arabic in the Spanish and Portuguese Languages by Stephen Weston (1810)

Tentativa etymologico-toponymica ou Investigação da etymologia ou Proveniencia dos nomes das nossas povoações: etymology of place names, by Pedro Augusto Ferreira (1907): I & II - III

Portuguese & Brazilians proverbs (list)

Alguns provérbios, máximas e frases feitas de origem latina que são bastante comuns entre nós : Latin locutions translated into Portuguese, by José Pereira da Silva

La etimología y los diccionarios portugueses by Ignacio Vázquez, in Anuario de estudios filológicos (2011)

Comparação entre o léxico catalão e português, semelhanças e diferenças, by Ignacio Vázquez (2012)

Alguns francesismos em português (galicismos) by Ignacio Vázquez Diéguez (2015)

Quinientos años de diccionarios en portugués by Ignacio Vázquez Diéguez (2011)

O vocabulário político-ideológico da Gazeta de Lisboa no século XVIII: study of the vocabulary of the first printed newspaper in Portuguese, by Mariana Giacomini Botta, thesis (2011)

Portuguese language

Portuguese keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Portuguese alphabet

Flip: spelling corrector in Portuguese & Brazilian

Conversor para o acordo ortográfico: converter in the new orthography (of 1990)

Conjugador: Portuguese verbs conjugator

Gramática: Portuguese grammar

WebJspell: morphological analyser of a sentence & verbs conjugation

spelling corrector

Verbix: verb conjugation & Portuguese-English translation

Portuguê Portuguese grammar, writing, literature

Nova gramática online: Portuguese grammar

Foreign Service Institute: Portuguese & Brazilian courses

Ciberdúvidas: the Portuguese language, the most frequent errors

Sualíngua: the Portuguese language, curiosities, origin of words, difficulties…

Nossa língua falando e escrevendo corretamente by João Jonas Veiga Sobral (2002)

Portuguese for dummies by Karen Keller (2006)

Portuguese, an essential grammar (2003)

Gramática de português para estrangeiros (Portuguese grammar for foreigners) by Lígia Arruda (2004)

Manuale della lingua portoghese-brasiliana by Massimiliano Fiorani (2003)

studies abut the Portuguese language, by Ignacio Vázquez

A norma linguística: conceito e característica, by Marli Quadros Leite

A construção da norma linguística portuguesa (2011)

Estudos de filologia portuguêsa: Portuguese philology studies, by Francisco da Silveira Bueno (1946)

As diferenças e semelhanças entre o português europeu e o catalão: the differences and similarities between Portuguese and Catalan, by Veronika Hájková (2014)

Modalités et verbe en portugais by Maria Helena Araújo Carreira, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2004)

Portuguese conversation-grammar by Louise Ey (1912)

Brief grammar of the Portuguese language by John Casper (1910)

Grammar of the Portuguese language with vocabulary and dialogues, by Antonio Vieyra (1890)

Comparative view of the Spanish and Portuguese languages, an easy method of learning the Portuguese tongue for those who are already acquainted with the Spanish, by Pietro Bachi (1831)

Grammática portuguêsa by António Garcia Ribeiro de Vasconcélloz (1900)

Grammatica philosophica da lingua portugueza: Principios da gramatica geral applicados à nossa linguagem, by Jeronymo Soares Barbosa (1875)

Regras da lingua portugueza, espelho da lingua latina ou disposiçaõ para facilitar o ensino da lingua latina pelas regras da portugueza, by Jerónimo Argote (1725)

Methodo grammatical para todas as linguas by Amaro de Roboredo (1619)

Grammatica da lingua portugueza by João de Barros (1540)

Grammatica de lingoagem portuguesa: grammar of the Portuguese language, by Fernão d'Oliveira (1536, 1871 edition)

História da língua portuguesa: history of the Portuguese language, by Paul Teyssier (1980)

Corpus de textes linguistiques fondamentaux: corpus of fundamental texts about the Portuguese linguistics

Memória: books about the Portuguese language: origin, history, phonetic, grammar…

books about the Portuguese language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

Audio & Video

Audio-Lingua: Portuguese records

Learn Portuguese now by Charlles Nunes (YouTube)

Gramática on-line: Portuguese grammar, by Dílson Catarino (YouTube)


newspapers from Portugal: Correio da Manhã - Expresso - Público

RTP (Rádio e Televisão de Portugal): online Portuguese television

Notícias: reportages

online news

Google news

Texts & Literature

Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (National Library of Portugal)

Temas: writers & exhibitions

Memória (15th-19th century): literature, history…

LyrikLine: poems in Portuguese, with translation (+ audio)

Portugal de perto: collection of texts about the culture and ethnography of Portugal

Contos populares portugueses (Portuguese folk tales) by Adolfo Coelho (1985)

Contos tradicionais do povo português (Traditional tales of the Portuguese people) by Teófilo Braga (1987): I & II

Récits mythiques du Moyen Âge portugais (mythical tales from the Portuguese Middle Ages) edited by Irene Freire Nunes (Portuguese texts & translation into French) (2008)

Portuguese literature by Aubrey Bell (1922)

La formación del Parnaso portugués en el siglo XVII, elogio, crítica e imitación, by José Adriano de Freitas Carvalho, in Bulletin hispanique (2007)

História da literatura portuguêsa by Joaquim Mendes dos Remédios (1914)

Historia da litteratura portugueza (Recapitulação) by Teófilo Braga (1909): I (Edade Média) & II (Renascença) - III (Os seiscentistas) - IV (Os arcades)

Curso de historia da litteratura portugueza by Teófilo Braga (1885)

books about the Portuguese literature: Google books & Internet archive

Bible: in Portuguese & other languages

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e em direitos.
Dotados de razão e de consciência, devem agir uns para com os outros em espírito de fraternidade.

Declaração universal dos direitos humanos: translation into Portuguese (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Portuguese, Galician, Spanish & other languages

Portugal - Brazil: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

Galician language

Brazilian language

Spanish language

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2024