Manx dictionary

Isle of Man
Gaelic Gaelg
Dictionary - Fockleyr
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English > Manx dictionary

TLex MyMemory Bible

Manx > English dictionary

TLex MyMemory Bible

English > Manx translation


Manx > English translation


TLex: Manx-English dictionary, by Phil Kelly Manx-English dictionary

Intergaelic: Manx-Irish Gaelic & Scottish-Irish Gaelic dictionaries & translation

Foclóir Manainnis-Gaeilge: Manx-Irish Gaelic dictionary, by Kevin Scannell (2016)

Lioar Raaghyn - Frásleabhar - Phrase Book: trilingual phrasebook in Manx Gaelic, Irish & English (2021)

Wikipedia in Manx

Fockleyr Chregeen: Cregeen's dictionary, revised by Max Wheeler (2019)

Dictionary of the Manks language by Archibald Cregeen (1835)

Fockleyr Manninagh as Baarlagh: Manx dictionary by John Kelly & William Gill, published by the Manx Society (1866)

Manx > English

English > Manx

Cheilley: "each other, one another" (reciprocal pronoun), a contribution to Manx lexicography, by Max Wheeler (2016)

Neologisms in revived Manx Gaelic by George Broderick, in Studia celtica fennica (2013)

Proverbs and sayings in The folk-lore of the Isle of Man by Arthur William Moore (1891)

Gaelic names of plants (Scottish, Irish and Manx) with notes on their etymology, their uses, plant superstitions… by John Cameron (1900)

list of place-names of the isle of Man

The surnames & place-names of the Isle of Man by Arthur William Moore (1890)

Manx language

Manx Language Network: Manx course, common phrases (+ audio)

Manx speakers, language and identity by Erin McNulty, in Studia Celtica Posnaniensia (2023)

The intersection of ideologies and morphosyntactic variation in new speakers of Manx Gaelic: "Cre'n sorçh dy Ghaelg t'ou loayrt nish?", thesis (2024)

The revivability of Manx Gaelic: a linguistic description and discussion of revived Manx, by Christopher Lewin, thesis (2016)

Continuity and hybridity in language revival: the case of Manx, in Language in Society (2021)

Scholarship and language revival: language ideologies in corpus development for revived Manx, in Studia Celtica Posnaniensia (2017)

Sociolinguistic vitality of Manx after extreme language shift: authenticity without traditional native speakers, by Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin, in International Journal of the Sociology of Language (2015)

The Manx language: dead or alive? by Gordon Hemsley (2009)

Recording the last native Manx speakers (1909-1972), by George Broderick, in Studia celto-slavica (2019)

Manx traditional songs, rhymes and chants in the repertoire of the last native manx speakers, in Studia celtica fennica (2019)

studies about the Manx Gaelic language, by Max Wheeler

Manx Gaelic inflection: Noun plurals & Genetive cases - Noun paradigms - Adjectives - Verbs - Initial mutation after er "perfect tense" in Classical Manx

Prepositional nominals (2017)

Relative future tense in main clauses in Manx Gaelic (2016)

Survey of grammatical gender in Classical Manx (2017)

The syntax of the verb in Manx Gaelic by Robert Leith Thomson, in Études celtiques (1950)

Practical grammar of the antient Gaelic or Language of the Isle of Man usually called Manks, by John Kelly (1870)

Manx language, its grammar, literature and present state, by Henry Jenner, in Transactions of the Philological Society (1875)

books about the Manx language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

Audio & Video

Manx Radio in Gaelic

Youtube (Culture Vaninn)

Texts & Literature

Manx Literature: poetry, prose and plays from the Isle of Man

Cooinaghtyn Manninagh, Manx reminiscences, by John Clague (1911) Manx-English

Un traité en mannois contre l'alcoolisme (A 19th-century Manx tract against alcohol) by Patrick Le Besco, in Études celtiques (1998)

The Manx traditionary ballad by Robert Leith Thomson, in Études celtiques (1961): I & II

Yn Vible Casherick: translation of the Bible into Manx, Manx-English bilingual text

Yn Vible Casherick: the Bible (1777, 1819 edition)

texts in Manx, edited by Max Wheeler

Counting things in the Manx Bible (2016)

Psalmyn currit ayns Drane Ghaelgagh, Manx singing Psalms (1761)

Lioar Phadjeragh Chadjin, The Book of Common Prayer in Manx Gaelic (1842) with translation into English

Lioar Phadjeragh Chadjin, The Book of Common Prayer in Manx Gaelic (1765) with translation into English

Lioar dy Hymnyn: a critical edition of the four Manx Gaelic hymn books printed 1795-1846

The Principles and Duties of Christianity in English and Manks, by Thomas Wilson (1707)

Thomas Wilson's Sermons (1-12) Manx and English, with preface

The Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments, Church of England, translated into Manx & in English (1765)

Short and plain instruction for the better understanding of the Lord's supper by Thomas Wilson (1777) Manx-English bilingual text

Sharmaneyn: sermons by Thomas Wilson (1783)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Ta dy chooilley ghooinney ruggit seyr as corrym rish dy chooilley ghooinney elley ayns ooashley as ayns cairys.
Ta resoon as cooinsheanse stowit orroo as lhisagh ad dellal rish y cheilley lesh spyrryd braaragh.

Fockley-Magh Cairyssyn Deiney cour y Theihll Slane: translation into Manx (+ audio)

Isle of Man: maps & documents

Irish Gaelic & Scottish Gaelic

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