Latin dictionary

Roman civilization
Latin Latina
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Medieval Latin

Du Cange

Latin > Italian


Perseus: Latin-English dictionary, by Charlton Lewis & Charles Short (1879)

Collatinus-Biblissima: online search in Latin dictionaries: Lewis & Short (Latin-English), Gaffiot (Latin-French), Calonghi (Latin-Italian, 1898), De Miguel (1867) & Valbuena (1819) (Latin-Spanish), Georges (Latin-German, 1913) Latin-English dictionary (Lewis & Short), Latin-French dictionary (Gaffiot), Latin-French dictionary (Georges)

Logeion: Latin-English dictionary (Lewis & Short, Riddle & Arnold, Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources), Latin-French dictionary (Gaffiot, Du Cange) & examples from the corpus

Whitaker's words online: Latin-English dictionary (with words formed by declension and conjugation)

LatDict: Latin-English dictionary

Chinese University of Hong Kong: Latin-English Dictionary

AlbertMartin: Latin-German dictionary

Navigium: Latin-German dictionary

LatijnNederlands: Latin-Dutch dictionary

Latinsk-dansk ordbog: Latin-Danish dictionary Latin-Italian dictionary

A Latin dictionary founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin dictionary, by Charlton Lewis & Charles Short (1879)

A copious and critical Latin-English lexicon, founded on the Latin-German Lexicon of William Freund, by Ethan Allen Andrews (1857)

Latin dictionary for schools by Charlton Lewis (1916)

Latin-English dictionary for the use of junior students, by John White (1904)

A copious and critical English-Latin dictionary by William Smith & Theophilus Hall (1871)

A copious and critical English-Latin lexicon, founded on the Latin-German Lexicon of Charles Ernest Georges, by Joseph Riddle, Thomas Arnold & Charles Anthon (1864)

English-Latin dictionary for the use of colleges and schools, by Joseph Riddle (1838)

A copious lexicon of the Latin language, compiled chiefly from the Magnum Totius Latinitatis Lexicon of Facciolati and Forcellini, by Frederick Leverett (1838)

English-Latin lexicon

Ainsworth's Latin dictionary, revised by Alexander Jamieson (1847)

Thesaurus linguæ latinæ compendiarius, Ainsworth's Latin dictionary, revised by Benjamin Beatson & William Ellis (1843)

Dictionary, English and Latin by Robert Ainsworth, revised by Thomas Morell (1773): I & II

Thesaurus linguæ latinæ compendarius or A compendious dictionary of the Latin tongue, by Robert Ainsworth, revised by Samuel Patrick (1751)

Latin phrase-book by Carl Meissner & Henry William Auden (1894)

Discernenda, phrases and idioms in Latin, by J. S. Howell (1901)

Dictionary of Latin phrases by William Robertson (1824)

Dictionnaire latin-français : Latin-French dictionary, by Félix Gaffiot (1934)

Dictionnaire latin-français : Latin-French dictionary, by Félix Gaffiot, revised and published by Gérard Gréco (2016) French dictionary, by Félix Gaffiot, online search & links to the Latin texts quoted

Dizionario latino-italiano: Latin-Italian dictionary, by Ferruccio Calonghi, based on Karl Ernst Georges' dictionary (1898)

Dizionario italiano-latino

Diccionario auxiliar espanol-latino para el uso moderno del latin, by Jose Juan del Col (2007)

Diccionario latino-español etimológico: etymological Latin-Spanish dictionary, by Raimundo de Miguel & Marqués de Morante (1867)

Nuevo diccionario latino-español etimológico & Tratado de sinónimos (1921)

Diccionario latino-español (Valbuena reformado): Latin-Spanish dictionary, by Manuel de Valbuena, revised by Martinez Lopez (1862)

Diccionario español-latino by Manuel de Valbuena (1866)

Dicionario escolar latino-portugues: Latin-Portuguese dictionary, by Ernesto Faria (1975): A-J & K-Z

Dicionário latino-português: Latin-Portuguese dictionary, by Francisco Torrinha (1937)

Dicionário português-latino (1939)

Diccionario latino-portuguez: Latin-Portuguese dictionary, by Francisco dos Santos Saraiva, founded on Quicherat's dictionary (1910)

Diccionario portuguez-latino: Portuguese-Latin dictionary Pedro José da Fonseca (1879)

Ausführliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch: Latin-German dictionary, by Karl Ernst Georges (1918) + 1843 edition: A-J & K-Z

Kleines deutsch-lateinisches Handwörterbuch (1910)

Wörterbuch der lateinischen Sprache: Latin-German dictionary, by William Freund (1834)

A-C - D-K - L-Q - R-Z

Etyma Latina: Etymological lexicon of classical Latin, by Edward Ross Wharton (1890)

Etymological dictionary of the Latin language by Francis Valpy (1828)

Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine : etymological dictionary of the Latin language, by Antoine Meillet & Alfred Ernout, revised by Jacques André (2001)

Dictionnaire étymologique latin by Michel Bréal & Anatole Bailly (1918)

Etymologisches Wörterbuch der lateinischen Sprache: etymological dictionary of the Latin language, by August Zimmermann (1915)

Lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch: Latin etymological dictionary, by Alois Walde (1910)

Handbuch der lateinischen Etymologie: handbook of Latin etymology, by Ludwig Doederlein (1841)

Etymologisches Wörterbuch der lateinischen Sprache: etymological dictionary of the Latin language & comparison with Greek and German, by Konrad Schwenck (1827)

Tensaurus italograecus : dictionary of Latin words of Greek origin, by Günther Alexander Saalfeld (1884)

Handbook of Latin synonymes by Edgar Shumway (1884) based on Meissner's Kurzgefaßte lateinische Synonymik

Döderlein's hand-book of Latin synonymes (1874)

Handbuch der lateinischen Synonymik by Ludwig Doederlein (1849)

Dictionary of Latin synonymes for the use of schools and private students, by Ludwig Ramshorn (1841)

Lateinische Synonymik by Ludwig Ramshorn (1831): A-G & H-Z

Latin synonyms, with their different significations, by Jean-Baptiste Gardin-Dumesnil, translated into English & revised by J. M. Gosset (1819)

Synonymes latins by Jean-Baptiste Gardin-Dumesnil & J.-A. Auvray (1845)

Traité des synonymes de la langue latine by Émile Barrault & Ernest Grégoire (1853)

Contributions to Latin lexicography by Henry Nettleship (1889)

Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane, usate nelle carte e codici: dictionary of Latin and Italian abbreviations, by Adriano Cappelli (1929)

Latin quotations & locutions

Yuni: Latin quotations & locutions translated into English

Latin maxims translated into English

Ab nihilo: Latin quotations & locutions, translated into French Latin quotations translated into Spanish

Dictionary of quotations Latin, by Thomas Benfield Harbottle (1909)

Dictionary of Latin quotations, proverbs, maxims, and mottos, classical and mediæval, including law terms and phrases, by Henry Thomas Riley (1866)

Medieval Latin & Renaissance

Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources

Mediae latinitatis lexicon minus: lexique latin médiéval-français/anglais, by Jan Frederik Niermeyer (1984) online

Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatis by Charles du Fresne du Cange, revised by Léopold Favre (1883)

or scanned version: A-B - C - D-F - G-K - L-N - O-Q - R-S - T-Z - Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages & index

Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatis by Charles du Fresne du Cange, revised by Louis Henschel (1840)

A-D - E-K - L-Q - P-R - S-Z   & Glossaire français

Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatis by Charles du Fresne du Cange (1710)

Petit supplément au dictionnaire de Du Cange by Charles Schmidt (1906)

Historique du Glossaire de la basse latinité de Du Cange by Hercule Géraud, in Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes (1840)

Glossarium latino-germanicum mediae et infimae aetatis: Latin-German dictionary, by Lorenz Diefenbach (1867)

Thresor de la langue françoyse tant moderne qu'ancienne : French-Latin dictionary, by Jean Nicot (1606)

Dictionarium latinogallicum : Latin-French dictionary, by Robert Estienne (1552) : online search (or pdf version)

Dictionariolum latinogallicum by Robertus Stephanus (Robert Estienne) (1602)

Les mots françois selon lordre des lettres, ainsi que les fault escrire : tournez en latin, pour les enfans, French-Latin dictionary, by Robert Estienne (1552)

Dictionariolum puerorum : Latin-French dictionary for children

Vocabulaire de cinq langues Latin, Italien, Francoys, Espagnol, & Aleman, by Francesco Garrone (1542)

Colloquia cum dictionariolo sex linguarum Teutonicæ, Anglicæ, Latinæ, Gallicæ, Hispanicæ, & Italicæ, by Noël de Berlaimont (1593)

Dictionarium by Ambrogio Calepino (1573)

Modern Latin

Glossarium anglico-latinum: philosophical English-Latin glossary, by Gualterius Redmond

Conversational Latin for oral proficiency: phrase book and dictionary, Classical and Neo-Latin, by John Traupman (2007)

Latin for all occasions: become the life of the party with everyone's favorite dead language!, by Henry Beard (2004) online

X-treme Latin: all the Latin you need to know for surviving the 21st century (2004) online

Locutionum cotidianarum glossarium: a guide to Latin conversation, by Goodwin Beach (1961) online

Guide to Latin conversation (English-Latin vocabulary by topics, useful words, familiar expressions & phrases) by Michel Lanusse & Stephen Wilby (1892)

Latin language

Latin keyboard to type the diacritic signs (long & short vowels)

Dizionario-latino: noun declension & verb conjugation

Verbix: conjugation of the Latin verbs

Roman numbers: conversion & calculator

University of Texas: Latin grammar

Latin for beginners (with illustrations) (2001)

A junior Latin reader by Frederick Sanford & Harry Scott (1922)

Latin grammar by Charles Bennett (1918)

Essentials of Latin for beginners by Henry Carr Pearson (1915)

Gildersleeve's Latin grammar by Basil Gildersleeve & Gonzalez Lodge (1903)

Allen and Greenough's Latin grammar for schools and colleges, by Joseph Allen & James Greenough (1903)

Latin grammar for schools and colleges, by George Lane (1903)

First year Latin by William Collar (1901)

A grammar of the Latin language for the use of schools and colleges, by Ethan Allen Andrews & Solomon Stoddard (1870)

The public school Latin grammar by Benjamin Hall Kennedy (1879)

Practical grammar of the Latin language by George Adler (1858)

Outlines of Latin phonetics by Max Niedermann (1910)

The Latin language: a historical outline of its sounds inflections and syntax, by Charles Bennett (1907)

The Latin language: an historical account of Latin sounds, stems and flexions, by Wallace Lindsay (1894)

Formenlehre der lateinischen Sprache: morphology of the Latin language, by Friedrich Neue (1902): I & II - III - IV

Handbuch der lateinischen Laut- und Formenlehre: Latin phonetics and morphology, by Ferdinand Sommer (1902)

On the Latin language (De latina lingua) by Varro, Latin text & English translation (1938): I & II


Tib Av-Portal : Early Latin, introduction, phonology, morphology, morphosyntactic structure, by Giuseppe Pezzini & Wolfgang de Melo, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (2020)

Latin texts & literature

Perseus: Latin texts & translation into English

Bibliotheca augustana: classical & medieval

Latin library: classical & medieval

Intratext: classical & medieval

The Philological Museum (University of Birmingham): Latin texts of the 16th-17th centuries

Weblettres: Latin texts & translations into French

Remacle: Latin texts & translations into French

Latin authors

Itinera electronica: texts with a table of concordance

Roman law: texts in Latin & translations into English & French

History of Latin literature by Marcus Southwell Dimsdale (1915)

Introduction to classical Latin literature by William Cranston Lawton (1904)

Latin literature by John William Mackail (1895)

Latin literature of the Empire by Alfred Gudeman (1898): prose & poetry

Easy Latin stories for beginners with notes & Latin-English vocabulary, by George Bennett (1892)

Latin selections, being specimens of the Latin language and literature, by Edmund Smith (1882)

Fragments and specimens of early Latin, with introductions & notes, by John Wordsworth (1874)

Tertullian (2nd century)

Moriæ Encomium by Erasmus (16th century)

Latin translation of the Bible, the Vulgate

Modern Latin

Ephemeris: news in latin

Radiobremen: Nuntii latini, monthly news in Latin (+ audio)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Omnes homines liberi aequique dignitate atque juribus nascuntur.
Ratione conscientiaque praediti sunt et alii erga alios cum fraternitate se gerere debent.

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text, in Latin & other languages


books about the Latin language: Google books | Internet archive

books about the Latin literature: Google books | Internet archive

Roman civilization


Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025