Gothic dictionary


Mœso-Gothic Glossary & List of Anglo-Saxon and Old and Modern English words etymologically connected with Mœso-Gothic, by Walter William Skeat (1868)

Gotisch-griechisch-deutsches Wörterbuch by Wilhelm Streitberg (1910)

Deutsch-Gotisches Wörterbuch: German-Gothic dictionary by Oskar Priese (1890)

Gothisches Wörterbuch nebst Flexionslehre: Gothic glossary by Ernst Schulze (1867)

Glossarium der gothischen Sprache: Glossary of the Gothic language, by Hans Conon von der Gabelentz & Julius Loebe (1843)

Comparative glossary of the Gothic language by Gerhard Hubert Balg (1887)

Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der gothischen Sprache: Comparative dictionary of the Gothic language, by Lorenz Diefenbach (1851)

Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Wörterbuch der gotischen Sprache: etymological dictionary of the Gothic language, by Christianus Cornelius Uhlenbeck (1900)

Grundriss der gotischen Etymologie: Gothic etymology, by Sigmund Feist (1888)

Gothic dictionary with etymologies, by András Rajki (2004)

Hypothèse autour de l'étymologie du gotique galaubjan, « croire » (to believe) by André Rousseau, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2004)

Quelques aspects de la société des anciens Germains d'après le témoignage du vocabulaire gotique, in Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (2012)

Gothic language

Gothic Keyboard to type a text with the Gothic characters

Latin Gothic Keyboard for Gothic transliteration

University of Texas: Gothic online (grammar)

Gotische Grammatik by Roland Schuhmann : I & II

studies about the Gothic language, by Magnús Snædal

Gothic contact with Latin, Gotica Parisina and Wulfila's alphabet, in Early Germanic languages in contact (2015)

Gothic contact with Greek: loan translations and a translation problem, in Early Germanic languages in contact (2015)

Le gotique : profil historique, culturel et linguistique, by Carla Falluomini, in Revue germanique internationale (2021)

Nouveau regard sur les modalités du gotique by André Rousseau, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2003)

Le cours de grammaire gotique de Saussure à Paris (1880-1891), in Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (2009)

Grammar of the Gothic language & Gospel of St. Mark, with notes and glossary, by Joseph Wright (1910) + other version

Gotische Grammatik: Gothic grammar by Wilhelm Braune (1895)

Wortverzeichnis (Gothic-German glossary)

Gothic grammar: translated into English by Gerhard Balg (1895)

Glossary Gothic-English

Gotisches Elementarbuch: Gothic grammar, by Wilhelm Streitberg (1920)

Grammatik der gothischen Sprache: grammar of the Gothic language, by Hans Conon von der Gabelentz & Julius Loebe (1846)

La lingua gotica: grammatica, esercizi, testi, by Sigismund Friedmann (1896)

Vocabolario comparato con ispecial riguardo al tedesco, inglese, latino e greco

Untersuchungen über die gotischen Adverbien und Partikeln par Adalbert Bezzenberger (1873)

An introduction, phonological, morphological, syntactic to the Gothic of Ulfilas by Thomas Le Marchant Douse (1886)

Texts & Literature

Project Wulfila : library dedicated to the study of the Gothic language and Old Germanic languages

Wulfila Bible in Gothic, Greek & English

manuscripts of the Gothic Bible

Uppsala University Library: Codex Argenteus (manuscript)

Codex Argenteus and its printed editions, by Lars Munkhammar (2010)

The Gothic text of Codex Gissensis by Magnús Snædal, in Gotica minora: scripta nova & vetera (2003)

La version gotique des Évangiles : essai de réévaluation, by Robert Gryson, in Revue théologique de Louvain (1990)

Messages et messagers bibliques dans la traduction gotique de Wulfila : annoncer, écouter, comprendre, by Françoise Daviet-Taylor, in Récits d'ambassades et figures du messager (2007)

Die gotische Bibel: The Gothic Bible, bilingual text Gothic-Greek, by Wilhelm Streitberg (1908)

Gotisch-Griechisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch: Gothic-Greek-German dictionary + other version

Vulfila, oder die gotische Bibel: The Gothic Bible, bilingual text Gothic-Greek, by Ernst Bernhard (1875)

Ulfilas, Die Heiligen Schriften alten und neuen Bundes in gothischer Sprache: Gothic-Greek-Latin text, by Hans Ferdinand Massmann (1857)

Ulfilas, Veteris et Novi Testamenti, Versionis Gothicæ: Gothic-Latin text, by Hans Conon von der Gabelentz & Julius Loebe (1843)

Codex Argenteus, sive Sacrorum Evangeliorum versionis gothicæ fragmenta, by Andreas Uppström (1854)

The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels in parallel columns with the versions of Wycliffe and Tyndale, by Joseph Bosworth (1888)

The first Germanic Bible translated from the Greek and the other remains of the Gothic language, with glossary, by Gerhard Hubert Balg (1891)

The Gospel of Saint Mark in Gothic, with grammar & glossary, by Walter Skeat (1882)

Sacrorum Evangeliorum versio Gothica ex Codice Argento: Gothic-Latin text, by Erik Benzelius & Edward Lye (1750)

Lord's Prayer in Gothic with transliteration & translation into English

Wulfila Bible
Gothic alphabet
Gothic alphabet
Gothic Bible
unte boka usqimiþ, iþ ahma gaqiujiþ
the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life
Gothic Bible
frijos nehvundjan þeinana swe þuk silban
you shall love your neighbor as yourself

books about the Gothic language: Google books & Internet archive

The German Bible

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