Armenian dictionary

Armenian հայերեն
Dictionary  Բառարան
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English > Armenian dictionary

Nayiri Glosbe

Armenian > English dictionary

Nayiri Glosbe

English > Armenian translation

Google Bing

Armenian > English translation

Google Bing

Nayiri: Dictionary of the Armenian language, by Antranig Granian (1998) & Comprehensive dictionary Armenian-English, by Mesrob Kouyoumdjian (1970)

Arak-29: etymological dictionary

Isma: Armenian-English dictionary & translation Classical Armenian dictionaries (5th-19th centuries), Armenian-English dictionary (Matthias Bedrossian) & Armenian-French dictionary Armenian dictionary, Armenian-English dictionary & Armenian-French dictionary

digital dictionaries: fist names, synonyms, rhyms…

Nayiri: Armenian dictionary, Armenian-English dictionary & Armenian-French dictionary

Loecsen: Armenian-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Armenian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Armenian-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Culinar termes: French-Western Armenian-English vocabulary (2015)

My first book of Armenian words (2001)

Hippocrene concise dictionary: Armenian-English & English-Armenian, by Diana Aroutunian & Susanna Aroutunian (1993) online

Armenian-English dictionary by Matthias Bedrossian (1875)

A dictionary English and Armenian by Paschal Aucher & John Brand (1868)

Vocabulary of words used in modern Armenian but not found in the ancient Armenian lexicons, by Elias Riggs (1847)

Dictionnaire arménien moderne-français: Modern Armenian-French dictionary, by Guy de Lusignan (Ambroise Calfa) & Krikor Jacob Basmadjian (1915)

Dictionnaire illustré français-arménien: French-Armenian illustrated dictionary, by Guy de Lusignan (Ambroise Calfa) (1900)

A-H & I-Z

Manuale lexicon latino-armenum: Latin-Armenian dictionary, by Ioannes Miskgian (Hovhannes Miskjian) (1893)

Manuale lexicon armeno-latinum: Armenian-Latin dictionary (1897)

Dictionarium armeno-latinum: Armenian-Latin dictionary, by Francisco Rivola (1633)

Etymological dictionary of the Armenian inherited lexicon by Hrach Martirosyan (2010)

Studies in Armenian etymology (2008)

Armenian etymology with English cognates and Proto-Indo-European roots (2009)

Studies in Armenian etymology by Krzysztof Witczak, in Studia etymologica cracoviensia (1999)

Armenian etymologies by Rémy Viredaz (2022)

Notes d'étymologie arménienne (2009) : I & II - III

Armenische Studien, Grundzüge der armenischen Etymologie: Armenian etymology, by Heinrich Hübschmann (1904)

Armenian proverbs and sayings translated in English, by Georges Bayan (1932) & 1889 edition

Armenian proverbs and the biblical scripture by Gayané Hagopian, in Journal of the Society of Armenian studies (2008)

Die altarmenischen Ortsnamen (Ancient Armenian place names) by Heinrich Hübschmann (1904)

translation into Armenian

Armeniapedia: Armenian first names, boys & girls

Livre des prénoms (Armenian first names) by Karékine Bekdjian (1988)

Armenian language

Armenian keyboard (Eastern) & Western Armenian keyboard to type a text with the Armenian script

Armenian Conversion: Armenian <> Latin script

Armenian language tutorial by Bert Vaux (2014): I & II

Armeniapedia: Armenian course

Classical Armenian by Todd Krause & Jonathan Slocum (with Armenian or Latin script)

Glottothèque: Classical Armenian course, by Ronald Kim & Daniel Kölligan (videos)

Modern Eastern Armenian by Jasmine Dum-Tragut (2009)

Eastern Armenian by Dora Sakayan (2007)

Armenian for everyone by Gayane Hagopian (2007)

Beginner's Armenian (Western Armenian) by Hagop Andonian (1999) online

Modern Western Armenian for the English-speaking world: a contrastive approach, by Dora Sakayan (2000) online

studies about the Armenian language, by Bert Vaux

Armenian phonology (2008)

Armenian plural selection and the nature of lexical syllabification (1997)

Relative clauses in colloquial Armenian: syntax and typology, by Katherine Hodgson, thesis (2019)

A comparative study of Armenian vowels: production and perception, by Tabita Toparlak (2019)

studies about the Armenian language, by Rémy Viredaz

Notes on Armenian historical phonology, in Annual of Armenian Linguistics (2005): I & II

Le suffixe indo-européen *-ti- en arménien, in International Journal of diachronic linguistics and linguistic reconstruction (2018)

La dissimilation d'aperture vocalique en arménien (loi d'Olsen), in Proceedings of the International Conference on Armenian Linguistics (2017)

Les désinences arméniennes d'aoriste et d'imparfait (2015)

Les désinences arméniennes de prétérit singulier actif (2015)

Sur le traitement arménien des sonantes voyelles (1999)

Contractions et place de l'accent en arménien ancien, in Revue des études arméniennes (2002)

studies about the Armenian language, by Hrach Martirosyan

The Armenian dialects, in The languages and linguistics of Western Asia (2018)

The place of Armenian in the Indo-European language family: the relationship with Greek and Indo-Iranian (2013)

Origins and historical development of the Armenian language (2014)

Western Armenian and the new speaker: in search of linguistic legitimacy, by Jennifer Manoukian, in Language and globalization, an autoethnographic approach (2017)

The Armenian and Proto-Indo-European preterite forms and functions, Acta linguistica petropolitana (2018)

The aorist in Modern Armenian: core value and contextual meanings, by Anaïd Donabédian

The prehistory of the Classical Armenian weak aorist by Ronald Kim

The development of the Classical Armenian aorist in modern dialects by Hrach Martirosyan

Les désinences arméniennes d'aoriste et d'imparfait by Rémy Viredaz

Celebrating 500 years of Armenian prints, Armenian Weekly (2002)

The problem of Armenian origins by Armen Petrosyan (2018)

The Indo-European and Ancient Near Eastern sources of the Armenian epic (2002)

Iranian-Armenian language contact in and before the 5th century: an investigation into pattern replication and societal multilingualism, by Robin Meyer, thesis (2017)

Elementary Modern Armenian grammar by Kevork Gulian (1902)

A grammar, Armenian and English by Paschal Aucher (1873)

Grammaire arménienne (Classical Armenian grammar) by Max Lauer & Auguste Carrière (1883)

Esquisse d'une grammaire comparée de l'arménien classique (Classical Armenian grammar) by Antoine Meillet (1903)

Grammaire de la langue arménienne (grammar of the Armenian language) by Jacques Chahan de Cirbied (1823)

Armenische Grammatik (Armenian grammar) by Heinrich Hübschmann (1897)

Über den Ursprung des armenischen Alphabets (about the origin of the Armenian alphabet) by Josef Markwart (1917)

Brevis linguæ armeniacæ, grammatica, litteratura, chrestomathia cum glossario: grammar, texts & Armenian-Latin vocabulary, by Julius Heinrich Petermann (1872)

Grammatica linguæ armeniacæ: grammar of the Armenian language, by Julius Heinrich Petermann (1837)

books & papers about the Armenian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia


Hairenik (+ Armenian weekly in English) - Tert

1 TV: public television

VOA: news in Armenian


Gallica: Armenian songs (records, beginning 20th century)

Texts & Literature

Bibliothèque Mazarine : Le livre arménien de la Renaissance aux Lumières, une culture en diaspora, exhibition (2012)

The contributions of the Armenians over the constitution of new social life and literature in 19th century by Ali Budak, in Ozean journal of social sciences (2008)

Krikor Beledian et la littérature arménienne contemporaine, edited by Anaïd Donabedian, Siranush Dvoyan, Victoria Khurshudyan (2021)

LyrikLine: poems in Armenian, with translation (+ audio)

Association pour la recherche et l'archivage de la mémoire arménienne: online Armenian books books for children

Hayastan: Armenian literature

lyrics of Armenian folk songs

Armenian House: Armenian literature, poems, history, texts for children…

folk tales

David of Sassoon: Armenian epic (Sason, Սասուն is a city in Armenian Turkey)

Arak-29: David of Sassoon, Book of prayer of Gregory of Narek, Christmas Carol of Charles Dickens translated into Armenian

Shakespeare: translation into Armenian

Armenian popular songs & translation into English by Ghevont Alishan (1867)

Zeitschrift für armenische Philologie (Journal of Armenian philology): classical Armenian texts (1903)

Hamahetewmann K̕rhstosi: translation into Armenian of De imitatione Christi (1696)

Doctrina christiana versa in linguam armenam, by Robert Bellarmin, Latin text & translation into Armenian (1634) NEW

New Testament translated into Armenian, American Bible Society (1867)

Bible translated into Classical Armenian, by Madatia Karakashian (1895)

The Bible translated into Eastern Armenian (2005)

Armenian Apostolic Church: translation of the Bible into Eastern Armenian (1994)

The Bible translated into Western Armenian

Arak-29: translation of the Bible into Classical Armenian (1895 edition) with concordances, bilingual Armenian-English

Bilingual Bible: Armenian, English & other languages

Oskan Bible: the first Bible printed in Armenian (1666)

Rome et la Bible arménienne d'Uscan d'après la correspondance de Jean-Baptiste van Neercassel, by Albert de Veer, in Revue des études byzantines (1958)

Les imprimeurs arméniens, la censure et la Bible (1512-1682), by Jean-Pierre Mahé, in Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (2012)

Goodspeed manuscript collection: Armenian manuscripts of the New Testament

Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen: Armenian manuscript

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Բոլոր մարդիկ ծնվում են ազատ ու հավասար իրենց արժանապատվությամբ ու իրավունքներով:
Նրանք ունեն բանականություն ու խիղճև միմյանց պետք է եղբայրաբար վերաբերվեն:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Մարդու իրավունքների համընդհանուր հռչակագիր, translation into Armenian (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Armenian, English & other languages

Armenia: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

Armenian genocide

Russian - Georgian - Azerbaijani

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025