Scottish Gaelic dictionary

Gaelic Gàidhlig
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English > Gaelic translation


Gaelic > English translation


Gaelic dictionary

Wiktionary pronunciation

LearnGaelic: Scottish Gaelic-English dictionary (with phonetics) (+ audio)

Am Faclair Beag: Scottish Gaelic-English dictionary (with phonetics) & Dwelly's dictionary

An Seotal: Gaelic terminology database

Scottish Gaelic-English dictionaries & meanings in Gaelic

An Stòr-dàta Briathrachais Gàidhlig: Gaelic terminology database (1993)

The School Gaelic Dictionary (Am Briathrachan Beag) by Patrick MacFarlane (1912)

Basic Gaelic for parents

Intergaelic: Scottish-Irish Gaelic & Manx-Irish Gaelic dictionaries & translation

Foclóir Gàidhlig-Gaeilge: Scottish-Irish Gaelic dictionary, by Kevin Scannell (2016)

Faclair na Pàrlamaid: dictionary of terminology relevant to Scotland's Parliament (2001)

The illustrated Gaelic dictionary, specially designed for beginners and for use in schools, including every Gaelic word in all the other Gaelic dictionaries and printed books, by Edward Dwelly (1918)

A-Dath - Dath-Mis - Mis-Z   + online text

Gaelic-English dictionary by Ewan MacEachen (1922)

The school Gaelic dictionary (Am Briathrachan Beag) by Patrick MacFarlane (1912)

Etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language by Alexander MacBain (1911) + online text (shorter)

Dictionary of the Gaelic language by Norman MacLeod & Daniel Dewar (1909)

Pronouncing Gaelic dictionary by Neil MacAlpine (1866)

Vocabulary English and Gaelic by Patrick MacFarlane (1815)

Gaelic and English

Dictionarium scoto-celticum: Gaelic-English-Latin dictionary, published by The Highland Society of Scotland (1814)

A-P & R-U

The Gaelic etymology of the languages of Western Europe and more especially of the English and Lowland Scotch and of their slang, cant, and colloquial dialects, by Charles Mackay (1877) many etymologies are fanciful!

Guide to Gaelic conversation and pronunciation & vocabularies, dialogues, phrases, and letter forms, by Lachlan MacBean (1905) + online text

Gaelic vocabulary and phrase book by James Munro (end 19th-century)

The tourists hand-book of Gaelic and English phrases for the Highlands, by Mary Mackeller (1880) + online text

Gaelic proverbs and proverbial sayings, with English translations by Thomas MacDonald (1926)

Our Gaelic proverbs, a mirror of the past, by Angus MacGillivray (1928)

A collection of Gaelic proverbs and familiar phrases based on MacIntosh's collection, by Alexander Nicolson (1882)

A collection of Gaelic proverbs, and familiar phrases with an English translation, by Donald MacIntosh (1785)

Scottish land-names: their origin and meaning, by Herbert Maxwell (1894)

The Gaelic topography of Scotland by James Robertson (1869)

Gaelic names of beasts (Mammalia), birds, fishes, insects, reptiles, etc… by Alexander Robert Forbes (1905)

Gaelic names of plants (Scottish, Irish and Manx) with notes on their etymology, their uses, plant superstitions… by John Cameron (1900)

Les emprunts au gaélique écossais en anglais (Scottish Gaelic loanwords in English) by Pierre Fournier, in Scotland, the difference (2021)

Old Norse vocabulary in Scottish Gaelic, lexical imposition, by Thomas Stewart, in Diachronica (2004)

Gaelic language

Gaelic keyboard to type the grave accent à è ì ò ù

Gaelic orthographic conventions (2009)

LearnGaelic: Gaelic course, with grammar & vocabulary

Gaelic sounds: pronunciation (+ audio)

Akerbeltz: basic grammar of the Gaelic language

pronunciation (phonetics)

BBC Gaelic course: basic vocabulary (+ audio)

Scottish Gaelic by William Lamb (2002)

Scottish Gaelic speech and writing: register variation in an endangered language (2008)

studies about the Gaelic language, by William Lamb

Is there a future for regional dialects in Scottish Gaelic? (2011)

Gaelic in Medieval Scotland: advent and expansion, by Thomas Owen Clancy, in Proceedings of the British Academy (2010)

Gaelic grammar, principles of phonology and etymology & proper and place names, by George Calder (1923)

Gaelic self-taught by James MacLaren (1923)

Elementary course of Gaelic by Duncan Reid & Norman MacLeod (1913)

How to learn Gaelic, orthographical instructions, grammar, and reading lessons, by Alexander Macbain & John Whyte (1906)

Elements of Gaelic grammar by Cameron Gillies, based on the work of Alexander Stewart (1896)

Elements of Gaelic grammar by Alexander Stewart (1886)

Practical grammar of the Scottish Gaelic by James Munro (1843)

books about the Scottish Gaelic language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

resources about Gaelic language


Radio nan Gàidheal (BBC)

Texts & Literature

LyrikLine: poems in Gaelic, with translation (+ audio)

The Gaelic reader with notes and vocabulary, by Malcolm MacLennan (1913)

Gaelic poems by Alexander Cook (1882)

Sar-Obair nam Bard Gaelach or the Beauties of Gaelic Poetry and Lives of the Highland Bards, with historical and critical notes, by John MacKenzie (1872)


Carmina Gadelica, Hymns and Incantations with illustrative notes on Words, Rites and Customs, dying and obsolete, with the translation into English, collected by Alexander Carmichael (1900): I & II - III   + online text

Popular tales of the West Highlands in Gaelic & translation into English, collected by John Francis Campbell (1860): I & II - III - IV

The songs and hymns of the Scottish Highlands with translations and music, and an introduction, by Lachlan Macbean (1888)

The sacred songs of the Gael, a collection of Gaelic hymns & translation into English, by Lachlan Macbean (1890): I & II

Tiomnadh Nuadh: the New Testament in Gaelic (1922)

Tiomnadh Nuadh (1813)

Gospel of Mark in Gaelic, multilingual text

Sailm Dhaibhidh: the Book of the Psalms (1921)

Leabhar aithghearr nan ceist: catechism of the Presbyterian Church (1829)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Tha gach uile dhuine air a bhreth saor agus co-ionnan ann an urram 's ann an còirichean.
Tha iad air am breth le reusan is le cogais agus mar sin bu chòir dhaibh a bhith beò nam measg fhein ann an spiorad bràthaireil.

Gairm choitcheann air coirichean a' chinne-daonna: translation into Gaelic (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Gaelic, English & other languages

Scotland: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

Irish Gaelic language & Manx Gaelic language

Celtic languages

Scots language: language of the Lowlands

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025