Tibetan dictionary

Tibetan བོད་ཡིག་

Tsadra: Tibetan-English dictionary & Dharma glossaries

TibTerminology: Tibetan terminologic dictionary

Christian Steinert: Tibetan > English dictionary

Tibetan & Himalayan library: Tibetan-English historical dictionary

Tibetan > English dictionary & translation

Indo-Tibetan lexical ressources for the study of Buddhism

English-Tibetan dictionary of Modern Tibetan by Melvyn Goldstein & Ngawangthondup Narkyid (1999)

Tibetan-English dictionary by Huadan Zhaxi, Kevin Stuart, Rinchen Dorji, Gesang Norbu, Dorji Zhaxi, Rinchen Khar, Gongbu Caireng, Sandra Benson (2007)

Tibetan-English dictionary by Stuart Buck (1969) online

Tibetan-Chinese-English contemporary words, by topics

Chinese-Tibetan-English dictionary of new daily vocabulary (2009)

Tibetan dictionary (with meanings in Tibetan) by G. Tharchin (1950)

Ka-Ca - Cha-Nya - Da-Pha - Ba-Tsa - Tsha-A

Dictionnaire thibétain-latin-français: Tibetan-Latin-French dictionary, edited by the Catholic Missionaries in Tibet (1899)

English-Tibetan colloquial dictionary by Charles Alfred Bell (1920)

English-Tibetan dictionary by Lama Dawasamdup Kazi (1919)

Tibetan-English dictionary with Sanskrit synonyms, by Sarat Chandra Das (1902)

Tibetan-English dictionary with special reference to the prevailing dialects, by Heinrich Jäschke (1881)

Romanized Tibetan and English dictionary, manuscript, by Heinrich Jäschke (1866)

Dictionary Tibetan and English by Alexander Csoma de Kőrös (1834)

Dictionary of the Bhotanta or Boutan Language: Bouthan-English dictionary & grammar, by Friedrich Schroeter (1826)

108 onomatopoeias in Tibetan by Nyima Dorjee & Camille Simon (2023)

Vehicle of wisdom and wit, voice of ridicule and protest: inquiry into the nature of Tibetan proverbs and idiomatic phrases, by Per Sørensen & Franz Xaver Erhard (2011)

Le nom des nakṣatrāṇi en tibétain (constellations) by Guillaume Jacques, in Revue d'études tibétaines (2007)

Notes d'étymologie tibétaine by Rolf Stein (1941)

Tibetan language

Tibetan keyboard

Extended Wylie teaching guide: Tibetan characters & transliteration, by Alexandru Anton-Luca

Tibetan calligraphy, how to write the Tibetan dbu-can script

Colloquial Tibetan by Jonathan Samuels (2014)

Tibetan grammar and phrasebook by Silvia Vernetto & Tenzin Norbu (2007) (Latin characters)

Colloquial Tibetan, a textbook of the Lhasa dialect, by Tsetan Chonjore (2002)

Manual of standard Tibetan: language and civilization, by Nicolas Tournadre & Sangda Dorje (2003) online

studies about the Tibetan language, by Nicolas Tournadre

The semantics of the verb give in Tibetan, in Give verbs and constructions (2017)

The Tibetic languages and their classification (2013)

L'aire linguistique tibétaine (linguistic area of the Tibetan dialects) (2005)

Le bilinguisme tibétain-chinois (Tibetan-Chinese bilinguism) (2002)

The Classical Tibetan cases and their transcategoriality: from sacred grammar to modern linguistics, in Himalayan Linguistics (2010)

Présentation de la grammaire traditionnelle et des cas du tibétain (1990)

Sketch of Tibetan dialectology in China, classifications of Tibetan dialects, by Zhang Jichuan, in Cahiers de linguistique (1996)

Language vitality and language identity: which one is more important? Tibetan-Chinese bilingual education in Maketang versus Huazangsi, by Chunlin Yao & Ghilʿad Zuckermann, in Language Problems & Language Planning (2016)

Morphology of the Tibetan language by Hans Nordewin von Koerber (1935)

Grammar of colloquial Tibetan by Charles Alfred Bell (1919)

Introduction to the grammar of the Tibetan language by Sarat Chandra Das (1915)

Grammar of the Tibetan language, literary and colloquial, by Herbert Bruce Hannah (1912)

Tibetan Grammar by Heinrich Jäschke (1883)

Hand-book of colloquial Tibetan by Graham Sandberg (1894)

Grammar of the Tibetan language by Alexander Csoma de Kőrös (1834)

Grammaire de la langue tibétaine: Tibetan grammar, by Philippe Édouard Foucaux (1858)

Grammatik der tibetischen Sprache: Tibetan grammar, by Isaak Jakob Schmidt (1839)

studies about the Tibetan script and ancient manuscripts, by Sam van Schaik

A new look at the invention of the Tibetan script (2011)

Towards a Tibetan palaeography developing a typology of writing styles in early Tibet (2014)

A new transcription system for Old and Classical Tibetan by Guillaume Jacques (2012)

Alphabetum Tibetanum: the Tibetan alphabet, by Agostino Antonio Giorgi (1762)

Alphabetum Tangutanum sive Tibetanum: the Tibetan alphabet, by Cassiano Beligatti & Giovanni Cristofano Amaduzzi (1773)

books & papers about the Tibetan language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

བོད་སྐད་ bod skad Spoken Tibetan, from bod (Tibet, Tibetan) & skad (voice, language)
བོད་ཡིག་ bod yig Written Tibetan

Bod-kyi-Dus-Bab (Tibet Times)

VOA: news in Tibetan

RFA (Radio Free Asia)

Texts & Literature

Prolegomena to Tibetan folk literature and popular poetic idiom, by Per Sørensen (2010)

Tibetan proverbial literature, semantics and metaphoricity in context, by Per Sørensen (2013)

Introduction to Tibetan Sa bstod speeches in A mdo, by Timothy Thurston, in Asian ethnology (2013)

The Song of the Eastern Snow-Mountain, Minor Tibetan texts, by Johan Van Manen (1919)

Le trésor des belles paroles: Tibetan quotations by Lama Sakya Pandita & translation into French (1858)

Genesis and Exodus, the first and second book of the Holy Bible in Tibetan (1905)

Gsungrab: translation of the New Testament into Tibetan

Danmarks Nationale Bibliotek: Tibetan manuscripts

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

འགྲོ་བ་མིའི་རིགས་རྒྱུད་ཡོངས་ལ་སྐྱེས་ཙམ་ཉིད་ནས་ཆེ་མཐོངས་དང༌། ཐོབ་ཐང་གི་རང་དབང་འདྲ་མཉམ་དུ་ཡོད་ལ།

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Tibetan, English (+ PDF format)

Tibet: maps, heritage & documents

Sherpa (Tibetic language)

Nepali & Sanskrit language

Chinese language

Chine: maps, heritage & documents

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