Tagalog dictionary


Philippine Filipino
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Tagalog > English translation

Google Bing Tagalog dictionary Tagalog-English dictionary (+ audio)

Tagalog-dictionary: Tagalog-English dictionary

Bohol: English-Tagalog-Cebuano-Hiligaynon dictionary

PinoyDictionary: Tagalog-English dictionary & Cebuano-English, Hiligaynon-English, Ilocano-English

Tagalog-Translate: Tagalog-English online translation

Tagalog-English & English-Tagalog dictionary, by Carl Galvez Rubino (2002) online

English-Tagalog dictionary by Leo James English (1977) online

Concise English-Tagalog dictionary by Jose Villa Panganiban (1969) online

Tagalog dictionary (Tagalog-English dictionary) by Teresita Ramos (1971) online

Conversational Tagalog: a functional-situational approach (1989) online

Tagalog slang dictionary by David Zorc & Rachel San Miguel (2000) online

LingoHut: Tagalog-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

SeaSite: Tagalog-English vocabulary by topics

Defense Language Institute: basic vocabulary (+ audio)

Diccionario ingles-español-tagalog: English-Spanish-Tagalog dictionary by Sofronio Calderón (1915)

Tagalog English and English Tagalog dictionary by Charles Nigg (1904)

Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan by John Wolff (1972)

A-K & L-Z

Vade-mecum filipino: manual of Spanish-Tagalog dialogues, by V. M. de Abella (1874)

Vocabulario de la lengua tagala by Juan de Noceda, Pedro de Sanlucar (1860) & 1754 edition

Vocabulario de la lengua tagala by Domingo de los Santos (1794)

Vocabulario de la lengua ilocana by Andrés Carro, (1849)

Vocabulario de la lengua pampangan by Diego Bergaño (1860)

Tagalog language

A brief guide to Filipino pronunciation by Paul Morrow

SeaSite: Tagalog course

Tagalog grammar

Tagalog verbs, conjugation Tagalog basic course

Headstart for the Philippines: Tagalog course, Foreign Service Institute

Tagalog and Philippine languages by Lawrence Reid, in Encyclopedia of linguistics (2005)

Tagalog, in Philippine ethnography, Encyclopedia of Philippine Art (1994)

Numeral expressions in Tagalog by Jean-Paul Potet, in Archipel (1992)

Semantics: transference in Tagalog, in Cahiers de linguistique Asie orientale (1988)

The subject in Tagalog: still none of the above, by Paul Schachter (1993)

On certain sentential complements in Tagalog, by François Dell, in Cahiers de linguistique Asie orientale (1981)

What particle ng really is: the unified analysis of Tagalog ng and its functions, by Maryam Casimiro & Lyshan Macasero (2017)

Noms, verbes et gérondifs en tagalog by Jean-Michel Fortis (2004)

Proto-Philippine phonology by Teodoro Llamzon, in Archipel (1975)

Basic Tagalog for foreigners and non-Tagalogs by Paraluman Aspillera (2007) online

Tagalog reference grammar by Paul Schachter & Fe Otanes (1972)

Tagalog for beginners by Teresita Ramos (1971) online

Modern Tagalog: grammatical explanations and exercises for non-native speakers (1990) online

The Tagalog language, grammar by Constantino Lendoyro (1909)

Handbook and grammar of the Tagalog language by William MacKinlay (1905)

Método para apprender el lenguaje tagálog by Julius Miles (1887)

Gramática tagalog, teórico-práctica, by Joaquín de Coria (1872)

Arte de la lengua tagala y manual tagalog, by Sebastián de Totanes (1745) (+ 1865 edition)

Manual tagalog para auxilio de los religiosos de esta santa provincia de San Gregorio Magno (+ 1865 edition)

Compendio de la arte de la lengua tagala by Gaspar de San Augustin (of the Order of Saint Augustine) (1703, édition de 1787) (+ 1879 edition)

Arte de la lengua tagala by Augustin de la Magdalena (1679)

Ecai: linguistic maps of Austronesian languages

books and papers about the Tagalog language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

Baybayin alphabet

Baybayin keyboard to type a text with the Baybayin script

conversion Latin > Baybayin script

Baybayin alphabet: history (in English or in Philippine)

Writing rules

Texts in Baybayin with transliteration (with extracts of Doctrina christiana)

El alfabeto filipino baybayin en Colima de la Nueva España (1600-1604): microhistoria global de una escritura peregrina (the Baybayin script in Mexico) by Paulina Machuca, in Allpanchis (2022)

Considérations sur les alphabets des Philippines by Eugène Jacquet (1831)

Doctrina Christiana en lengua española y tagala (1593)

The first book written in Tagalog (with the Baybayin script).

Doctrina christiana, with an introductory essay, by Edwin Wolf (1947)

Alphabet baybayin


















alphabet baybayin doctrina christiana

El abc en lengua tagala

Doctrina christiana (1593)

Texts & Literature

National Library of the Philippines

Philippine literature, in Encyclopedia of Philippine Art (1994) online books

Tagalog texts with grammatical analysis, with translation into English, by Leonard Bloomfield (1917)

La pétition tagale: Caming manga alipin (1665), by Jean-Paul Potet, in Cahiers de linguistique Asie orientale (1987)

bilingual Bible: Tagalog & other languages

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Ang lahat ng tao'y isinilang na malaya at pantay-pantay sa karangalan at mga karapatan.
Sila'y pinagkalooban ng katwiran at budhi at dapat magpalagayan ang isa't isa sa diwa ng pagkakapatiran.

Pandaigdig na pagpapahayag ng mga karapatan ng tao: translation into Tagalog (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Tagalog & other languages

Philippines: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

Malay - Indonesian - Maori - Malagasy


Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025