• MobiTuki: Swahili-English dictionary (Tanzania)
• AfricanLanguages: Swahili-English dictionary
• LingoHut: Swahili-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)
• 17 minute languages: Swahili-English common phrases (+ audio)
• Sl&c: useful Swahili words (+ audio)
• Defense Language Institute: basic vocabulary (+ audio) - civil affairs - medical
• A concise English-Swahili dictionary, kamusi ya kiingereza-kiswahili, by R. A. Snoxall & H. B. Mshindo (2002)
• A standard English-Swahili dictionary, directed by Frederick Johnson, founded on Madan's English-Swahili dictionary (1939)
• Swahili-English dictionary by Charles Rechenbach (1967)
• Swahili-English dictionary by Arthur Cornwallis Madan (1903)
• English-Swahili (1902)
• Dictionary of the Suahili language by Johann Ludwig Krapf (1882)
• Dictionnaire swahili-français: Swahili-French dictionary, by Charles Sacleux (1939)
• Dictionnaire français-swahili (1891)
• Vocabulaire français-kisouahili: French-Swahili vocabulary published by the État indépendant du Congo (1894)
• Suaheli-Dragoman: Swahili-German dictionary by topics, by Friedrich von Nettelbladt (1891)
• Wörterbuch der Suahelisprache: Swahili-German & German-Swahili dictionary, by Carl Gotthilf Büttner (1890)
• Swahili etymological dictionary by András Rajki (2005)
• An anthology of proverbs in Kiswahili & translation into English & German, by Claudia Dal Bianco & Johanna Emig (2009)
• African aphorisms or Saws from Swahili Land, by William Ernest Taylor (1891)
• The terms for "emotion" in Swahili: a lexical analysis based on interviews with native speakers, by Rosanna Tramutoli, in Kervan (2019)
• Terminologia del corpo ed estensioni metaforiche : swahili e zulu a confronto, in Kervan (2020)
• Translating Swahili linguistic terminology into Italian, Nordic Journal of African Studies (2020)
• Texts on textiles: proverbiality as characteristic of equivocal communication at the East African coast, by Rose Marie Beck, in Journal of African Cultural Studies (2005)
• Expanding the Swahili vocabulary: newly adopted words in Swahili in the field of information and communication technology, by Malin Petzell (2005)
• The adaptation of Swahili loanwords from Arabic, by Leonard Chacha Mwita, in Journal of Pan African studies (2009)
• A brief lexico-semantic study of French and Kiswahili by Lester Mtwana Jao, in Mambo (2015)
• Epenthetic vowels in Swahili loanwords by Andrew Harvey, in Journal of linguistics and language in education (2014)
• Phonological and semantic change in language borrowing: the case of Arabic words borrowed into Kiswahili, by Mohamed Abdulmajid Akidah, in International journal of education and research (2013)
• Historical inferences from Swahili etymologies par Thilo Schadeberg, in Unwritten testimonies of the African past (1989)
• Lugha ya mitaani in Tanzania: the poetics and sociology of a young urban style of speaking, with a dictionary comprising 1100 words and phrases, by Uta Reuster-Jahn & Roland Kießling, in Swahili Forum (2006)
• Swahili toponymy of past towns on the East African coast: "What's in a name?", by Monika Baumanova & Rosanna Tramutoli, in Kervan (2022)
• University of Kansas: Swahili course
• Verbix: verb conjugation & Swahili-English translation
• Andika: Latin <> Arabic scripts of the Swahili language, online conversion
• The Swahili language and its early history, by Martin Walsh, in The Swahili world (2018)
• Swahili colloquial, course for beginners (2003)
• Swahili learners' reference grammar by Katrina Daly Thompson & Antonia Folárin Schleicher (2001)
• Swahili basic course, Foreign Service Institute (1968) (+ audio)
• Swahili language handbook by Edgar Polomé (1967)
• Swahili vowel harmony by Lutz Marten, in Working papers in linguistics and phonetics (1996)
• Noun classification in Swahili by Ellen Contini-Morava, University of Virginia
• The formation and syntax of contractions in Kiswahili with special emphasis on noun-possessive combination, by Titus Mpemba, in Journal of linguistics and language in education (2015)
• Swahili Forum: Journal for Swahili studies (since 1994)
• Swahili grammar and vocabulary by F. Burt (1910)
• A Handbook of the Swahili language, as spoken at Zanzibar, by Edward Steere, revised by Arthur Cornwallis Madan (1894)
• Swahili exercises by Edward Steer (1918)
• Grammar of dialectic changes in the Kiswahili language by Chauncy Hugh Stigand (1915)
• Inkishafi: poem & translation into English, by William Ernest Taylor
• Aids to the study of Ki-Swahili by Mervyn Beech (1918)
• Grammaire kiswahili: Swahili grammar, by Henri Delaunay (1927)
• Grammaire des dialectes swahilis: grammar of the Swahili dialects, by Charles Sacleux (1909)
• Die syntaktischen Verhältnisse des Suaheli (syntax of Swahili) by Wilhelm Planert (1907)
• Suahili Konversations-Grammatik: Swahili grammar, by August Seidel (1900)
• Suaheli Handbuch (Swahili handbook) by Walter von Saint Paul Illaire (1890)
• The metrolingual use of Swahili in urban Ugandan landscapes and everyday conversation by Nico Nassenstein, in Multilingualism in the global South (2016)
• Mombasa's Swahili-based "Coasti slang" in a super-diverse space: languages in contact on the beach, by Nico Nassenstein, in African study monographs (2016)
• books & papers about the Swahili language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia
• Youtube: 101 Swahili : vocabulary, common phrases, Swahili songs with lyrics and translation
• Mwananchi: newspaper (Tanzania)
• BBC - VOA - RFI - DW: news in Swahili
• Language and popular culture in Africa: texts in Swahili (popular culture) with translation into English or French
• LyrikLine: poems in Swahili, with translation (+ audio)
• Swahili-literatur: narratives in Swahili with translation into German
• A Shaba Swahili life history: text, translation and comments, by Jan Blommaert (2014)
• Mythical and archetypal images of the hero in Swahili literature: more than just warriors, by Graziella Acquaviva, in Kervan (2019)
• Identity and memory in Swahili war verses: the long road to an East African self (2019)
• Immagini e metafore vegetali nella poesia swahili : dal seme alla pianta (Vegetal images and metaphors in Swahili poetry) (2016)
• Ritual practices, hypnotic suggestions and trance-like states in Swahili written literature, by Cristina Nicolini, in Kervan (2021)
• studies about the Swahili literature, by Xavier Garnier
• Le kiswahili entre Afrique, orient et occident : quelle littérature pour une langue désancrée ? (2011)
• Traduire le swahili en français : à propos de Nagona et Mzingile d'Euphrase Kezilahabi, in Études littéraires africaines (2012)
• La poésie orale swahili manganja by Pascal Bacuez, in Cahiers d'études africaines (2000) Swahili texts & translation into French
• Figures du politique en Afrique : comment prendre en compte la littérature d'expression swahilie, by Mathieu Roy & Charles Mnyampala (2010)
• Mathias Mnyampala (1917-1969) : poésie d'expression swahilie et construction nationale tanzanienne, by Mathieu Roy, thesis (2013)
• Introduction au Diwani ya Mnyampala (Mathias Mnyampala's anthology) (2007)
• Poésie et philosophie d'expression swahilie en Tanzanie : vision et transformation du monde dans le Diwani de Mathias Mnyampala, in Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est (2012)
• Elisi katika nchi ya ajabu: translation into Swahili of the Lewis Carroll's book, Alice's adventures in wonderland (1940)
• Swahili tales as told by natives of Zanzibar, with translation into English, by Edward Steer (1870)
• Prosa und Poesie der Suaheli: Swahili prose and poetry, with translation into German, by Carl Velten (1907)
• Märchen und Erzählungen der Suaheli: Swahili tales & stories & translation into German (1898)
• Anthologie aus der Suaheli-litteratur: anthology of the Swahili literature & translation into German, by Carl Gotthilf Büttner (1894)
• BibleGateway: Biblia Takatifu, translation of the New Testament into Tanzanian Swahili (+ audio)
• Biblica: Biblia Takatifu, translation of the New Testament into Tanzanian Swahili (+ audio)
• WordProject: translation of the Bible into Tanzanian Swahili (+ audio)
• YouVersion: Biblia Habari Njema (1996)
Watu wote wamezaliwa huru, hadhi na haki zao ni sawa.
Wote wamejaliwa akili na dhamiri, hivyo yapasa watendeane kindugu.
• Umoja wa mataifa ofisi ya idara ya habari taarifa ya ulimwengu juu ya haki za binadamu: translation into Swahili (+ audio)
→ First article in different languages
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Swahili, Lingala & other languages