Maltese dictionary

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Maltese dictionary

Wikizzjunarju pronunciation

Ġabra: collection of Maltese lexical resources

financial dictionary Maltese-English-Italian, by Carlo Farrugia

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)

Hippocrene: Maltese-English dictionary and phrasebook, by Grazio Falzon (1998) online

Survival Maltese: English-Maltese common phrases, by Grazio Falzon

Diziunariu mill Malti ghall Inglis: Maltese-English dictionary by Vincenzo Busuttil (1900)

Diziunariu mill Inglis ghall Malti: English-Maltese dictionary (1900)

A-H & I-Z

Ktŷb yl klŷm môlti, ʾmfysser byl-latîn u byt-taljân, Lexicon melitense-latino-italum: Maltese-Latin-Italian dictionary by Michelantonio Vassalli (1796)

Motti, aforismi e proverbii maltesi: Maltese proverbs translated into Italian and commented by Michelantonio Vassalli (1828)

Vestiges of Arabic nomenclature in Maltese surnames by Mario Cassar, in Atti del Congresso internazionale di scienze onomastiche (2011)

Some phonological changes in Maltese reflected in onomastics by Andrei Avram, in Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics (2012)

Maltese language

Maltese keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Maltese alphabet

Il-Kunsill nazzjonali tal-ilsien Malti (National council for the Maltese language)

spelling rules: publications

L-Akkademja tal-Malti (Academy of the Maltese language)

L-istorja tal-ilsien Malti: history of the Maltese language, by Mario Cassar

Basic Maltese grammar by Grazio Falzon

Maltese by Ray Fabri, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2010)

Maltese: an unusual formula, by Joseph Brincat, in Med magazine (2005)

Maltese by Christopher Lucas & Slavomír Čéplö, in Arabic and contact-induced change (2020)

The languages of Malta, edited by Patrizia Paggio Albert Gatt (2018)

Challenging code-switching in Malta by Antoinette Camilleri Grima, in Revue française de linguistique appliquée (2013)

The verbal morphology of Maltese, from Semitic to Romance, by Robert Hoberman & Mark Aronoff, in Language processing and acquisition in languages of Semitic, root-based, morphology (2003)

studies about the Maltese language, by Martine Vanhove

La langue maltaise, un carrefour linguistique, in Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée (1994)

Contacts de langues et complexification des systèmes: le cas du maltais, in Faits de langue (2001)

La dialectologie du maltais et son histoire, in Revue d'ethnolinguistique (1999)

Le maltais et les interférences linguistiques, in Language in the Mediterranean area (2000)

La langue maltaise et le passage à l'écriture, in Codication des langues de France (2003)

Un marqueur polysémique en maltais : għad, in Bulletin de la Société linguistique de Paris (1997)

Maltese, teach yourself by Joseph Aquilina (1965)

Maltese Grammar by Francis Vella (1831)

Versuch über die maltesische Sprache by Wilhelm Gesenius (1810)

Wörterverzeichnis: Maltese-German vocabulary

Grammatica della lingua maltese by Fortunato Panzavecchia (1845)

Grammatica della lingua maltese by Michelantonio Vassalli (1827)

Mylsen Phoenico-Punicum, sive Grammatica melitensis, by Michele Antonio Vassalli (1791) first edition

Nuova scuola di grammatica per agevolmente apprendere la lingua punica maltese, by Agius de Soldanis (1750)

books about the Maltese language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia


TVM: online Maltese radio & television

Audio & Video

YouTube: Ilsien pajjiżi: songs for children, with the texts

YouTube : Learn Maltese

Texts & Literature

LyrikLine: Maltese poems (+ audio)

Wikipedia: Il-Kantilena, the oldest Maltese text (end 15th): manuscript, text in modern Maltese, translations

The Cantilena as a reading experience by Bernard Micallef, in Journal of Maltese studies (2014)

Laikos: Il-Bibbja: translation of the Bible into Maltese (catholic)

Il Vangelo di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, secondo San Giovanni tradotto in lingua italiana e maltese: the Gospel of John translated by Giuseppe Camolo (1822) bilingual text Italian-Maltese

Quatuor Evangelia et Actus Apostolorum: the Gospels & Acts of the Apostles (1829) bilingual text Maltese-Latin

L'imitazioni ta Cristu: translation into Maltese of De imitatione Christi (1885)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Il-bnedmin kollha jitwieldu ħielsa u ugwali fid-dinjità u d-drittijiet.
Huma mogħnija bir-raġuni u bil-kuxjenza u għandhom iġibu ruħhom ma’ xulxin bi spirtu ta’ aħwa.

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in Maltese, English, Italian…


Malta: maps, heritage & documents

history of the Order of Malta (in French)

English: other official language of Malta

Italian: other language spoken in Malta

Arabic: language of the same family

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025