• OldEnglishTranslators: Old English <> Modern English online translation & Shakespearean English NEW
• Bosworth-Toller's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
• Anglo-Saxon dictionary by Joseph Bosworth & supplement by Thomas Northcote Toller (1921) + other version
• OldEnglishTtranslator: Old English dictionary & declension, by Phil Barthram
• Englisc Onstigende Wordbōc: Old English dictionary, by Stephen Forrest
• Wiktionary: Old English dictionary
• Dictionary of Old English plant names by Peter Bierbaumer & Hans Sauer
• Concise Anglo-Saxon dictionary by John Clark Hall (1916) + other version
• Student's dictionary of Anglo-Saxon by Henry Sweet (1897)
• English-Anglo-Saxon vocabulary by Walter Skeat (1879)
• Contributions to old English lexicography by Arthur Napier (1906)
• Altenglisches flurnamenbuch: place names in old English, by Heinrich Middendorff (1902)
• Die altenglischen Fischnamen: fish names in old English, by Johann Jakob Köhler (1906)
• Die altenglischen Namen der Insekten, Spinnentiere und Krustentiere: the old English names of insects, spiders and shellfishes, by John Van Zandt Cortelyou (1906)
• An eight-century Latin-Anglo-Saxon glossary edited by Jan Hendrik Hessels (1890)
• Anglo-Saxon and Old English vocabularies by Thomas Wright & Richard Paul Wülker (1884): Vocabularies & Indices
• Celtic influence on Old English and West Germanic by Angelika Lutz, in English language & linguistics (2009)
→ Old English keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Old English alphabet
• OldEnglishOnline: Old English course, by Victoria Koivisto-Kokko
• Introduction to Old English by Peter Baker (2012)
• Old English grammar by Eduard Sievers (1903)
• Angelsächsische Grammatik (1898)
• Book for the beginner in Anglo-Saxon, comprising a short grammar, some selections from the gospels, and a parsing glossary, by John Earle (1884)
• Hand-book of Anglo-Saxon and early English by Hiram Corson (1871)
• Manual of Anglo-Saxon for beginners, comprising a grammar, reader, and glossary, with explanatory notes, by Samuel Shute (1869)
• Ælfrics Grammatik und Glossar: Ælfric's grammar & glossary, by Julius Zupitza (1880) (in Latin)
• Chrestomathy of Gothic and Anglo-Saxon written records, with the meaning of words & translations into Modern English
• The Cambridge introduction to Anglo-Saxon literature by Hugh Magennis (2011)
• Old English heroic literature by Rolf Bremmer, in Readings in Medieval texts (2005)
• studies about the Medieval literature, by Tom Shippey
• Maxims in Old English narrative: literary art or traditional wisdom ? (1977)
• studies about the medieval literature, by Marie-Françoise Alamichel
• The thrush and the nightingale : text & annoted French translation (2008)
• Of Arthour and of Merlin : text & annoted French translation (2011): I & II - III - IV - V - VI
• Amis & Amiloun : text & annoted French translation, with Gaëlle Yvon (2008)
• L'aventure dans la littérature arthurienne anglaise (Adventure in late medieval English Arthurian literature), in Ce qui advient.. les déclinaisons de l'aventure (2018)
• La bataille d'Azincourt vue par les chroniqueurs anglais (The battle of Azincourt as seen by the 15th-century English chroniclers), in Bulletin des anglicistes médiévistes (2016)
• Motifs et formules épiques du vieil-anglais dans le Brut de Laȝamon (Old English epic motifs and formulas), in L'épopée, le héros entre histoire et mythe (2015)
• La géographie de l'au-delà dans la littérature médiévale anglaise (The geography of the afterlife in medieval English literature), in La géographie dans le monde anglophone, espace et identité (2010)
• Wod et wude dans la littérature médiévale anglaise : l'espace de la folie, in Le Moyen Âge (2007)
• Le pouvoir des mots dans la littérature vieil-anglaise (the power of the words in Old English literature), in Paroles et silences dans la littérature anglaise du Moyen Âge (2003)
• Les veuves dans les textes de l'Angleterre du Moyen Âge (Widows in medieval English texts), in Bulletin des anglicistes médiévistes (2000)
• Anglo-Saxon literature by John Earle (1884)
• Anglo-Saxon reader with notes & glossary, by John Wyatt (1919)
• Anglo-Saxon reader with notes & glossary, by James Bright (1917)
• Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse, with grammar, metre, notes & glossary, by Henry Sweet (1894)
• Second Anglo-Saxon reader, archaic and dialectal (1887)
• Introduction to Anglo-Saxon, an Anglo-Saxon reader, with philological notes, a brief grammar, and a vocabulary, by Francis March (1896)
• A first book in old English, grammar, reader, notes, and vocabulary, by Albert Cook (1900)
• Selections from the old English Bede, with text and vocabulary on an early West Saxon basis, by Walter John Sedgefield (1917)
• Beowulf by Tom Shippey, in Arnold's studies in English literature (1978)
• Beowulf, English poetry, and the phenomenalism of language: "an unfollowable world", by Eddie Christie, in Literature compass (2013)
• Names in Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon England by Tom Shippey, in The dating of Beowulf (2014)
• The importance of kinship: uncle and nephew in Beowulf, by Rolf Bremmer (1980)
• Alexander and Beowulf by Adrian Papahagi, in Alexander the Great, history, images, interpretations (2016)
• Beowulf electronic: edition & guide (Kentucky University)
• Beowulf in hyptertext: Beowulf in Old English & translation into contemporary English (McMaster University)
• Beowulf: translation by Albert Haley (1978)
• Beowulf: manuscript & text, with notes, by Julius Zupitza (1882)
• Bulletin des anglicistes médiévistes
→ Anglo-Norman - Middle English - Early Modern English - Late Modern English
→ United Kingdom - England: maps & documents