Romanian dictionary

Romanian Limba română
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English > Romanian translation

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Romanian > English translation

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DexOnline: dictionaries of the Romanian language (meanings, etymology, spelling, morphology, declension, conjugation)

Dicționar explicativ al limbii române : Explinatory dictionary of the Romanian language (2009)

Dicționar ortografic al limbii române : Orthographic dictionary of the Romanian language (morphology, declension, conjugation) (2002)

Dicționar ortografic al limbii române pentru elevi : Orthographic dictionary of the Romanian language for students (2001)

Dicționar ortografic românesc : Romanian orthographic dictionary (2001)

Archeus: Romanian dictionaries & synonyms

Lingea: Romanian-English dictionary Romanian-English dictionary & noun declension, verb conjugation

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)

online translation: Romanian-English & other languages & web page

Dicționar ortografic al limbii române: Orthographic dictionary of the Romanian language (2001)

Rumanian, a guide to the spoken language, published by the U.S. War Departement (1943)

Loecsen: Romanian-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Romanian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Romanian-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Rumanian English and English Rumanian dictionary by Marcel Schönkron (1952)

Lesicon romănescu-lătinescu-ungurescu-nemțescu, Lexicon valachico-latino-hungarico-germanicum, or Lexicon of Buda (Romanian-Latin-Hungarian-German) (1825) (or Google)

The Lexicon of Buda: a glimpse into the beginnings of mainstream Romanian lexicography, by Bogdan Harhătă, Maria Aldea, Lilla Marta Vremir, Daniel-Corneliu Leucuta, in Euralex (2012)

Dictionariu rumanesc, lateinesc, si unguresc: Romanian-Latin-Hungarian dictionary by Ioan Bobb (1823)

A-L & M-Z

Dictionnaire d'étymologie daco-romane: etymological dictionary by Alexandru Cihac (1879)

Etymologisches Wörterbuch der rumänischen Sprache: etymological dictionary of the Romanian language, by Sextil Pușcariu (1905)

Dicționar onomastic romînesc: onomastic dictionary by Nicolae Constantinescu (1963)

studies about the Romanian vocabulary, by Dan Ungureanu

Romanian and the Gallo-Italic dialects

Common lexic in Romanian and Albanian, substrate and loanwords (2015)

Old Turkic hydronyms in Romania

Loanwords in Romanian by Kim Schulte (2009)

Emprunts récents à l'anglais dans le lexique roumain du vêtement (Recent English loanwords in the Romanian clothing lexicon) by Adriana Stoichițoiu Ichim, in La linguistique (2018)

Aspecte ale latinei creștine românești (Aspects of Christian Latin in Romanian), by Alexandru Niculescu, in Dacoromania (2009)

Dicționar de proverbe și zicători românești: dictionary of Romanian proverbs and sayings (2001)

Proverbele românilor: Romanian proverbs, by Jules Zanne (1895-1912) : I & II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X

Romanian language

Romanian keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Romanian alphabet

Verbix: verb conjugation & Romanian-English translation

Srol: voiced sounds of the Romanian language

LearnRo: Romanian course for beginners

vocabulary & common words (+ audio)

Romanian lessons: pronunciation, basic vocabulary

Projet Babel: Romanian grammar (in French)

Morfologia: morphology and syntax of the Romanian language (in Romanian)

Romanian by Marius Sala, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2010)

Rümanisch: Romanan, by Maria Iliescu, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)

Moldawisch: Moldavian, by Mark Gabinskij

Meglenorumänisch: Megleno-Romanian, Romanian dialect spoken in Macedonia and Greece, by Petar Atanasov

Phonological variation and change in Romanian by Ioana Chitoran, in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics (2021)

studies about the Romanian language and linguistics, by Kim Schulte

studies about the Romanian language, by Alexandru Nicolae

Romanian possessives: adjectives or pronouns? a comparative perspective

On the history of Romanian genitives: the prenominal genitive, in Bucharest working papers in linguistics (2011)

Romanian-speaking communities outside Romania, linguistic identities, by Dorin Lozovan, in International journal of humanities and social science (2012)

Where does heteroclisis come from? evidence from Romanian dialects, by Martin Maiden, in Morphology (2009)

Romanian grammar by Dana Cojocaru (2003)

Gramatica limbii române: grammar of the Romanian language with tables

Grammaire du roumain, Romanian grammar, Gramatica limbii române, by Liana Pop & Victoria Moldovan (1997) online

The elements of Roumanian, Complete Roumanian grammar, by Philip Axelrad (1919)

Simplified grammar of the Roumanian language by R. Torceanu (1883)

Grammatica Daco-Romana sive valachica, by Joanni Alexi (1826)

Grammaire roumaine: Romanian grammar, by Frédéric Damé (1920)

Grammaire de la langue roumaine: Romanian grammar, by Vasile Alecsandri (1863)

Grammatica daco-romana sive valachica, by Joanni Alexi (1826)

Introducere în istoria limbii române: history of the Romanian language, by Grigore Brâncuș (2005)

Introducere in istoria limbei și literaturei romîne: history of the Romanian language and literature, by Alexandru Philippide (1888)

Istoria limbei și literaturei române: history of the Romanian language and literature, by Aron Densușianu (1894)


Adevărul - Cotidianul (newspapers)

TVR (Televiziunea română) Romanian television

RFI - DW: news in Romanian

Texts & Literature

Biblioteca naţionala a României (National Library of Romania)

online collections

LyrikLine: poems in Romanian, with translation (+ audio)

Biblior: online library, history of the Romanian literature

Romanian poetry: anthology since origins to 1830 & romanticism

Romanian culture: texts & traditional songs, rock (+ audio)

Romanian poetry with English translation

Mihai Eminescu: poems translated into several languages

Cimec: the letter of Neacșu from Câmpulung (1521): the first Romanian text (written in the Cyrillic script) (in Romanian or in English)

Istoria literaturii române: history of the Romanian literature, by Gheorghe Adamescu (1913)

Biblia ortodoxă online: several versions of the Bible's translation into Romanian

Crestinortodox: Biblia de la București (Bucharest Bible, 1688) (+ audio) + scanned book

ResurseCreștine: Bible translated by Dumitru Cornilescu, protestant (1924)

Dervent: Bible translated by Bartolomeu (Valeriu) Anania (2001)

BibliaOrtodoxa: Bible published by the Societatea biblică interconfesională din România (1994)

Biblia de la Blaj: Bible translated by Samuil Micu Klein (1795)

Sfânta Scriptură a Vechiului și Noului Testament: Bible published by the British and foreign Bible society (1921)

Biblia sacra que coprinde Vechiul si Nuoul Testament: Bible translated by Ion Heliade Rădulescu (1858)

bilingual Bible: Romanian, English & other languages

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Toate ființele umane se nasc libere și egale în demnitate și în drepturi.
Ele sunt înzestrate cu rațiune și conștiință și trebuie să se comporte unele față de altele în spiritul fraternității.

Declarația universală a drepturilor omului: translation into Romanian (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Romanian, English & other languages


Buletinul Institutului de filologie română Alexandru Philippide, bulletin of the Institute of Romanian philology Alexandru Philippide

Anuar de lingvistică şi istorie literară, annals of linguistics and literary history of the Institute of Romanian philology Alexandru Philippide

Philologica Jassyensia, journal about Romanian linguistics, literature, ethnology

Diacronia, journal about diachronic linguistics

Dacoromania, journal of linguistics and philology

Revue roumaine de linguistique, Romanian journal of linguistics

books & papers about the Romanian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

books about the Romanian language: Google books & Internet archive

Some Romanian words
bună ziua! good morning!
bună seară! good evening!
noapte bună! good night!
servus, ceau! hello! (cf. Bavarian Servus and Italian ciao: it's the same pronunciation)
ce mai faci? how are you? (to a friend)
bine! good!
mulțumesc ! thank you!
la revedere ! good bye!
da / nu yes / no
Franța France

Romania - Moldova: maps, heritage & documents

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025