• Dehkhoda Lexicon Institute: لغتنامهٔ دهخدا (Loghat Nāmeh Dehkhodā, Dekhoda Dictionary) Persian dictionary in 15 volumes, by Ali-Akbar Dehkhoda علیاکبر دهخدا
• Aryanpour: Persian-English dictionary & French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Arabic
• FarsiDic: Persian Dictionary & Persian-English, Arabic, German, Italian
• translation of phrases Persian-English
• FarsiDictionary: Persian-English dictionary
• Langenscheidt: Persian-German dictionary
• Free-dict: Persian-German dictionary
• Persian academy: Persian dictionary, words approved by the Persian language and literature Academy فرهنگستان زبان و ادب فارسی
→ online translation: Persian-English & other languages & web page
• Etymological dictionary of Persian, English & other Indo-European languages, by Ali Nourai
• An etymological dictionary of astronomy and astrophysics English-French-Persian, by Mohammad Heydari-Malayeri, Observatoire de Paris
• Loecsen: Persian-English common phrases (+ audio)
• Goethe-Verlag: Persian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)
• LingoHut: Persian-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)
• Defense Language Institute: basic vocabulary (+ audio) - civil affairs - medical
• Persian-English dictionary by Sulayman Hayyim (1934)
• Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary by Francis Steingass (1892)
• Colloquial English-Persian dictionary in the Roman character, by Douglas Craven Phillott (1914)
• Persian for travellers by Alexander Finn (1884) (Arabic & Latin characters)
• English and Persian dictionary by Sorabshaw Byramji (1882)
• Concise dictionary of the Persian language by Edward Henry Palmer (1891) (Arabic & Latin characters)
• Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English by Francis Johnson (1852)
• Pocket Dictionary of English and Persian by William Thornhill Tucker (1850) (Arabic & Latin characters)
• Dictionary in Persian and English by Ramdhun Sen (1841) (Arabic & Latin characters)
• Vocabulary of the Persian language by Samuel Rousseau (1805)
• Grundriss der neupersischen Etymologie: elements of Persian etymology, by Paul Horn (1893)
• Persische Studien: etymological studies, by Heinrich Hübschmann (1895)
• L'influence de la langue française sur le vocabulaire politique persan by Mahnaz Rezaï (2010)
• Les emprunts lexicaux du persan au français : inventaires et analyses, by Maryam Khalilpour, dissertation (2013)
→ Persian keyboard to type a text with the Arabic script
• Iran Heritage: Persian course (+ audio)
• EasyPersian: Persian course
• University of Texas at Austin: Persian grammar (+ audio)
• PersianDee: Persian course (+ audio) NEW
• Jahanshiri: Persian basic grammar & vocabulary
• Dastur: Persian grammar, by Navid Fazel (in English, German, Persian)
• Anamnese: Persian grammar (in French)
• Wikimedia: linguistic map, Persian language is spoken in Iran and in a part of Afghanistan
• The Persian system of politeness and concept of face in Iranian culture by Sofia Koutlaki (2014)
• Note sur le progressif en persan: Persian/English comparative study, by Monir Yazdi, in Cahiers de linguistique hispanique médiévale (1988)
• Higher Persian grammar by Douglas Craven Phillott (1919)
• Persian self-taught in Roman characters with English phonetic pronunciation, by Shayk Hasan (1909)
• Modern Persian conversation-grammar by William St. Clair Tisdall (1902)
• Modern Persian colloquial grammar & dialogues, vocabulary, by Fritz Rosen (1898)
• The Persian manual, grammar & vocabulary, by Henry Wilberforce Clarke (1878)
• Concise grammar of the Persian language, & Dialogues, reading lessons, vocabulary, by Arthur Henry Bleeck (1857)
• Grammar of the Persian language by Duncan Forbes (1844)
• Grammar of the Persian language by Mohammed Ibrahim (1841)
• Grammar of the Persian language by William Jones & additions by Samuel Lee (1828)
• Manuale della lingua persiana, grammatica, antologia, vocabolario, by Italo Pizzi (1883)
• Some remarks on Italo Pizzi's Manuale della lingua persiana by Riccardo Zipoli (2013)
• Principia grammatices neo-persicæ: Persian grammar, by Gabriel Geitlin (1845)
• Early new Persian langage: the Persian language after the Islamic conquest (8th-12th centuries) by Ludwig Paul, in Encyclopædia Iranica
• books & papers about the Persian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia
• Ham-mihan هممیهن - Mardom salari مردم سالاری
• Radio Zamaneh رادیو زمانه
• Radio Farda رادیو فردا
• LyrikLine: Persian poems, with translation (+ audio)
• Petite anthologie bilingue de littérature irano-persane (Medieval texts, with transcription & translation) by Denis Matringe (2021)
• Persian literature, an introduction, by Reuben Levy (1923)
• Persian literature by Claude Field (1912)
• Persian literature, ancient and modern, by Elizabeth Reed (1893)
• La Perse littéraire by Georges Frilley (1900)
• Les origines de la poésie persane by James Darmesteter (1887)
• Yek ruz dar Rostamabad-e Shemiran يک روز در رستم آبادِ شميران by Mohammad-Ali Jamalzade محمدعلی جمالزاده
• The Little Prince شازده کوچولو by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, translated into Persian by Ahmad Shamlou
• Primer of Persian, containing selections for reading and composition with the elements of syntax, by George Ranking (1907)
• The flowers of Persian literature, Extracts from the most celebrated authors in prose and verse, with a translation into English, by Samuel Rousseau, William Jones (1805)
• Chrestomathia Persica: Persian texts, by Friedrich Spiegel (1846)
• glossary Persian-Latin
• The Quran translated into Persian
• Farsinet: translation of the Bible into Persian
• The New Testament translated into Persian (1901)
• The Bible translated into Persian (1920)
• Universal Declaration of Human Rights اعلامیه جهانی حقوق بشر translation into Persian (+ audio)
→ First article in different languages
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Persian, English & other languages
→ Iran: maps, heritage & documents