Persian dictionary

Persian فارسی (fārsī)
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English > Persian dictionary

Hayyim Steingass FarsiDictionary Glosbe Tatoeba

Persian > English dictionary

Hayyim Steingass FarsiDictionary Glosbe Tatoeba

English > Persian translation

Google Bing

Persian > English translation

Google Bing

German > Persian dictionary


Persian > German dictionary


Persian dictionary

Dehkhoda Wiktionary



Dehkhoda Lexicon Institute: لغت‌نامهٔ دهخدا (Loghat Nāmeh Dehkhodā, Dekhoda Dictionary) Persian dictionary in 15 volumes, by Ali-Akbar Dehkhoda علی‌اکبر دهخدا

Aryanpour: Persian-English dictionary & French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Arabic

FarsiDic: Persian Dictionary & Persian-English, Arabic, German, Italian

translation of phrases Persian-English

FarsiDictionary: Persian-English dictionary

Langenscheidt: Persian-German dictionary

Free-dict: Persian-German dictionary

Persian academy: Persian dictionary, words approved by the Persian language and literature Academy فرهنگستان زبان و ادب فارسی‎

online translation: Persian-English & other languages & web page

Etymological dictionary of Persian, English & other Indo-European languages, by Ali Nourai

An etymological dictionary of astronomy and astrophysics English-French-Persian, by Mohammad Heydari-Malayeri, Observatoire de Paris

Loecsen: Persian-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Persian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Persian-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Defense Language Institute: basic vocabulary (+ audio) - civil affairs - medical

Persian-English dictionary by Sulayman Hayyim (1934)

Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary by Francis Steingass (1892)

Colloquial English-Persian dictionary in the Roman character, by Douglas Craven Phillott (1914)

Persian for travellers by Alexander Finn (1884) (Arabic & Latin characters)

English and Persian dictionary by Sorabshaw Byramji (1882)

Concise dictionary of the Persian language by Edward Henry Palmer (1891) (Arabic & Latin characters)

Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English by Francis Johnson (1852)

Pocket Dictionary of English and Persian by William Thornhill Tucker (1850) (Arabic & Latin characters)

Dictionary in Persian and English by Ramdhun Sen (1841) (Arabic & Latin characters)

Vocabulary of the Persian language by Samuel Rousseau (1805)

Grundriss der neupersischen Etymologie: elements of Persian etymology, by Paul Horn (1893)

Persische Studien: etymological studies, by Heinrich Hübschmann (1895)

L'influence de la langue française sur le vocabulaire politique persan by Mahnaz Rezaï (2010)

Les emprunts lexicaux du persan au français : inventaires et analyses, by Maryam Khalilpour, dissertation (2013)

Persian language

Persian keyboard to type a text with the Arabic script

Iran Heritage: Persian course (+ audio)

EasyPersian: Persian course

Persian alphabet

University of Texas at Austin: Persian grammar (+ audio)

PersianDee: Persian course (+ audio) NEW

Jahanshiri: Persian basic grammar & vocabulary

verbs conjugation

Dastur: Persian grammar, by Navid Fazel (in English, German, Persian)

Anamnese: Persian grammar (in French)

Wikimedia: linguistic map, Persian language is spoken in Iran and in a part of Afghanistan

The Persian system of politeness and concept of face in Iranian culture by Sofia Koutlaki (2014)

Note sur le progressif en persan: Persian/English comparative study, by Monir Yazdi, in Cahiers de linguistique hispanique médiévale (1988)

Higher Persian grammar by Douglas Craven Phillott (1919)

Persian self-taught in Roman characters with English phonetic pronunciation, by Shayk Hasan (1909)

Modern Persian conversation-grammar by William St. Clair Tisdall (1902)

Modern Persian colloquial grammar & dialogues, vocabulary, by Fritz Rosen (1898)

The Persian manual, grammar & vocabulary, by Henry Wilberforce Clarke (1878)

Concise grammar of the Persian language, & Dialogues, reading lessons, vocabulary, by Arthur Henry Bleeck (1857)

Grammar of the Persian language by Duncan Forbes (1844)

Grammar of the Persian language by Mohammed Ibrahim (1841)

Grammar of the Persian language by William Jones & additions by Samuel Lee (1828)

Manuale della lingua persiana, grammatica, antologia, vocabolario, by Italo Pizzi (1883)

Some remarks on Italo Pizzi's Manuale della lingua persiana by Riccardo Zipoli (2013)

Principia grammatices neo-persicæ: Persian grammar, by Gabriel Geitlin (1845)

Early new Persian langage: the Persian language after the Islamic conquest (8th-12th centuries) by Ludwig Paul, in Encyclopædia Iranica

books & papers about the Persian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia


Ham-mihan هم‌میهن - Mardom salari مردم سالاری

Radio Zamaneh رادیو زمانه

Radio Farda رادیو فردا


Texts & Literature

LyrikLine: Persian poems, with translation (+ audio)

Petite anthologie bilingue de littérature irano-persane (Medieval texts, with transcription & translation) by Denis Matringe (2021)

Persian literature, an introduction, by Reuben Levy (1923)

Persian literature by Claude Field (1912)

Persian literature, ancient and modern, by Elizabeth Reed (1893)

La Perse littéraire by Georges Frilley (1900)

Les origines de la poésie persane by James Darmesteter (1887)

Yek ruz dar Rostamabad-e Shemiran يک روز در رستم آبادِ شميران by Mohammad-Ali Jamalzade محمدعلی جمال‌زاده

The Little Prince شازده کوچولو by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, translated into Persian by Ahmad Shamlou

Primer of Persian, containing selections for reading and composition with the elements of syntax, by George Ranking (1907)

The flowers of Persian literature, Extracts from the most celebrated authors in prose and verse, with a translation into English, by Samuel Rousseau, William Jones (1805)

Chrestomathia Persica: Persian texts, by Friedrich Spiegel (1846)

glossary Persian-Latin

The Quran translated into Persian

Farsinet: translation of the Bible into Persian

The New Testament translated into Persian (1901)

The Bible translated into Persian (1920)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
تمام افراد بشر آزاد زاده می‌شوند و از لحاظ حيثيت و كرامت و حقوق با هم برابراند.
همگی دارای عقل و وجدان هستند و بايد با يكديگر با روحيه ای برادرانه رفتار كنند.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights اعلامیه جهانی حقوق بشر translation into Persian (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Persian, English & other languages

Iran: maps, heritage & documents

Old Persian language

Arabic language

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025