Irish English dictionary

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Irish English

BBC Northern Ireland: Northern Irish English vocabulary

IrishSlang: dictionary of Irish slang & colloquial expressions

Dialect vocabulary of Ulster by John Kirk (1999)

Cavanese, English as spoken in Cavan

The provincialisms of Belfast and the surrounding districts pointed out and corrected, by David Patterson (1860)

A glossary with some pieces of verse, of the old dialect of the English colony in the baronies of Forth and Bargy, county of Wexford, by Jacob Poole & annoted by William Barnes (1867)

Nineteenth-century Irish English: a corpus-based linguistic and discursive analysis, by Daniela Cesiri (2002)

English Language

Universität Duisburg-Essen, Irish English resource center: sound atlas, linguistic maps, by Raymond Hickey

Variation and change in Dublin English

YouTube: The foreigner's guide to Irish accents

Irish English: Northern Ireland, by Karen Corrigan (2010)

Influence of Gaelic on the grammatical and lexical structure of Irish English by Olatz Rementeria, dissertation (2015)

The influence of French upon the Anglo-Irish accent by Airelle Theveniaut, dissertation (2016)

Irish English, varieties and variations, in Études irlandaises (2006)

Irish English, research and developments, by Raymond Hickey

Hiberno-English in transition by Terence Dolan

Questions of h in Northern Ireland breathing new life on the aspiration theory, by Joan Rahilly

Translation into English in Ireland, a view from the grave, by Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin

Hiberno-English in the plays of Marina Carr by Patricia Lynch

Beckett et l'Hiberno-English, entre excès et toujours moins, by Helen Astbury

studies about Irish English, by Patricia Ronan

Irish English habitual do be revisited, in Linguaculture (2010)

The after-perfect in Irish English, in Dialects across borders (2005)

L'évolution de la langue anglaise en Irlande (2013)

studies about Irish English, by Raymond Hickey

The English language in Ireland, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2012)

English in Ireland, in Lexikologie-Lexicology (2002)

The Englishes of Ireland: emergence and transportation, in Handbook of World Englishes (2009)

The languages of Ireland: an integreted view, in Researching the languages of Ireland (2011)

Standard Irish English, in Handbook of World Englishes (2012)

Southern Irish English, in Language in the British Isles (2007)

Present and future horizons for Irish English, in English Today (2011)

Irish English in early modern drama: the birth of a linguistic stereotype, in Varieties of English in Writing (2010)

Syntactic ambiguity in Hiberno-English, in Studia Anglica Posnaniensia (1983)

The English language in Ireland by Jeffrey Kallen (2012)

English in Ireland and Irish in English: Hiberno-English as exemplar of world English, by Thomas Christiansen (2009)

Understanding language rights as a tool for reconciliation in Northern Ireland: "To be British, Irish, or both", by Róisín Costello, in Irish Studies in International Affairs (2022)

L'intonation de l'anglais du comté de Galway : comparaison est-ouest d'une variété au contact de la langue irlandaise, by Airelle Theveniaut, thesis (2023)

Perfect constructions in Irish English: substrate, superstrate and universal, by Peter Siemund, in Dialectology meets typology (2004)

The after-perfect in Irish English, by Patricia Ronan, in Dialects across borders (2005)

Étude sociophonologique et acoustique de l'anglais dublinois contemporain, by Christophe Coupé, thesis (2022)

English as we speak it in Ireland by Patrick Joyce (1910): grammar, pronunciation


National Library of Ireland

Presses universitaires de Caen: studies about the Irish literature

Studies on Seamus Heaney (Irish poet), edited by Jacqueline Genet (1987)

A voyage into Irish English through the short story Brilliant by Roddy Doyle by Giulia Scapin, thesis (2012)

Le roman irlandais contemporain (The contemporary Irish novel) by Sylvie Mikowski (2004)

Les romantismes irlandais (Irish Romanticisms), Études irlandaises (1991)

Le personnage surnaturel dans le théâtre irlandais (The supernatural character in 20th-century Irish theater) by Alan Murphy (2011)

La poétique du parler populaire dans l'œuvre barrytownienne de Roddy Doyle (The poetics of popular language in Roddy Doyle's Barrytownian work: a stylistic study of orality and Irishness) by Léa Boichard, thèse (2018)

Castle Rackrent an Hibernian Tale, taken from Facts, and from the Manners of the Irish Squires, Before the Year 1782, by Maria Edgeworth (1801) the first Irish novel


The famous historye of the life and death of Captaine Thomas Stukeley: satire about the use of English by the Irish (1605)

Ireland: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

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