• Slounik.org: Belarusian dictionnaries & encyclopaedias, Belarusian-English, Belarusian-Russian
• grammar: conjugation & declensions
• Verbum: dictionary of the Belarusian language, etymology, synonyms, spelling & Belarusian-English, Belarusian-German, Belarusian-Russian dictionaries NEW
• BelarusGuide: English-Belarusian dictionary & common idioms, geographical names (Latin characters)
• Goethe-Verlag: Belarusian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)
• LingoHut: Belarusian-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)
• Shtooka: Belarusian words, with translation (audio)
• Belarusian phrasebook and dictionary by Uładzimir Katkoŭski (2001)
• Knihi: Belarusian dictionaries (scanned books) NEW
• Словарь бѣлорусскаго нарѣчія: Belarusian dictionary, by Иван Иванович Носович (1870)
→ Belarusian keyboard to type a text with the Cyrillic script
→ Belarusian conversion Cyrillic <> Latin script
• Fundamentals of Modern Belarusian by Chris Marchant (2004) + PDF format
• Conversational Belarusian by George Stankevich (2001)
• Belarusian basic course (1995)
• Fundamental Byelorussian by Valentyna Pashkevich (1974) : I & II
• Weißrussisch: Belarusian, by Hienadź Cychun, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)
• studies about the Belarusian language, by Curt Woolhiser
• New speakers of Belarusian: metalinguistic discourse, social identity, and language use (2013)
• "Belarusian Russian": sociolinguistic status and discursive representations, in Non-dominating varieties of pluricentric languages (2011)
• The Russian language in Belarus: language use, speaker identities and metalinguistic discourse, in The Russian language outside the nation, speakers and identities (2014)
• Polish and Belorussian dialects in contact: a study in linguistic convergence, thesis (1995)
• Representations of official languages on multilingual news websites in Belarus: "One nation, two languages", by Hanna Sliashynskaya, in Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (2018)
• The start of writing in Belarusian: regional and social composition of the Belarusian revival of the late 19th an early 20th century, by Andrej Kazakievič & Andrej Asadčy, in Belarusian Political Science Review (2013)
• Acta Albaruthenica: Academic Journal about literary, linguistic, historical and culture, published by the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw
• books & papers about the Belarusian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia
• News.by: online radio & television
• National Library: online collections & exhibitions
• Knihi: Беларуская Палічка (Online books, literature & non-fiction)
• LyrikLine: poems in Belarusian, with translation (+ audio)
• The Belarusian printing pioneer Francišak Skaryna, the early modern hero in later national interpretations, by Voranau, in Early modern print culture in Central Europe (2014)
• Francysk Skaryna, books printing pioneer and a national hero
• Паўстанне Скарыны, як інтэлектуалы Расійскай імперыі ХІХ ст. паўплывалі на постаць беларускага нацыянальнага героя, by Raman Voranau (2012)
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→ First article in different languages
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text, in Belarusian, Russian, English & other languages
→ Belarus: maps, heritage & documents