Korean dictionary

Korean 한국말
Dictionary   사전
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English > Korean dictionary

Collins Learners ZKorean Kordut Naver Glosbe Longman YBM Daum Impact

Korean > English dictionary

Collins Learners ZKorean Kordut Naver Glosbe

English > Korean translation

Deepl Google Reverso Bing

Korean > English translation

Deepl Google Reverso Bing

National Institute of the Korean Language 국립국어원 표준국어대 사전 : Standard Korean language dictionary (+ audio)

Learner's dictionary, Korean-English

Longman: Korean-English dictionary

ZKorean: English-Korean dictionary

Impact: Korean-English dictionary, phrases translation

Daum: Korean-English dictionary

Naver: Korean-English dictionary

online translation: Korean-English & other languages & web page

Loecsen: Korean-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Korean-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Korean-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Practical Korean expressions for foreigners: Korean-English common phrases (National Institute of the Korean Language)

Defense Language Institute: basic vocabulary (+ audio)

Life in Korea: common phrases, vocabulary

Collins Korean: 3000 words and phrases (2019)

Korean phrasebook, Lonely Planet (2002)

Modern conversational Korean (1995)

Berlitz Korean compact dictionary, Korean-English, English-Korean (2011) online

Making out in Korean: a guide to Korean as it's really spoken, from everyday conversation to the language of love, by Peter Constantine, revised by Gene Baik (2004) online

The New World comprehensive Korean-English dictionary (1979) online

A Korean-English dictionary by Samuel Martin, Yang Ha Lee, Sung-Un Chang (1967) online

Dirty Korean: slang dictionary (2010)

Korean-English dictionary by James Gale (1898)

Corean words and phrases, handbook and pocket dictionary for visitors to Corea, by John Hodge (1902)

Petit dictionaire français-coréen by Charles Alévêque (1901)

Dictionnaire coréen-français by the Société des missions étrangères (1880)

Vocabulaire chinois, coréen, aïno & Introduction sur les écritures de la Chine, de la Corée et de Yéso, by Léon de Rosny (1861)

Korean kinship terminology by Ross King, in Korean language in culture and society (2006)

Étude lexicale des plantes comestibles communes de Corée : plantes potagères, condimentaires et légumes, by Benjamin Joinau (2010)

Rhétorique coréenne : Korean terms and notions of "speaking", "talking", "thinking", by Yeong-Houn Yi

Korean language

Korean keyboard to type a text with the Korean script (Hangeul)

Korean conversion Hangeul > Latin script

Korean alphabet (Hangeul)

Dongsa Korean Verb conjugator NEW

National Institute of the Korean Language

Korean alphabet (+ audio)

romanization of the Korean language

KBS radio: Korean course & common phrases

Sogang University: Korean course (+ audio)

Monash University (Australia): Korean course (+ audio) (WaybackMachine)

Learn Korean: vocabulary & course

Korean basic course, Foreign Service Institute (2009)

The Korean language by Jae Jung Song (2006)

Using Korean, A guide to contemporary usage, by Miho Choo (2008)

A reference grammar of Korean by Samuel Martin (1992)

Korean for dummies by Jungwook Hong & Wang Lee (2008)

Korean grammar for international learners by Ilo Bin Ihm, Kyung Pyo Hong, Suk In Chang (2003)

Essential Korean grammar by Laura Kingdon (2015) online

Elementary Korean by Ross King & Jae-Hoon Yeon (2000) online

The Korean language by Ho-min Sohn (1999) online

Korean grammar by Gustave John Ramstedt (1939)

Korean phonetics and phonology by Young-mee Yu Cho, in Oxford research encyclopedia of linguistics (2016)

Morpho-phonological processes in Korean par Jongo Jun, in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics (2018)

studies about the Korean language, by Ross King

Language and national identity in the Koreas, in Language and national identity in Asia (2007)

Dialect variation in Korean, in Korean language in culture and society (2006)

Western protestant missionaries and the origins of Korean language modernization (2004)

Nationalism and language reform in Korea: The Questione della lingua in precolonial Korea, in Nationalism and the construction of Korean identity (1998)

Why [h] and aspirated consonants are different in Korean by Lan Kim & John Alderete (2008)

Stray erasure and the coda condition in Korean by Sun-hee Kim, in Cahiers de linguistique (1995)

The adaptation of Japanese loanwords into Korean, by Chiyuki Ito, Yoonjung Kang, Michael Kenstowicz, in Studies in loanword phonology (2006)

The adaptation of English liquids in contemporary Korean by Yoonjung Kang, in Catalan Journal of Linguistics (2012)

Introduction to the Korean spoken language by Horace Grant Underwood (1914)

Fifty helps for the beginner in the use of the Korean language, by Annie Baird (1911)

Korean grammatical forms by James Gale (1894) NEW

Corean manual or phrase book & introductory grammar, by James Scott (1893)

Corean primer being lessons in Corean on all ordinary subjects, transliterated and tranlated by John Ross (1877)

books about the Korean language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipédia

News   뉴스

Dong-a Ilbo (동아일보) newspaper

version for children

Hanguk Ilbo (한국일보)

The Korea Times

Hangyeore (한겨레)

Gyeonghyang Sinmun (경향신문)

Maeil Gyeongje (매일경제) business newspaper

Google news

Texts & Literature

Korean National Library

LyrikLine: poems in Korean, with translation (+ audio)

Language, forms, prosody and themes by Peter Lee, in History of the Korean literature (2003)

books about the Korean literature: Google books

bilingual Bible in Korean, English & other languages

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

모든 인간은 태어날 때부터 자유로우며 그 존엄과 권리에 있어 동등하다.
인간은 천부적으로 이성과 양심을 부여받았으며 서로 형제애의 정신으로 행동하여야 한다.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: translation into Korean (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Korean, English & other languages

Korea   코리아

Korea & South Korea: maps, inheritage & documents

North Korea

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