Pali dictionary

Pāli पालि

Critical Pāli dictionary, edited and revised by the University of Cologne

Critical Pāli dictionary by Vilhelm Trenckner, Dines Anderson & Helmer Smith (1925)

Pali-English dictionary by the Pali Text Society (1925, with additions and corrections, 2007) + PDF format

BuddhaSasana: English-Pali dictionary, by Metta Net (Latin script)

Concise Pāli-English dictionary (for students) by A. P. Buddhadatta (1958)

A Pāli glossary by Dines Andersen (1905)

A dictionary of the Pali language by Robert Cæsar Childers (1875)

Abhidhānappadīpikā or Dictionary of the Pali language, by Moggallāna Thero, with English and Sinhalese interpretations, notes and appendices, by Waskaduwe Subhūti (1865)

Buddhist dictionary of Pāli proper names

Dictionary of Pāli proper names by Gunapala Piyasena Malalasekera (1937): I & II

Pali language

Devenagari Sanskrit Keyboard to type a text with the Devanagari characters

Latin Sanscrit Keyboard for Pali transliteration

Māgadhabhāsā: a compendious grammar on the language of Pāli Buddhism, edited by the Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary (Malaysia) (2023)

Pali grammar by Vito Perniola (1997)

An elementary Pali course (1952)

A simplified grammar of the Pali language by Edward Müller (1884)

The Pali text of Kachchayano's grammar (Kaccāyana) with English annotations, by Francis Mason (1870): I & II

A compendious Pali grammar with a copious vocabulary, by Benjamin Clough (1824)

Beiträge zur Pali-Grammatik by Ernst Kuhn (1875)

Essai sur le pali ou langue sacrée de la presqu'île au-delà du Gange, by Eugène Burnouf & Christian Lassen (1826)

Grammaire palie : esquisse d'une phonétique et d'une morphologie de la langue palie, by Jean Minayef (1874)

Kaccāyana et la littérature grammaticale du pāli : grammaire palie de Kaccāyana, by Émile Senart (1871)

De declinatione nominum substantivorum et adjectivorum in lingua palica by Wilhelm Storck (1858)

Journal of the Pali Text Society

books & papers about the Pali language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

Texts & Literature

Pāḷi Tipiṭaka (Tripiṭaka en Sanskrit: three baskets), also called "Pali Canon", texts in several scripts

Essence of Tipiṭaka: a gist of the contents of the Tipiṭaka

Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta (The great discourse on the establishing of awareness): text in Latin script & translation into English

Canon bouddhique pali (Tipiṭaka) : Suttapiṭaka, Dīghanikāya, text (in Latin script ) & translation into French, by Jules Bloch, Jean Filliozat, Louis Renou (1949)

A Pali reader with notes, by Maung Tin (1920)

A Pali reader with notes and glossary, by Dines Andersen (1917)

A Pāli glossary

Pali Literatur und Sprache: Pali language and literature, by Wilhelm Geiger (1916)

books about the Pali literature: Google books & Internet archive

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Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025