
Hittite Nešili

The Hittite inherited lexicon par Alwin Kloekhorst (2007)

Towards a Hittite historical grammar

An etymological dictionary of the Hittite inherited lexicon

Hittite vocabulary by David Weeks (1985)

Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago

L-N - P - Š

Lexique hittite: Hittite-French dictionary, by Olivier Lauffenburger

Hittite emotions in lexical and semantic grounds: a research into the history of emotions through the Hittite records, by João Paulo Galhano, thesis (2023)

Hittite etymologies and notes, by Robert Woodhouse, in Studia linguistica universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis (2012)

The Hittite name for garlic by Krzysztof Witczak (2006)

On the etymology of Hittite kappar, "vegetable, a product of the garden", by Krzysztof Witczak (2002)

studies about the Hittite vocabulary, by Harry Hoffner

The language of the human body, from head to toe in Hittite (1996)

Oil in Hittite texts, in The Biblical archaeologist (1995)

Some Hittite etymologies by Henri Wittmann, in Die Sprache : I (1963) & II (1973)

Retrograde glossary of the Hittite language by Jin Jie (1994) after the Glossaire inverse de la langue hittite of Pierre Reichert (1963)

Les noms ethniques des sources hittites et leur correspondance avec l'ethnonymie de l'époque gréco-romaine, by Alexandre Baschmakoff, in Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé (1937)

La « parole del re » nei testi giuridici e politici dell'Antico Regno: alcuini aspetti del lessico e della fraseologia ittita, by Paola Dárdano (2009)

Hittite language

The Hittite language: recovery and grammar sketch, by Gary Beckman, in The Oxford handbook of Ancient Anatolia (2011)

The Hittite grammar by Olivier Lauffenburger (2008)

Hittitology today, studies on Hittite and Neo-Hittite Anatolia, edited by Alice Mouton (2014)

The Luwian title of the Great King by Ilya Yakubovich

The Hurrian language in Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age by Stefano de Martino

L'individu et son corps en Anatolie hittite by Alice Mouton

studies about the Hittite language, by Silvia Luraghi

Hittite, in Encyclopedia of linguistics (2005)

The structure and development of possessive noun phrases in Hittite (1987)

Verb serialization and word order (1989)

studies about the Hittite language, by Andrej Sideltsev

studies about the Hittite language, by Alice Mouton

Cunéiformes et hiéroglyphes chez les Hittites, in Histoire de déchiffrements (2009)

Sur la différenciation entre rêve et parā handandatar dans les textes hittites, in Vita (2007)

Le porc dans les textes religieux hittites : de la domestication au tabou, in Le cas des suidés dans le Proche-Orient ancien (2005)

Altérations corporelles en Anatolie hittite, in Image and identity in the Ancient Near East (2022)

Cunéiformes et hiéroglyphes chez les Hittites by Alice Mouton, in Histoire de déchiffrements (2009)

L'introduction de l'écriture cunéiforme chez les Hittites au -IIe millénaire, by Olga Popova, in Écriture et communication (2015)

University of Texas: Hittite language & grammar

Grammatica ittita: Hittite grammar, by Paola Cotticelli Kurras (2006)

Hittite et indo-européen, études comparatives, by Émile Benveniste (1962)

The Hittites and their language by Claude Conder (1898)

La position du hittite parmi les langues indo-européennes by Giuliano Bonfante, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (1939)

Caractère indo-européen de la langue hittite by Carl Marstrander (1919)

De la race et de la langue des Hittites by Léon de Lantsheere (1891)

Die Sprache der Hethiter: the language of the Hittites, by Albert Debrunner (1921)

Die Sprache der Hethiter: the language of the Hittites, by Friedrich Hrozný (1917)

Composite nouns, verbs, and adjectives in Hittite by Harry Hoffner, in Orientalia (1966)

The development of k in Hittite by Henri Wittmann, in Glossa (1969)

Le hittite et les phonèmes laryngaux en indo-européen by Walter Couvreur, in L'Antiquité classique (1943)

Les dérivés verbaux hittites en -ā(i)- et -ija- by Walter Couvreur, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (1938)

Listes des hiéroglyphes hittites by Piero Meriggi, in Revue hittite et asianique (1937): I & II

Sur le déchiffrement et la langue des hiéroglyphes « hittites » (1932)

books & studies about the Hittite language: | Google books | Internet archive

Texts & Literature

Hethitologie-Portal Mainz: Hittite texts, photographies of tablets in cuneiform characters (University of Wurtzbourg)

Catalogue of Hittite texts

The power of narrative in Hittite literature by Ahmet Ünal, in Biblical archaeologist (‎1989)

The tablet from Yuzgat by Archibald Henry Sayce & Theophilus Pinches (1907)

La prière hittite, vocabulaire et typologie, by Emmanuel Laroche (1963)

Études sur les hiéroglyphes hittites by Emmanuel Laroche, in Syria (1954)

L'inscription hittite d'Alep

Les sceaux de Tarsus

Présages hittites traduits de l'akkadien by Marcel Leibovici, in Syria (1956)

map of the Hittite kingdom

The Hittite kingdom,
ca -1300

Hittite Civilization

studies about the Hittite civilization and literature, by Amir Gilan

Hittite ethnicity? constructions of identity in Hittite literature, in Anatolian interfaces, Hittites, Greeks and their neighbours (2008)

Epic and history in Hittite Anatolia, in search of a local hero (2010)

Hittite religious rituals and the ideology of kingship (2011)

The Hittite "Song of emergence" and the theogony, in Philologus (2014)

Hittites in Canaan? the archaeological evidence, in Biblial notes (2014)

Der Puḫānu-Text, theologischer Streit und politische Opposition in der althethitischen Literatur, in Altorientalische Forschungen (2004)

studies about the Hittite civilization and literature, by Harry Hoffner

Daily life among the Hittites (2003)

Histories and historians of the Ancient Near East: the Hittites (1980)

Birth and namegiving in Hittite texts, in Journal of Near Eastern studies (1968)

Theodicy in Hittite texts, in Theodicy in the World of the Bible (2003)

"The king's speech", royal rhetorical language, in Beyond Hatti (2013)

Les débuts de l'hittitologie, le rôle de la science allemande, by Isabelle Klock-Fontanille, in Revue germanique internationale (2012)

Les dieux de l'orage à Rome et les Hittites : étude de religion comparée, by Raphaël Nicolle, thesis (2015) + corpus

L'Égypte et les Hittites de 1370 à 1345, by Eugène Cavaignac, in Syria (1956)

The Hittites, the story of a forgotten empire, by Archibald Henry Sayce (1890)

The Hittites, their inscriptions and their history, by John Campbell (1890): I & II

Asie mineure, description géographique, historique et archéologique : Boghaz Keui, by Charles Texier (1862)


Revue hittite et asianique

Indoeuropean languages


Roman civilization

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025