• The Hittite inherited lexicon par Alwin Kloekhorst (2007)
• Towards a Hittite historical grammar
• An etymological dictionary of the Hittite inherited lexicon
• Hittite vocabulary by David Weeks (1985)
• Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
• Lexique hittite: Hittite-French dictionary, by Olivier Lauffenburger
• Hittite emotions in lexical and semantic grounds: a research into the history of emotions through the Hittite records, by João Paulo Galhano, thesis (2023)
• Hittite etymologies and notes, by Robert Woodhouse, in Studia linguistica universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis (2012)
• The Hittite name for garlic by Krzysztof Witczak (2006)
• On the etymology of Hittite kappar, "vegetable, a product of the garden", by Krzysztof Witczak (2002)
• studies about the Hittite vocabulary, by Harry Hoffner
• The language of the human body, from head to toe in Hittite (1996)
• Oil in Hittite texts, in The Biblical archaeologist (1995)
• Some Hittite etymologies by Henri Wittmann, in Die Sprache : I (1963) & II (1973)
• Retrograde glossary of the Hittite language by Jin Jie (1994) after the Glossaire inverse de la langue hittite of Pierre Reichert (1963)
• Les noms ethniques des sources hittites et leur correspondance avec l'ethnonymie de l'époque gréco-romaine, by Alexandre Baschmakoff, in Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé (1937)
• La « parole del re » nei testi giuridici e politici dell'Antico Regno: alcuini aspetti del lessico e della fraseologia ittita, by Paola Dárdano (2009)
• The Hittite language: recovery and grammar sketch, by Gary Beckman, in The Oxford handbook of Ancient Anatolia (2011)
• The Hittite grammar by Olivier Lauffenburger (2008)
• Hittitology today, studies on Hittite and Neo-Hittite Anatolia, edited by Alice Mouton (2014)
• The Luwian title of the Great King by Ilya Yakubovich
• The Hurrian language in Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age by Stefano de Martino
• L'individu et son corps en Anatolie hittite by Alice Mouton
• studies about the Hittite language, by Silvia Luraghi
• Hittite, in Encyclopedia of linguistics (2005)
• The structure and development of possessive noun phrases in Hittite (1987)
• Verb serialization and word order (1989)
• studies about the Hittite language, by Andrej Sideltsev
• studies about the Hittite language, by Alice Mouton
• Cunéiformes et hiéroglyphes chez les Hittites, in Histoire de déchiffrements (2009)
• Sur la différenciation entre rêve et parā handandatar dans les textes hittites, in Vita (2007)
• Le porc dans les textes religieux hittites : de la domestication au tabou, in Le cas des suidés dans le Proche-Orient ancien (2005)
• Altérations corporelles en Anatolie hittite, in Image and identity in the Ancient Near East (2022)
• Cunéiformes et hiéroglyphes chez les Hittites by Alice Mouton, in Histoire de déchiffrements (2009)
• L'introduction de l'écriture cunéiforme chez les Hittites au -IIe millénaire, by Olga Popova, in Écriture et communication (2015)
• University of Texas: Hittite language & grammar
• Grammatica ittita: Hittite grammar, by Paola Cotticelli Kurras (2006)
• Hittite et indo-européen, études comparatives, by Émile Benveniste (1962)
• The Hittites and their language by Claude Conder (1898)
• La position du hittite parmi les langues indo-européennes by Giuliano Bonfante, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (1939)
• Caractère indo-européen de la langue hittite by Carl Marstrander (1919)
• De la race et de la langue des Hittites by Léon de Lantsheere (1891)
• Die Sprache der Hethiter: the language of the Hittites, by Albert Debrunner (1921)
• Die Sprache der Hethiter: the language of the Hittites, by Friedrich Hrozný (1917)
• Composite nouns, verbs, and adjectives in Hittite by Harry Hoffner, in Orientalia (1966)
• The development of k in Hittite by Henri Wittmann, in Glossa (1969)
• Le ḫ hittite et les phonèmes laryngaux en indo-européen by Walter Couvreur, in L'Antiquité classique (1943)
• Les dérivés verbaux hittites en -ā(i)- et -ija- by Walter Couvreur, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (1938)
• Listes des hiéroglyphes hittites by Piero Meriggi, in Revue hittite et asianique (1937): I & II
• Sur le déchiffrement et la langue des hiéroglyphes « hittites » (1932)
• books & studies about the Hittite language: Academia.edu | Google books | Internet archive
• Hethitologie-Portal Mainz: Hittite texts, photographies of tablets in cuneiform characters (University of Wurtzbourg)
• The power of narrative in Hittite literature by Ahmet Ünal, in Biblical archaeologist (1989)
• The tablet from Yuzgat by Archibald Henry Sayce & Theophilus Pinches (1907)
• La prière hittite, vocabulaire et typologie, by Emmanuel Laroche (1963)
• Études sur les hiéroglyphes hittites by Emmanuel Laroche, in Syria (1954)
• L'inscription hittite d'Alep
• Présages hittites traduits de l'akkadien by Marcel Leibovici, in Syria (1956)
• studies about the Hittite civilization and literature, by Amir Gilan
• Hittite ethnicity? constructions of identity in Hittite literature, in Anatolian interfaces, Hittites, Greeks and their neighbours (2008)
• Epic and history in Hittite Anatolia, in search of a local hero (2010)
• Hittite religious rituals and the ideology of kingship (2011)
• The Hittite "Song of emergence" and the theogony, in Philologus (2014)
• Hittites in Canaan? the archaeological evidence, in Biblial notes (2014)
• Der Puḫānu-Text, theologischer Streit und politische Opposition in der althethitischen Literatur, in Altorientalische Forschungen (2004)
• studies about the Hittite civilization and literature, by Harry Hoffner
• Daily life among the Hittites (2003)
• Histories and historians of the Ancient Near East: the Hittites (1980)
• Birth and namegiving in Hittite texts, in Journal of Near Eastern studies (1968)
• Theodicy in Hittite texts, in Theodicy in the World of the Bible (2003)
• "The king's speech", royal rhetorical language, in Beyond Hatti (2013)
• Les débuts de l'hittitologie, le rôle de la science allemande, by Isabelle Klock-Fontanille, in Revue germanique internationale (2012)
• Les dieux de l'orage à Rome et les Hittites : étude de religion comparée, by Raphaël Nicolle, thesis (2015) + corpus
• L'Égypte et les Hittites de 1370 à 1345, by Eugène Cavaignac, in Syria (1956)
• The Hittites, the story of a forgotten empire, by Archibald Henry Sayce (1890)
• The Hittites, their inscriptions and their history, by John Campbell (1890): I & II
• Asie mineure, description géographique, historique et archéologique : Boghaz Keui, by Charles Texier (1862)
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