• Candrakanta abhidhana : dictionnaire assamais-anglais, University of Gauhati (1962)
• Dictionary Assamese and English : dictionnaire assamais-anglais, par Miles Bronson (1867)
• Phrases in English and Assamese par Harriet Cutter, révisé par Edward Clark (1877) + édition de 1840
• Brief vocabulary in English and Assamese par Susan Ward (1864)
• Some Assamese proverbs par Philip Richard Gurdon (1896)
• A linguistic study of 24 place names of Assam par Sarat Kumar Phukan, in International Symposium on languages and linguistics (2000)
→ clavier assamais (alphabet bengali avec quelques variantes, comme les caractères r et w)
• Wikipedia : Assamese language
• Dialects or variety of the Assamese language par Manash Jyoti Nirmalia, in Journal of Acharaya Narendra Dev Research Institute (2019)
• Fixing the Assamese language: "Tongue has no bone" (1800-1930), par Bodhisattva Kar, in Studies in History (2008)
• Language and policies in 19th-century Assam: war of words, par Madhumita Sengupta, in Indian Historical Review (2012)
• Representing Kamrupi: ideologies of grammar and the question of linguistic boundaries, in A multilingual nation translation and language dynamic in India (2017)
• Translation in Assamese : a brief account, par Biswadip Gogoi, in History of Translation in India (2017)
• Language and nationalism : comprehending the dynamics in 19th-century Assam (2016)
• Linguistic nationalism in early-colonial Assam : the American Baptist Mission and Orunodoi, par Arnab Dasgupta, in Rupkatha journal on interdisciplinary studies in humanities (2021)
• Derivational morphology of Assamese lexical word categories par Palash Das & Madhumita Barbora, in Indian Journal of Language and Linguistics (2020)
• Assamese: its formation and development par Banikanta Kakati (1941)
• Grammatical notices of the Asamese language par Nathan Brown (1848)
L'assamais est la langue parlée dans l'État de l'Assam, dans le nord-est de l'Inde. Il s'écrit avec l'alphabet bengali.
• Translation in Assamese: a brief account, par Biswadip Gogoi, in The history of translation in India (2017)
• Aspects of early Assamess literature par Banikanta Kakati (1953)
• YouVersion : traduction de la Bible en assamais (2019) (+ audio)
• Hymns in Assamese, cantiques en assamais publiés par la Mission baptiste (1850)
জন্মগত ভাবে সকলো মানুহ মৰ্যদা আৰু অধিকাৰত সমান আৰু স্বতন্ত্র।
তেওঁলােকৰ বিবেক আছে, বুদ্ধি আছে। তেওঁলােকে প্রত্যেকে প্রত্যেকক ভাতৃ ভাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা উচিত।
• Ethnicity, identity and cartography: possession/dispossession, homecoming/homelessness in contemporary Assam, par Parag Moni Sarma, in Studies of transition states and societies (2011)
• Becoming Hindu: the cultural politics of writing religion in colonial Assam, par Madhumita Sengupta, in Contributions to Indian Sociology (2021)
• The Matahs and their kingdom: castes and tribes of Assam, par Sristidhar Dutta (1985)
• The Assam Mission: papers and discussions, American Baptist Missionary Union (1886)
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