Welsh dictionary

Welsh Cymraeg
Dictionary - Geiriadur
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English > Welsh dictionary

University of Wales Glosbe MyMemory

Welsh > English dictionary

University of Wales Glosbe MyMemory

English > Welsh translation

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Welsh > English translation

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Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru: Dictionary of the Welsh language, historical dictionary & Welsh-English

University of Wales: Welsh-English dictionary

Lexicelt: Welsh-Irish dictionary

vocabulary by topics: phrases (+ audio) & grammar

Welsh-Catalan dictionary & etymology

Cyfystyron y gymraeg: dictionary of Welsh synonyms by Griffith Jones (1892)

Geiriadur Cymraeg a Saesneg, Spurell's Welsh-English dictionary (1934)

Geiriadur Cymraeg a Saesonaeg, A Dictionary of the Welsh language & grammar by William Spurrell (1848)

The Welsh vocabulary of the Bangor district, by Osbert Fynes-Clinton (1913)

Pocket dictionary Welsh-English, Geiriadur llogel Cymraeg a Saesoneg, by William Richards (1861)

English and Welsh dictionary, Geiriadur Seisoneg a Chymraeg, by Daniel Silvan Evans (1858)

A-G & H-Z

English and Welsh pronouncing dictionary, in which the pronunciation is given in Welsh letters, by Robert Prys (1857)

Pictorial dictionary by Eliza Pughe (~1840)

Vocabulary of familiar dialogues in English and Welsh by William Williams (1829)

English and Welsh dictionary by John Walters (1828)

A-J & K-Z

English-Welsh dictionary, Geiriadur Saesneg a Chymraeg, by William Evans & improved by T. Richards (1812)

English and Welch vocabulary or An Easy Guide to the Antient British Language, by Thomas Evans (1804)

The English and Welch dictionary by John Roderick (1737)

A Welsh classical dictionary: people in history and legend up to about a.d. 1000 (onomastic) by Peter Bartrum (1993)

Glossary of mediæval Welsh law, based upon the Black book of Chirk (Llyfr Du o'r Waun) by Timothy Lewis (1913)

Antiquæ Linguæ Britannicæ, nunc vulgo dictæ Cambro-Britannicæ et Linguæ Latinæ Dictionarum Duplex: Welsh-Latin dictionary, by John Davies (1632)

Antiquæ Linguæ Britannicæ (1809 edition)

e-Gymraeg: English-Welsh dictionary of place names (+ audio)

The place-names of Wales by Thomas Morgan (1912)

L'archéologie et la linguistique dans le pays de Galles by Joseph Loth, in Annales de Bretagne (1925) : I & - II

Welsh names by David Geraint Lewis (2001) online

Welsh language

Welsh keyboard to type the accents of the Welsh words

Learn 101: Welsh course (+ audio)

BBC learning Welsh

Clwb Malu Cachu: Welsh course & useful expressions, pronunciation

Welsh course by Mark Nodine

Dysgu digidol i Gymru, Digital learning for Wales

studies about the Welsh phonology, by Tomasz Czerniak

Welsh vowels, element distribution and interaction

The changing use of diminutive expressions in Welsh by Karolina Rosiak, in Celts and their cultures at home and abroad (2013)

The use of diminutives by speakers of Welsh by Karolina Rosiak, in Perspectives on Celtic languages (2009)

The role and importance of the Welsh language in Wales's cultural independence within the United Kingdom, by Sylvain Scaglia, master thesis (2012)

studies about the Medieval Welsh, by Helen Fulton

The status of the Welsh language in Medieval Wales, in The land beneath the sea (2013)

Modern Welsh grammar by Gareth King (2002)

Teach yourself Welsh (1960)

Welsh grammar, historical and comparative : phonology and accidence, by John Morris Jones (1913)

Guide to Welsh by Thomas Jones (1907): I & II

Welsh grammar for schools by Edward Anwyl (1907): I & II

Welsh as a specific subject for elementary schools (1891): I & II

Grammadeg Cymreig: Welsh grammar by Emrys Ap Iwan (1881)

Grammar of the Welsh language by Thomas Rowland (1876)

Grammadeg i'r iaith Gymraeg: grammar of the Welsh language, by John Williams & E. Roberts (1862)

Orgraph yr iaith Gymraeg: orthography of the Welsh language, by Robert John Pryse & Thomas Stephens (1859)

Grammadeg o iaith y Cymry, Grammar of the Welsh language, by William Spurrell (1853)

Practical Welsh grammar, Gramadeg Cymreig, by John Mendus Jones (1847)

Compendious Welsh grammar, Introduction to the Welsh language, by William Gambold (1843)

Grammar of the Welsh language by William Owen Pughe (1832)

Y llyfr cyntaf Pryderi fab Pwyll: first Welsh reader, elementary school books, by John Young Evans (1922)

Southall's bi-lingual reader adapted for Welsh elementary schools (1911):  I & II - III

Welsh and English for day schools: texts with vocabulary, grammar by Thomas Bowen (1897)

Cant o hanesion difyrus at wasanaeth ysgolion dyddiol, Tales for schools, with vocabulary (1893)

The English element in Welsh, a study of English loan-words in Welsh, by Thomas Herbert Parry-Williams (1923)

Some points of similarity in the phonology of Welsh and Breton by Thomas Herbert Parry-Williams (1913)

Wales and her language considered from a historical, educational and social standpoint with remarks on modern Welsh literature, by John Southall (1892)

Introduction to early Welsh by John Strachan (1909)

Le vieux gallois: Early Welsh, by Alexandre Falileyev (2008)

books about the Welsh language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

Audio & Video

WelshPlus (YouTube) NEW

Welsh pronunciation


BBC Cymru'r byd (radio)


Texts & Literature

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, National Library of Wales

Welsh Journals

Y Brython: Welsh magazine edited in 1858-1863

LyrikLine: Welsh poems, with translation (+ audio)

Dafydd ap Gwilym: the most famous Welsh poet (14th)

Aspects of Welsh Poetry in the 20th century, by Branwen Jarvis, in Caliban (1981)

The literature of the Kymry, being a critical essay on the history of the language and literature of Wales (12th-15th centuries) with ancient Welsh poetry & English translations, by Thomas Stephens & Daniel Silvan Evans (1876)

The history of the literature of Wales, from the year 1300 to the year 1650, by Charles Wilkins (1884)

The Renaissance and Welsh literature, being a review of some of the Welsh classics in the light of the humanistic movement, by William Meredith Morris (1908)

Wales in the seventeenth century, its literature and men of letters and action, by James Cornelius Morrice (1918)

Manual of Welsh literature by James Cornelius Morrice (1909)

An essay on the influence of Welsh tradition upon the literature of Germany, France and Scandinavia, by Albert Schultz (1841)

The Manibogion: the Welsh texts

The Mabinogion: the Welsh texts with a translation into English, by Charlotte Elizabeth Guest (1838): I & II - III

The text of the Mabinogion and other Welsh tales from the Red Book of Hergest, edited by John Rhys & John Gwenogvryn Evans (1887)

Peredur ab Efrawc & Welsh-English glossary, by Kuno Meyer (1887)

Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (The White Book of Rhydderch): manuscript

The history of Gruffydd ap Cynan, the Welsh text & translation into English, by Arthur Jones (1910)

The four ancient books of Wales containing the Cymric poems attributed to the bards of the sixth century, by William Skene (1868): I (introduction & tranlation) & II (Welsh texts)

Gwaith, Poetical works of Lewis Glyn Cothi, a celebrated bard who flourished in the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, Richard III and Henry VII, by John Jones (1837): I & II

Iolo manuscripts, selection of ancient Welsh manuscripts, with English translation & notes (1888)

Clychau'r Nadolig, hen garolau Cymreig, Christmas bells, old Welsh carols, with English translation by Thomas Gwynn Jones (1942)

Canu haf, Summer carols, with English translation by Thomas Gwynn Jones (1944)

books about Welsh literature: Google books & Internet archive translation of the Bible into Welsh Beibl Cymraeg Newydd (Revised New Welsh Bible) translation of the New Testament (+ audio)

Y Bibl Cyssegr-lan (1900)

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru: manuscripts & earliest books

Yny lhyvyr hwnn: the earliest book printed in Welsh (1546)

Y Beibl: The first translation of the Bible into Welsh, by William Morgan (1588)

the first Bible
translated into Welsh

the earliest book
printed in Welsh

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Genir pawb yn rhydd ac yn gydradd â'i gilydd mewn urddas a hawliau.
Fe'u cynysgaeddir â rheswm a chydwybod, a dylai pawb ymddwyn y naill at y llall mewn ysbryd cymodlon.

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in Welsh, Breton, Gaelic, English & other languages

Some Welsh words
Cymro [keum-ro] Welshman, plural: cymry, from kom-brog: kom has the same sens of the Latin cum (= with), brog means the country (cf. breton bro) ; Cymro means compatriote.
Cymru Wales, same origin of Cambria
cymraeg [keum-raïg] Welsh (language)
Yr Alban Scotland
Albanwr Écossais (personne)
Iwerddon Ireland
Llydaw Britanny
Llydaweg Breton (language)
Prydain (Great) Britain
Lloegr England
Sais Englishman cf. saxon
Saesne Anglaise
Saeson English people
Saesneg English (language)
Ffrainc France
Ffrancwr Frenchman (personne)
Ffrances Française
Ffrancod French people
Ffrangeg French (language)
iawn ! ok!
da iawn ! very good!
Wales - Cymru

Wales: maps, heritage & documents

Welsh anthem: Hen Wlad fy Nhadau (Land of my Fathers) bilingual Welsh, English & Breton version

Celtic languages

Cornish & Breton (Brythonic languages)

Irish & Scottish (Gaelic languages)

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025