Javanese dictionary

Javanese Basa Jawa
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English Javanese vocabulary by D. W. Egner (1920)

Vocabulary of the Duth, English and Javanese languages by Gottlob Bruckner (1842) in Javanese script

Dictionnaire javanais-français: Javanese-French dictionary, by Pierre Favre (1870) in Javanese script

Defense Language Institute: basic vocabulary (+ audio) - civil affairs - medical

Kawi-balineesch-nederlandsch glossarium op het oudjavaansche Rāmāyana (Kawi-Balinese-Dutch glossary from an Old Javanese text) by Hendrik Herman Juynboll (1902)

Kawi-balineesch-nederlandsch woordenboek (Kawi-Balinese-Dutch dictionary) by Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk (1897): I & II - III

Javanese language

Javanese keyboard (jawa) to type a text with the traditional Javanese script

Kawi keyboard to type a text in Old Javanese

Wikipedia: Javanese language

linguistic map of the Javanese language

Javanese script

SeaSite: Javanese & vocabulary

Reading a history of writing: heritage, religion and script change in Java, by Ronit Ricci, in Itinerario (2016)

La langue et la culture javanaises : entre modernisation et retraditionalisation, by Marcel Bonneff, in Archipel (1997)

Grammaire javanaise: Javanese grammar by Pierre Favre (1866)

Mémoire, lettres et rapports relatifs au cours de langues malaye et javanaise: letters and reports about the Javanese and Malay languages, by Édouard Dulaurier (1843)

Javaansche spraakkunst: Javanese grammar by H. Kiliaan (1919)

Javaansche spraakkunst: Javanese grammar by Philippus Pieter Roorda van Eysinga (1835)

Über die Kawi-sprache auf der insel Java: about the Kawi language of the Java island, by Wilhelm von Humboldt (1839): I & II - III

books about the Javanese language: Google books

Texts & Literature

The New Testament in Javanese (19th)

De Boeken des Ouden Verbonds: the Old Testament translated into Javanese (1854): I & II - III

Drie boeken van het oudjavaansche Mahābhārata in kawi-tekst en nederlandsche vertaling, vergeleken met den sanskrit-tekst (Old Javanese texts translated into Dutch, with Sanskrit texts) by Hendrik Herman Juynboll (1893)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Saben uwong kalairake kanthi mardika lan darbe martabat lan hak-hak kang padha.
Kabeh pinaringan akal lan kalbu sarta kaajab pasrawungan anggone memitran siji lan sijine kanthi jiwo sumadulur.

Pranyatan umum ngenani hak-hak asasi manungsa: translation into Javanese (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Indonesian, Malay, English & other languages

Indonesia & Java: maps & documents

Indonesian language or Malay language of Indonesia

Malay language

Dutch language

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2025