• Eulexis-Biblissima: online search in the Greek dictionaries: Liddell-Scott-Jones (Greek-English), Bailly (Greek-French), Pape (Greek-German)
• Philologic or Perseus: Greek-English lexicon by Henry Liddell & Robert Scott, completed by Henry Jones (LSJ) (1940)
• Lsj.gr: search in Greek, Latin, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese (Liddell-Scott-Jones, Woodhouse, Frisk, Pape…)
• Logeion: Greek-English dictionaries: Liddell-Scott-Jones, A Homeric Dictionary by Georg Autenrieth (1891), Lexicon to Pindar by William Slater (1969), Greek-French (Bailly), Greek-German (Pape), Greek-Spanish, Greek-Dutch & examples from the corpus
• Diccionario griego-español: Greek-Spanish dictionary (Instituto de lenguas y culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo)
• Léxico de magia y religión en los papiros mágicos griegos by Luis Muñoz Delgado (2001)
• Græsk-dansk ordbog: Greek-Danish dictionary
• Greek-English Lexicon by Henry Liddell & Robert Scott (1901)
• English-Greek Dictionary, Vocabulary of the Attic Language, by Sidney Chawner Woodhouse (1910)
• Λεξικον ελληνοανγλικόν: Greek-English Lexicon, by Νικόλαος Κοντόπουλος (1889)
• Λεξικόν Αγγλοελληνικόν: English-Greek Lexicon
• Πλήρες αγγλο-ελληνικόν λεξικόν: English-Greek Lexicon, by Αλέξανδρος Γεωργιάδης (1900)
• Greek-English word-list containing about 1000 most common Greek words, so arranged as to be most easily learned and remembered, by Robert Baird (1893)
• Greek and English Lexicon by James Donnegan (1840)
• Vocabulaire classique: Ancient and Modern Greek-English-French vocabulary by topics, by G. Poppleton & G. Theocharopoulos (1834)
• Dictionnaire grec-français: Greek-French dictionary, by Anatole Bailly, revised by Gérard Gréco, Mark De Wilde (etymology), Florent Cistac (toponymy) (2020)
• Dictionnaire grec-français: unabridged Greek-French dictionary, by Anatole Bailly (1935)
• Abrégé du dictionnaire grec-français: abridged Greek-French dictionary (1901)
• Λεξικόν ελληνο-λατινικόν: Greek-Latin dictionary, by Χρήστος Αδαμάντιος (1908)
• Λεξικόν ελληνο-λατινικόν: Greek-Latin dictionary, by Ευστράτιος Τσακαλώτος (1889)
• Trésor de la langue grecque: Greek-Latin dictionary, by Henri Estienne, revised by Charles-Benoît Hase (1830)
• Thesaurus linguæ græcæ: Greek-Latin dictionary, by Henri Estienne (1572)
• Lexicon græco-latinum seu Thesaurus linguæ græcæ: Greek-Latin dictionary, by Guillaume Budé (1526)
• Lexicon to Herodotus by Enoch Powell (1938)
• Wörterbuch zu den homerischen Gedichten by Georg Autenrieth (1873)
• A Homeric dictionary for schools and colleges, translated by Robert Keep, revised by Isaac Flagg (1896)
• An illustrated dictionary to Xenophon's Anabasis, with groups of words etymologically related, by John Williams White & Morris Morgan (1892)
• A lexicon to Æschylus by William Linwood (1847)
• Handbook of Greek synonyms by Alexandre Pillon (1850)
• Synonymes grecs (1847)
• Handwörterbuch der griechischen Sprache: Greek-German dictionary, by Wilhelm Pape (1880)
• Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen: Dictionary of Greek proper names, by Wilhelm Pape & Gustav Eduard Benseler (1884)
• Griechisch-deutsches Schul- und Handwörterbuch: Greek-German dictionary, by Wilhelm Gemoll (1908)
• Μέγα λεξικόν όλης της ελληνικής γλώσσης : Grand dictionnaire de la langue grecque (ancienne & moderne) par Dimitris Dimitrakos (Δημήτρης Δημητράκος) (1964)
α (I) - ανεντ (II) - ασπιδ (III) - γεωδα (IV) - δυσεμ (V) - επαλε (VI) - ηδονι (VII) - καταφ (VIII) - ληθιο (IX) - νεκτα (X) - παραβ (XI) - πολυα (XII) - σβησι (XIII) - συρρυ (XIV) - υφαιρ (XV)
• Ετυμολογικο λεξικο αρχαιας ελληνικης (Etymological dictionary of the Ancient Greek) by Ευαγγελος Μαντουλιδης (2009)
• Ετυμολογικόν λεξικόν της αρχαίας ελληνικής (Etymological dictionary of the Ancient Greek) by Johann Baptist Hofmann (1950)
• Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque (Etymological dictionary of the Greek language) by Pierre Chantraine (1968)
• Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque (Etymological dictionary of the Greek language) by Émile Boisacq (1916)
• Etyma græca, Etymological lexicon of classical Greek, by Edward Wharton (1890)
• Some Greek etymologies (1894)
• Principles of Greek etymology by Georg Curtius (1886): I & II
• Grundzüge der griechischen Etymologie (1879)
• Griechisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (Greek etymological dictionary) by Hjalmar Frisk (1960)
• Handbuch der griechischen Etymologie (Greek etymological dictionary) by Leo Meyer (1901)
α, ε, ο, η, ω | ι, αι, ει, οι, υ, αυ, ευ, ου, κ, ξ, π, ψ, τ | γ, β, δ, ζ, χ, φ, θ | ς, ν, μ, ρ, λ
• Etymologisches Wörterbuch der griechischen Sprache (Etymological dictionary of the Greek language) by Wilhelm Pape (1836)
• Ετυμολογικόν το Μέγα, ήγουν η Μεγάλη Γραμματική (Etymologicum Magnum) 12th-century etymological dictionary, edited by Friedrich Sylburg in 1594 (1816, new edition)
• Ετυμολογικόν Μέγα κατά αλφάβητον πάνυ ωφέλιμον (Etymologicum Magnum): Greek manuscript (1499)
• Geschichte der griechischen Etymologika (History of the Greek etymology) by Richard Reitzenstein (1897)
• Glossary of Greek birds by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson (1885)
• Les noms des oiseaux en grec ancien (The names of the birds in Ancient Greek) by Robert Fritz (1911)
→ Ancient Greek keyboard to type a text with the Greek script & diacritics
→ Greek conversion > Latin script
→ Transliterated Greek keyboard to type a text with the Latin script
→ Online test to learn to recognize the Greek letters
• RussellCottrell: Greek number convertor
• AtticGreek: Ancient Greek tutorials, by Donald Mastronarde
• Pronunciation guide of the Greek alphabet (+ audio)
• Ancient Greek for everyone: essential morphology and syntax for beginning Greek, by Wilfred Major & Michael Laughy
• Hellenistic Greek by Micheal Palmer
• Ancient Greek, a 21st century approach: Greek grammar, by Philip Peek (2021) NEW
• Greek grammar for colleges, by Herbert Weir Smyth (1920) + text version Perseus + 1916 edition
• Greek grammar: revised edition, by Gordon Messing (1956)
• Comparative grammar of the Greek language by Joseph Wright (1912)
• A minimum of Greek, Handbook of Greek derivatives for the Greek-less classes of schools and for students of science, by Henry Auden & Allan Taylor (1906)
• Grammar of Attic and Ionic Greek by Frank Cole Babbitt (1902)
• School grammar of Attic Greek by Thomas Dwight Goodell (1902)
• The beginner's Greek book by Ivory Franklin Frisbee (1898)
• Greek grammar by William Goodwin (1892)
• Elementary Greek grammar (1887)
• Syntax of the moods and tenses of the Greek verb (1882)
• First Greek grammar by William Gunion Rutherford (1888)
• Compendious Greek grammar, for the use of schools and colleges, by William Duguid Geddes (1888)
• Grammar of the Greek language for students, by George Curtius (1882)
• Greek grammar for beginners by William Henry Waddell (1873)
• Greek grammar for schools and colleges, by James Hadley (1868)
• Greek grammar for the use of high schools and universities, by Philipp & Alexander Buttmann (1856)
• Greek grammar by Philipp Buttmann (1822)
• Greek grammar by Frederick Thiersch (1830)
• Grammar of the Homeric dialect by David Monro (1891)
• The dialects of north Greece by Herbert Weir Smyth (1887)
• Greek verbs, irregular and defective, by William Veitch (1887)
• A Greek grammar: syntax by Gustave Simonson (1911)
• A Greek grammar: accidence (1903)
• Syntax of classical Greek, from Homer to Demosthenes, by Basil Gildersleeve & Charles Miller (1900): I & II
• First Greek syntax by William Gunion Rutherford (1890)
• Syntax of the Greek language, especially of the Attic dialect, for the use of schools, by Johan Nicolai Madvig (1873)
• Syntax of the moods and tenses of the Greek verb by William Goodwin (1879)
• A brief Greek syntax, and hints on Greek accidence, by Frederic Farrar (1870)
• The sounds and inflections of the Greek dialects, Ionic, by Herbert Weir Smyth (1894)
• Short grammar of the Greek New Testament, for students familiar with the elements of Greek, by A. T. Robertson (1912)
• Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the light of historical research (1914)
• Grammar of New Testament Greek by Friedrich Blass (1905)
• Grammar of the New Testament Greek by Alexander Buttmann (1878)
• books & papers about the Greek language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia
• Perseus: Greek texts (Greek script & transliteration) & translation into English
• Hypertexte with concordance table
→ the Bible in Greek: Septuagint & New Testament
→ Mycenaean Greek & B Linear
→ Homer